Family Life, Sacred Life

A Story about Baba Muktananda

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    This experience is so inspiring. While reading it, I experienced Baba’s protection and love for families.

    Udhana, India

    I was moved when I read Vani’s tale of her family’s time together at Gurudev Siddha Peeth. It reminded me of my own experience at the Ashram with my family. I reminisced about getting up at 3 a.m. so that I could meditate before seva in the Temple began, and about how, after that seva, I would meet my wife and our two girls to recite Shri Guru Gita. My five-year-old daughter would sit in my lap, and our twelve-year-old sat with my wife. After our breakfast together, both girls loved spending their daytime with the other kids and their teachers, and my wife and I enjoyed offering seva. In a letter, Baba said that I should think of the time I spent with my family as seva. When I did this, I experienced that my entire life was transformed into guruseva. What a blessing!

    Washington, United States

    Vani’s story moved me to joyful tears. Her receptivity to Baba’s words, her focus on the Ashram daily schedule, and her surprise at her family’s arrival delighted me. I marveled at how following the Guru’s words so thoroughly and lovingly brought such bountiful grace to fill her family life.

    Nelson, Canada