Varuna Gayatri Mantra

Varuna Gayatri Mantra

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    This share is about Varuna Gayatri Mantra

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    I love this prayer. Even if water is as colorless as the air in a mountain sky, it takes on a beautiful blue color in a pure river or a pure ocean. It reveals to me Consciousness, which manifests itself in the beauty of nature. I see in this blue purity the imprint of Lord Varuna. 
    By reciting this mantra with a healing intention, I invoke Lord Varuna, the Blue Being, to come to the aid of everyone and everything in Australia.

    Rodez, France

    I had heard of the Blue Being, but who knew there was a “sphere of water”? What an amazing mantra! It intrigued me so much that I immediately wanted to memorize it. As I repeated it, I was filled with excitement and joy to be shown a new path to the Self. I am filled with gratitude at the prospect of learning more.

    Mayfield, Australia