Stories about Baba Muktananda

Throughout the month of May, Siddha Yogis around the world are celebrating Baba Muktananda’s Birthday by sharing their stories about receiving teachings from Baba. These shares are from people of diverse backgrounds regarding a range of topics. Each shows Baba conveying a personal lesson—sometimes with humor, sometimes with a gesture, sometimes by expressing an unexpected observation.

Through their satsang with a Siddha Yoga Master, these seekers came to recognize the nature of the priceless gift they had received.


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    I am grateful for these exquisite stories about our beloved Baba! As I read them, tears of joy and recognition ran down my face; I loved Baba so much. It is through the sharing of how the Guru transforms our lives that I am reminded again and again of how fortunate I am. Upon arising every day, I say with full conviction, “I am alive by the grace of the Siddhas: Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, Baba Muktananda, and Bhagavan Nityananda.” I am so grateful for their guidance over the past forty-five years.  

    Oregon, United States

    Baba has come to life for me in these stories. I’m so grateful and moved to read them. Each one contains a gem of learning for me. These beautiful memories of Baba’s vast compassion, wisdom, humor, and love bring out in me tears of recognition of the tenderness of the heart in each one of us.

    Thank you so much, Gurumayi, for including these in our celebration of Baba.

    Kentucky, USA

    These stories of Baba make it possible for me to have his darshan in so many beautiful ways. My heart can’t help but overflow with the Guru’s magical and immense love that saturates everything, everywhere. Perhaps this is Baba’s signature: the very experience of God.

    Madrid, Spain

    I love these stories of Baba. Each one draws me inward, closer to Baba, closer to the Self.
    Thank you for these gifts, Gurumayi. I feel blessed and eternally grateful to you and Baba for bringing the Siddha Yoga path to the world.

    Paddington, Australia

    These stories about Baba are so touching and alive to me. They make me smile and feel such gratitude and love for Gurumayi, Baba, and this divine path.

    Georgia, USA