
When you meditate, the silence of the senses illumines the presence of God within.

from Enthusiasm by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda


No matter who we are, what we do, what we may have or not have, each of us has an inherent power to meditate. Once this power is ignited through shaktipat, our meditation naturally deepens and draws us to the goal of Self-realization.


Meditation is the practice of turning our attention inward. Meditation beckons us to unravel the greatest mystery of life—that in this human form, we are also divine. When we still the mind in meditation we are drawn, like bees to honey, to the presence of God within. Touching this truth, our restlessness ceases and we are flooded with a sense of our own perfection and divinity.


The Siddha Yoga meditation Intensives, in which we receive shaktipat, offer us a unique and heightened environment to launch or deepen our own meditation practice. Then, as we bathe in this state each day, even for a brief period, our understanding gradually shifts. We begin to see that the natural state of meditation is accessible even throughout our activities. We find God is closer than our own breath. We feel the divine presence infusing our everyday world.

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    Many years ago, when I first began my meditation practice, I could not sit still, and my mind circled from one subject to the next. Over time, I was able to find a comfortable meditation posture. I also learned to calm my mind by silently repeating the mantra Om Namah Shivaya, and by concentrating on my breathing. 

    One day, while reciting Shree Guru Gita, I noticed that I could slip into a quiet state while keeping my eyes open as I recited the verses of the sacred text.
    After this recognition, I decided to focus on quieting my mind throughout the day. After doing this for a while, there were more and more moments in which my mind was able to experience stillness in the midst of my everyday activities. As a result, I noticed that I was living my life with more clarity. I believe that meditation has matured my mind and enabled me to experience greater inner stability and strength in all circumstances of my life.

    Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

    Yesterday I stopped by my office to pick up a document. After interacting with the manager for a few minutes, he shared that he found my energy to be calming, and he felt soothed during our conversations. I responded that it was probably a result of the years that I’ve been meditating.
    I later sat quietly and thanked the Guru for this magnificent gift. 

    California, United States

    I have regularly chanted, offered seva, and repeated the mantra, but never tried meditation—because I thought that living in New York City made meditation impossible for me. Now, however, after using earplugs and an eye mask to block my senses, I am able to meditate deeply. What a boon!

    I carry the feeling of meditation with me all day and night now. It is so blissful. I look forward to meditating twice a day. It is the most peaceful, ecstatic experience of my life.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the gifts you reveal.

    New York, USA

    I was drawn to the practice of meditation because I longed for a direct experience of divinity. Receiving shaktipat has made it possible for me to meditate with great joy and ease.

    As I sit for meditation each day, my awareness is drawn inside, beneath the level of thoughts, and I enter a space of stillness, serenity, and immense love. The nourishment I receive from these precious experiences of meditation supports me throughout the day and brings warmth, clarity, and enthusiasm to my life.

    Massachusetts, USA