Learn About Anukampā

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Introduction to Anukampā

Birthday Bliss—Anukampā

Gurumayi's birthday wish was to celebrate her birthday with all the Siddha Yogis and new seekers around the world. For this initiative, Gurumayi chose the word Anukampā. Gurumayi shared that she loves this Sanskrit word, which means benevolence, grace, and compassion. Anukampā also refers to the compassionate vibrations of the heart.

Gurumayi gave inspiration for the themes of each video chapter in Birthday Bliss—Anukampā, and gave the Sanskrit titles that represent the Siddha Yoga teachings and practices.

Shiva-Shakti Movement

In each chapter of Birthday Bliss—Anukampā, graceful and beautiful movements are expressed. Gurumayi’s wish was for the images and videos to portray the continuous rhythm, the natural dance that is inherent throughout the universe.

In 2013 Gurumayi gave "Shiva-Shakti Movement" as the title for all the exercise sessions—such as hatha yoga, tai chi, creative dance, and so on—held by the SYDA Foundation Hatha Yoga Department in Shree Muktananda Ashram and as part of Siddha Yoga teaching and learning events sponsored by the SYDA Foundation. Shiva-Shakti Movement refers to a physical expression of the awakened divine energy that moves within the body. It invokes the boundless, creative power of Shakti and the ever-present stillness of Shiva.

The purpose of Shiva-Shakti Movement is to increase one's awareness of the natural impulse of the body to move freely in space, while still being grounded and connected to the earth. It also develops one's spatial awareness in relation to the world around them.

In Shiva-Shakti Movement, Siddha Yogis develop the awareness that each part of the body is connected. All parts must be aligned and working together in harmony, to bring about the optimal experience of living. As Siddha Yogis offer seva and go about their daily lives, they discover that the movements of their physical body need not be mechanical or constricted. As living beings, they are able to enjoy freedom in every action. In Shiva-Shakti Movement, Siddha Yogis come to realize that every movement, every gesture, is a beautiful expression of Shakti.

Chapter 1: Āvāhana—Invocation

The mantras of the Invocation are from Shri Guru Gita, verse 67.

Dance filmed at Rexhame Beach in Marshfield, Massachusetts

Chapter 2: Shrī Ganesha Vandanā—Adoration of Lord Ganesha

Prayer to Lord Ganesha

Author and Reader: Maitreya Larios


The introductory dance is in the style of bharatanatyam. One of the oldest documented classical dance forms in the world, bharatanatyam dates back to 1500 BC in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Bharatanatyam was originally performed in temples as a form of worship. Each movement conveys part of a prayer or story.

Click here to read more about Lord Ganesha.

Chapter 3: Sevārpana—Offering of Seva


  • Jason Lester
  • Nikki Costello
  • Shane Butler
  • Dominique Jacques
  • Ryan Thompson
  • Jaime Castaneda
  • Luisa Viviani-Ganin
  • Raymundo Rubiralta
  • Johann Zurner
  • Luella Strattner

Music: Nacho Re Mero Mana, a devotional song written by the fifteenth-century poet-saint Kabir. Gurumayi composed music for this bhajan in 1998, for the Siddha Yoga Winter Retreat in Santa Clara, California. The music in this chapter is an instrumental version of Gurumayi’s composition.

Teaching by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda from her book Enthusiasm (South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1997), pg. 162

  • Reader: Robyn Jensen

Chapter 4: Abhivādana—Welcome


Chapter 5: Shrī Guru Namana—Salutations to Shri Guru

Gurumayi begins the celebration of her birthday with Shrī Guru Namana, “Salutations to Shri Guru.” On the Siddha Yoga path, Shrī Guru Namana is a daily practice. When namana is offered on auspicious occasions and before new undertakings, its significance is even greater and more profound. In the practice of namana, the hands are brought together in namaskar, prayers are recited mentally or aloud, and offerings of flowers and other auspicious items are made. The spiritual bhāva (attitude) and offering of salutations express devotion, respect, and gratitude for the Guru’s abiding grace. When heartfelt namana is offered, it invokes the blessings of Shri Guru.

Chapter 6: Shrī Guru Stuti—Glorification of Shri Guru

Chanting is one of the core practices on the Siddha Yoga path. Om Bhagavān Muktānanda Bhagavān, the Siddha Yoga namasankirtana chanted in Shrī Guru Stuti, is in praise of Swami Muktananda, Gurumayi’s Guru.

Om Bhagavān Muktānanda Bhagavān means:


Salutations to Muktananda,

who embodies the qualities of the Divine.

The Sanskrit word bhaga refers to six divine qualities:
  1. Aishvarya: divine power, sovereignty, and divinity
  2. Dharma: righteousness, duty, and virtue
  3. Yashas: glory and splendor
  4. Shrī: beauty, radiance, auspiciousness, majesty, and abundance
  5. Jnāna: knowledge
  6. Vairāgya: detachment, dispassion, and freedom from worldly desires

Bhagavān denotes one who embodies these six inner qualities and bestows them upon others.

Chapter 7: Shrī Guru Archanā—Worship of Shri Guru

Jyota se Jyota Jagao

Chapter 8: Kalārpana—Offering of Art

  • Praise Chandrali, age 7
  • Chaitanya, age 10
  • Liam, age 9
  • Aidan Sunil, age 9
  • Byron, age 7
  • Lorea Prema, age 6
  • Ainoa Sarikha, age 9
  • Jasmine, age 9
  • Kesari, age 7
  • Clara Priya, age 11
  • Sophia Sindhu, age 7

Teaching by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda from her book Sadhana of the Heart (South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 2006), pg. 92

Reader: Ainoa Sarikha, age 9

Chapter 9: Ānandarasa—Elixir of Bliss

Filmed in the courtyard in front of Atma Nidhi in Shree Muktananda Ashram.

Chapter 10: Naivedya—Offering of Food

"A Song of Jubilation—Happy Birthday, Beloved," composed and sung for Gurumayi's Birthday in 2000 by Ann Hampton Callaway and Walker Jones. Since that time, this joyful song has become a part of the yearly celebration of Gurumayi's Birthday.

Naivedya Mantras

These traditional Vedic mantras have been set to music especially for this Siddha Yoga naivedya, the offering of the exquisite and delicious birthday cake to Gurumayi on behalf of the global Siddha Yoga sangham.

Chapter 11: Shrī Gurumayi Āshīrvāda—Shri Gurumayi’s Blessings

Poem: “Travel Deep Inside,” by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Birthday Bliss—Anukampa. © 2014 SYDA Foundation®

Flutist: Stefan Ragnar Hoskuldsson