The Texts of Kashmir Shaivism

One of the cornerstones of the Siddha Yoga tradition, Kashmir Shaivism is a branch of the Shaivite philosophical tradition that explains how the formless supreme principle, known as Shiva, manifests the universe. It is a tradition that recognizes the role of the Guru and shaktipat in spiritual unfolding. It also describes the means or practices that enable us to reconnect with our innate divinity.

  • Shiva Sutras

    The Shiva Sutras are the scriptural authority for Kashmir Shaivism. A Sanskrit text revealed by Lord Shiva to the sage Vasugupta in the ninth century, it consists of seventy-seven sutras or aphorisms detailing the nature of Consciousness.

  • Pratyabhijnahridayam

    Literally translated as The Heart of the Doctrine of Recognition, this is an eleventh-century treatise by Kshemaraj. It states, in essence, that individuals have forgotten their true nature by identifying with the body. Realization is a process of recognizing or remembering one’s true nature, the inner Self, full of supreme bliss and love.

  • Spanda Karikas

    One of the fundamental scriptures of Kashmir Shaivism, this ninth-century collection of 53 verses describes how the yogi who remains alert can perceive the divine vibration, or spanda, in all moments of daily life, thus regaining the vision of unity-consciousness.

  • Vijnana Bhairava

    An exposition of the path of yoga originally composed in Sanskrit sometime prior to the ninth century, it describes 112 dharanas or centering exercises which give the immediate experience of union with God.

  • Kularnava Tantra

    This ancient treatise sheds light on the mysteries of the Guru, the disciple, the mantra, and worship as cornerstones of our spiritual evolution.