Supplicating the Heavens

Siddha Yoga Satsang with Gurumayi
Friday, January 3, 2020

Introduction by Eesha Sardesai

On Friday, January 3, 2020, a Siddha Yoga satsang with Gurumayi was held in Shree Muktananda Ashram. The satsang took place from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (USA), and its sole purpose was to invoke blessings in the form of rain for Australia.

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Over the last several months, what seemed like isolated bushfires here and there in Australia have become massive conflagrations endangering the region’s people, plants, and wildlife. These fires have been compounded by long-standing drought.

It is natural, when confronted with such tragedy—and especially one that is at so great a scale—for people to wonder what they can do; how they can help; what ability they have to ameliorate the situation. On the Siddha Yoga path, Gurumayi teaches that one thing we can all do—regardless of where we are in the world or what resources we may or may not have at our disposal—is pray. We can offer our prayers, and we can send our blessings. There is untold power in satsang, and in doing the Siddha Yoga practices for the benefit of this planet and its inhabitants. Many people have, individually, been sending their prayers and blessings; still, there is nothing quite like the power of collective intention. This is why Gurumayi asked that everyone join forces.

At Gurumayi’s request, the satsang on January 3 resounded with music composed in the Megh Malhar raga. This is a raga that makes the clouds gather naturally and shower pure, clean water on the land below.

Gurumayi sang the bhajan Jhari Lagai Mahaliya Gagana Gheheray, and as she did, participants listened intently and joined in singing. This bhajan, which was written by the poet-saint Dharmadas, draws upon the imagery of rain-clouds pouring down nectar in the inner sky. Gurumayi created the music for this bhajan in Sydney in 1997, during her Teachings Visit to Australia. She composed the melody in the Megh Malhar raga.

Following the bhajan, Gurumayi gave everyone the guidance to visualize the gentle rain sparkling as it cascaded down; to visualize this rain soothing the burning earth; to visualize every spark of fire transmuting into water and glistening with moisture. Gurumayi led everyone in singing AUM, and as the primordial sound pulsed all around, participants walked around the satsang hall playing rainmaker instruments.

It was so evident in that moment: people’s intentions and visualizations, combined with the power of the sound AUM arising from the very universe itself, were indeed traveling toward Australia and New Zealand. The experience was beautiful, indescribably so. It was as though the satsang participants were representative of everyone in the world who had been so fervently wishing for Australia to be relieved of its anguish.

Swami Akhandananda guided everyone into meditation with a dharana of gentle rain falling in abundance upon the earth of Australia. This dharana was inspired and accompanied by sounds in the Megh Malhar raga.

Then came chanting of Om Namah Shivaya—the mantra of the Siddha Yoga lineage, the mantra of protection, the mantra that Siddha Yogis sing to offer prayers and send blessings. The raga was the same: Megh Malhar. With each repetition of the mantra, the rasas of this raga—its qualities of strength and deep happiness, its evocation of rain—became even more palpable. The swells of music ebbed and flowed under everyone’s voices; participants continued to hold in their awareness the image of rain falling down on the affected land; the chant and the satsang as a whole became remarkable illustrations of the power of collective intention.

And now, some of the elements from this satsang are available on the Siddha Yoga path website, so that everyone in the global sangham may continue to join in sending prayers and blessings to Australia.

Remember: We are one humanity. We are interconnected. We must come together in times of harmony and in times of tragedy. We must galvanize our awareness of our own unity.

Remember: We must help one another. We must lay down our defenses and set aside our differences. We must move forward with the readiness to respond to the needs of others, and to give support, in ways large and small, without reservation.

Remember: We are one earth. So if one part of this earth is hurting, then it should matter. We should all feel it. We should all find a way to extend the goodness of our hearts.

May our hands always spread compassion. May our hands grant protection to others. May our hands always uphold the greatness of this planet.

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Jhari Lagai Meheliya Gagana Gheheray
Varuna Gayatri Mantra
Parjanya Sukta
Om Dyauh Shanti
The Power of Prayer
Video of Rain
Venkappanna, Master Chef
Nisidina Barasata Naina Hamare
Kundalini Stavah

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    I want to thank all the Siddha Yogis around the world who have continued to send their prayers and blessings to Australia. These blessings have been flowing for months in the form of widespread pockets of rain, until just this week, we had extended soaking rain across a much larger area of Australia, including areas that had been in drought for years. 
    It has been so inspiring and heartwarming to feel the tangible support of all of you and to know that the Siddha Yoga path shows us how to use the goodness of our own hearts to send blessings to others and how this collective action can make such a difference.

    Wolli Creek, Australia

    Last night Siddha Yogis celebrated Mahashivaratri at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Sydney. As we all chanted Om Namah Shivaya, our voices were joined by the rumble of thunder outside. When it came time to meditate, the thunder had stopped and we heard only the sound of falling rain as the backdrop to our inner focus. What perfect synchronicity!
    Over the last few weeks we have had rain, abundant rain, gushing rain—and our fires are out. 
    We thank the Siddha Yoga lineage for the path we tread. We thank Gurumayi for the sublime gift of her satsang for Australia on January 3, and for the solace and strength it gave to all of us. We thank the Siddha Yogis from all over the world who sent Australia their prayers and blessings. We felt them. 
    Happy Mahashivaratri to everyone! 

    Redfern, Australia

    I currently work with the crisis team in Australia’s largest fire agency, responding to the bushfires. When I heard about the Siddha Yoga Satsang with Gurumayi, “Shri Guru Gita Recitation: Sending Blessings and Rain to Australia,” I knew that with such active fires, I would need to be on duty at work. At first I was disappointed that I couldn’t participate in the satsang; then I decided that at this time my work is my service. Nevertheless, as the satsang was taking place, I was very aware of everyone gathering in the Universal Hall with Gurumayi.
    When a quiet moment arrived, I slipped away to a small room to watch  the satsang. Just as I sat down, Gurumayi looked into the camera, and I felt she was talking directly to me. What I heard her say felt like a confirmation that my work was exactly where I needed to be. Taking the hint, I swiftly stood up and returned to my desk so I could be on duty.
    How wonderfully synchronistic! I recall Gurumayi’s shimmering eyes as she spoke and then nodded, as if she were confirming that I’d received her guidance correctly.
    I am still here—on duty. 

    Hurlstone Park, Australia

    My Queensland home has been filled, day and night, with the sound of beautiful, grace-filled rain. Ever since our satsang with Gurumayi, the drought here is being broken daily. 
    I am so grateful for all the prayers and love that have been offered, which fill my heart with delight and relief.

    Brisbane, Australia

    As the crisis in Australia unfolded, I became aware of an even deeper layer of Siddha Yoga studentship being revealed. Even though the fires were on the other side of the planet from where I live, when I saw the videos of what was happening there, it became personal and there was no way I could sit back and do nothing.
    I am so thankful that Gurumayi provided a vehicle through which I could channel my feelings of despair into positive action. Seeing the global Siddha Yoga sangham come together to offer support in the face of the fires has awakened in me a new respect and appreciation for what it means to be a Siddha Yoga student. I witnessed the unbreakable strength and goodness in the global Siddha Yoga sangham, as the satsangs with Gurumayi inspired an incredible wave of prayers. And now it’s raining in Australia. The miracle taking place is magnificent!
    We are profoundly connected. We are one world, one family. What happens to one matters to us all.

    West Vancouver, Canada

    I pray that all the elements come into complete balance now. Where there is need for rain, let the rain fall in exactly the right amount. Where there is need for sunshine, let the sun shine at exactly the right time. May all come into harmony in God’s creation and may Mother Earth, who offers her gifts so abundantly, be very pleased.

    Washington, United States

    As I offered my recitation of Shri Guru Gita to blessings and rain for Australia, I had the experience that the sacred syllables turned into droplets of rain that fell gently, with love, upon Australia. This continued throughout the entire recitation.

    New York, United States

    When these prayers for rain were posted and the Siddha Yoga sangham began praying together for rain, I felt my own prayers magnified exponentially by the Guru’s grace. I was in touch with a friend in New South Wales and shared with her that Siddha Yogis from around the world were praying for and visualizing rain that would quench the fires and soothe the Earth. She was so grateful and felt so consoled. Then today she sent me a video of rain falling and creating big puddles at her house, with deep thunder in the background. She was giggling and cheering with such delight! They were having a thunderstorm in the middle of summer, when it never rains!

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for bringing us together in prayer to bring comfort and sweet, rainy blessings to our beloved Earth and all of God’s creatures.

    Illinois, United States

    On January 5 at 2:00 AM (Spanish time) my three-year-old daughter came into our bed and by 3:30 she had basically pushed me out of bed to make space for herself. When I got up a bit dazed and looked at my phone, there was a text message from a friend sharing about the recitation of Shri Guru Gita with the intention of bringing rain to Australia. Though the live stream recitation had already taken place, at that moment I knew the reason I was awake was to add my voice to this intention and prayer. After reciting Shri Guru Gita, I meditated and felt profoundly content.

    I am grateful to those friends who are generous enough to keep me posted about events in the sangham so we can all be on the same page and to my daughter for insisting I get out of bed.

    I am grateful to Gurumayi for always inspiring me to do what is right, what is selfless, and what connects me to the supreme Self.

    Barcelona, Spain

    I now understand the importance of extending my support and prayers to any person or community passing through a difficult time. This is one of the ways I can cultivate the virtue of unity.

    Dulwich Hill, Australia

    I participated in the Shri Guru Gita recitation from home on Sunday, January 5. I felt my home was blessed.

    It was a beautiful and powerful satsang and, since then, I have been visualizing rain falling on the heads of the firefighters, seeing them taking their helmets off and raising their faces to the heavens to be washed by rain.

    I felt the power of this universal call for rain and know it will not go unanswered. We had light showers late yesterday and are promised more later in the week. 

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for caring so much for the people, the wildlife, and the forests.

    Mosman, Australia

    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her clear direction and compassion. As we recited Shri Guru Gita and meditated during the live stream with Gurumayi, I experienced a lifting of the grief I had been carrying. During meditation I had a vision of myself standing in a charred forest landscape. There were no sounds, no sunlight. A very heavy, cool mist or fog gently enveloped the forest and me. It seemed to me that it had rained, and the spirit of fire had returned to earth.

    Perth, Australia

    Yesterday, in the beautiful Siddha Yoga Ashram in Sydney, I participated in a live video stream satsang in which we recited Shri Guru Gita with Gurumayi to bring blessings and rain to Australia.
    As I experienced the life-restoring energy, compassion, and love flowing from Gurumayi toward our suffering forests and wildlife, my tears, which I had held back for so long, started to flow. I envisioned my tears joining in with a gentle rain falling and restoring our parched forests and lands.  
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for bringing hope back to me through the redeeming power of your endless love and compassion. 

    Sydney, Australia

    My heart has been aching for my Australia and for Australians—the firefighters, the land, the trees, the animals, and every dry blade of grass. I live in a rural area in the north central part of the state of Victoria. The heat has been so intense and the “dry” so persistent. But right now, after the live video stream from Shree Muktananda Ashram, the earth is radiating that rare but delicious fragrance that only rain can produce. She’s happy! It was a light rain, a little timid at first but now I hear it becoming consistently heavier.
    During the live video stream satsang, while reciting Shri Guru Gita, I imagined my tears spreading throughout our region, washing over the fire-stricken areas and gently calming the fires. This satsang provided exactly the right tool at exactly the right time to be of great service.

    Echuca, Australia

    Today I took part in a satsang via live video stream from Shree Muktananda Ashram, in which Siddha Yogis in Australia and New Zealand recited Shri Guru Gita to send blessings and rain to Australia. It was the answer to my heartfelt plea. For many days, as the scale and severity of the bushfire disaster became clearer, there had been prayers—and tears—over such immense suffering, and also a feeling of helplessness.
    Then beloved Gurumayi provided the perfect vehicle for me to focus all my intention to help, and to send the most powerful of blessings. As I recited the verses, an image came to me of a great, luminous funnel that took in all our mantras and love and showered Australia with a shining, soothing balm.
    I am deeply grateful for this chance to join other Siddha Yogis in sending these powerful blessings to Australia.

    Auckland, New Zealand

    During the recitation of Shri Guru Gita for Australia and New Zealand that was live video streamed from Shree Muktananda Ashram to those countries today, I held the visualization of gentle rain saturating charred trees and ashen earth, and dripping from new shoots that will hopefully emerge from our hardy eucalyptus trees.
    I felt so grateful to be able to participate in this inspired application of the Siddha Yoga practices to focus our energies on “supplicating the heavens” for much-needed rain.
    I am very moved by the leadership and active compassion of Gurumayi and the SYDA Foundation in creating this satsang for all of us to generate prayers and blessings for Australia and New Zealand at this time of unprecedented bushfires in Australia and the volcanic eruption in New Zealand. Many thanks to everyone who participated. What a wonderful path we all follow together!

    Wolli Creek, Australia

    The tears of my heart well up within me as I think of and feel for this great land of ours. This amazing country of indescribable beauty, the vast and varied array of animals, birds, plants, and flowers that inhabit every mountain, forest, desert, and plain, every river, lake, and ocean. And the wonderful people that call this place home and who visit its shores. May the blessing of pure life-giving rain be upon us all!
    So much gratitude swells in my heart, mind, and spirit as I feel, and am buoyed by, the immense love and support being offered by so many of you from all around the world, and by all the Siddhas and gods who are looking over us now.
    I offer my love and heartfelt thanks to Gurumayi, whose blessings are the rain that nourishes my life.

    Marybrook, Australia

    It was a sunny afternoon, and I was translating “Supplicating the Heavens”—the letter about the satsang that Gurumayi held on January 3 “to invoke blessings in the form of rain for Australia”—into Portuguese. When I was translating the dharana about visualizing a gentle rain falling upon the land of Australia, I looked out the window of my office and suddenly the sky became dark and a heavy rain began to fall.
    I began to talk to the rain as a living being and said “Dear rain, you are so abundant here. So please, I ask you to send a part of yourself to Australia, where you haven’t been falling for a long time.” For a moment I closed my eyes and visualized the gentle rain falling upon the dry land of Australia.
    I immediately went into a deep peaceful state and felt gratitude. I felt that I had also been blessed. I realized that when I offer blessings, I get in contact with my higher Self, the source of supreme peace.

    Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil

    I look out from my prayer room across the smoke-filled valley and I experience the blessings of Gurumayi’s Message for 2020 raining down, showering us and the earth with love.

    Bathurst, Australia

    It has rained a little three times in recent days, here where I live. Once in the evening when Gurumayi’s “Season’s Greetings” card came onto the website. Once at around 2 a.m. on the morning before Sweet Surprise 2020. And once at about 2 a.m. on the morning of January 3, the day that Gurumayi held a satsang “to invoke blessings in the form of rain for Australia.”
    I used to play the bhajan by Dharmadas called Jhari Lagai Mahaliya Gagana Gheheray every morning, but last year I stopped. So now I’ll put it on again.
    May the heavens open, may the rains come, may the fires be extinguished,  may the dams be filled, and may we smell once again the fragrance of rain-soaked earth.

    Sydney, Australia

    Yesterday, I was sitting in front of my computer when I felt the urge to send prayers and blessings for humanity and the earth as a whole. I was surprised by this sudden feeling, but I responded to it by visiting the Siddha Yoga path website to look for a practice that could support me. I found my way to the “Prayers and Blessings” page of the website. It was the end of the afternoon here in Paris.
    This morning I was amazed to find out that I started chanting Pasayadan,  the prayer by Jnaneshvar Maharaj, at the exact same time that the satsang for Australia began in Shree Muktananda Ashram.
    Yes, we are one, and I am profoundly honored to be connected to our beloved Guru and to Siddha Yogis around the world through our shared intention of spreading love and blessings.

    Paris, France

    My family’s ability to get home has been affected by the road closures due to the bushfires in Australia. Yesterday I joined in two collective meditations to pray for rain in Australia. I also asked for Gurumayi’s and Baba’s grace. So I was amazed when I saw this posting, “Supplicating the Heavens” on the website! My prayers have been heard!
    The deepest joy, love, gratitude, and hope are overflowing in my heart.

    Perth, Australia

    Seeing the beautiful, powerful blessings here, I am moved to tears. There is a warm glow in my heart, from the love that is present here. I am deeply grateful.

    Watson, Australia

    As we chanted AUM with Gurumayi in the sweet and melodious Megh Malhar raga, my heart welled up with deep compassion for Australia and all its inhabitants. Gentle tears began to fall from my eyes and I thought of them as raindrops falling softly on the earth and dousing the fires. I could easily visualize the entire country being washed clean and rejuvenated by the sweet rain.

    May all of our prayers and love bear fruit and bring relief to our beloved friends in Australia and to the entire country.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    My consciousness has been filled with fire. So many have been affected either directly or indirectly—people, animals, huge forests, tiny plants. My heart has been weeping. 
    Now the mantra resounds within and the sensation of rain and peace fills me, steadies me, sets my intention, and helps me visualize life-giving rain for our country. 
    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her benevolent blessings.  

    Hurlstone Park, Australia

    In this satsang with Gurumayi, the intention and focus to send blessings to Australia was so powerful that I felt I was in another realm.
    During the entire satsang, while meditating, chanting AUM, and chanting Om Namah Shivaya, I imagined Bade Baba—whose skin was the color of heavy rain clouds—sitting above all of Australia, gently showering drops of rain with so much love across the entire surface.  

    Shree Muktananda Ashram