Muktananda Dhyana Saptah: A Siddha Meditation Event

The Muktananda Dhyana Saptah is an opportunity for Siddha Yoga students to spend a day in silence, focused fully on the practice of meditation. This event is designed for students who have established a regular meditation practice and can participate in meditation sessions up to one hour in length.

The day includes a succession of extended meditations, reflecting on teachings from Gurumayi Chidvilasananda and Baba Muktananda, chanting the Siddha Yoga mantra, and practicing silence.

  • 1 Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensive
  • Adults: $150
  • Yuvas (18–24 years of age): $50

Optional overnight accommodations are available in select locations.

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    Last year I participated in a Muktananda Dhyana Saptah at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Boston. I felt fully engaged in each element of the one-day retreat: chanting the mantra, meditating, and observing the practice of silence. The next day I was in awe at how I perceived the world around me. Everything was scintillating with renewed light and beauty. I delighted in a profound experience of purity and lightness in my being.
    After bathing in this sacred river of the Muktananda Dhyana Saptah, I felt rejuvenated, and wondered at the sense of freshness permeating my being. I now plan my schedule to make this a yearly practice so that I can continue to immerse myself in the gift of this silent meditation retreat.

    a staff member in Shree Muktananda Ashram