Students’ Experiences of the Home Study Course

Read what students have written about how they have benefitted from their study of the Siddha Yoga Home Study Course.

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I have been practicing Siddha Yoga for about fifteen years and came to the course with curiosity and a longing to be more strongly established in study and sadhana. This course has allowed me to reencounter the Siddha Yoga teachings with a beginner’s mind and rediscover their power and depth as a guiding compass in my life. The course offers many practical and creative tools for applying the Guru’s teachings, and these are always presented in a compassionate, insightful, and encouraging manner. For me, spending an hour on Sunday mornings in the quiet, illumined space of the course—relishing the time to be with myself in a nourishing way—has been a highlight of my year.

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Whenever I sit down to do part of the course I come away feeling more centered, more in my body, energized, and connected to my path in a deeper way.

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Through the methods taught in this course, I am finally becoming aware of what it means to intensify my sadhana. For me it means to put the focus of my actions, thoughts, and interactions on attaining the vision of seeing God everywhere—on seeing the light, which Gurumayi so beautifully describes, everywhere.

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I am truly loving the Home Study Course The Power of Siddha Yoga: Path of the Heart. I am able to apply the teachings concretely and specifically every day and I have experienced many valuable revelations and insights. I also appreciate having several authors and am enjoying the variety of their approaches to learning the Guru’s teachings.

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I would like to express my gratitude for The Power of Siddha Yoga Meditation course. It is beautiful in its content and so easy to incorporate in my daily schedule. I am experiencing a deep contentment that I didn’t have before. I am feeling Gurumayi’s presence constantly with me.

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After years of attempting to meditate and trying to establish a steady meditation practice, this course has helped me to do exactly that. Within the first week I was meditating every day, and from that a steady practice has evolved. Now, each lesson is taking me to a new level of meditation experience.

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Thank you so much for the course, The Power of Recognition: Kundalini Shakti. From the very beginning, as I focused on the different ways the Kundalini energy manifests in my life and offers me guidance, I found my daily experience of living becoming so much more colorful and rich with meaning. Also, after many years of sadhana, I’ve finally had the experience of what it means to identify oneself as the witness, and this has created greater ease and perceptiveness in my Siddha Yoga practices and also in my interactions with others.

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Reviewing what I’ve gained from The Power of Siddha Yoga Contemplation course, what I saw was a complete change in the way I view the Self and the way I’m intentionally, actively living my sadhana.

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The monthly contemplations and exercises offer a way to remain steadfast in the practices during my daily routine. Being able to explore each lesson in my own time allows me to study the teachings in a regular, relaxed way. Soon after I began the Home Study Course, I found I had an increased commitment to actively engage in the Siddha Yoga practices.