The Texts of Vedanta

Vedanta is one of the six traditional schools of Indian philosophy. Siddha Yoga meditation draws on the Advaita, or non-dual school of Vedanta, which emphasizes the one supreme principle that is the foundation of the universe.

  • Upanishads
    The inspired teachings, visions and mystical experiences of the ancient sages of India, the Upanishads form the concluding portion of the Vedas. With immense variety of form and style, all of these scriptures (exceeding one hundred texts) give the same essential teaching: that the individual soul and God are one.
  • Vedas
    Among the most ancient, revered, and sacred of the world’s scriptures, the four Vedas—the Rig Veda, Atharva Veda, Sama Veda, and Yajur Vedaare regarded as divinely revealed, eternal wisdom.
  • Viveka Chudamani or The Crest Jewel of Discrimination
    An eighth-century philosophical commentary on Advaita Vedanta written by the sage Shankaracharya, this text expounds the teaching that only Brahman, the Absolute, is real.
  • Yoga Vasishtha
    A very popular Sanskrit text on Advaita Vedanta, probably written in the twelfth century, this text is ascribed to the sage Valmiki. In it, Vasishtha answers Lord Rama’s philosophical questions on life, death, and human suffering by teaching that the world is as you see it and that illusion ceases when the mind is stilled.