Shaktipat Initiation

Spiritual awakening, or shaktipat, lies at the heart of the mystical journey. This infusion of energy from the spiritual master to the seeker brings about the awakening of the seeker’s own inherent spiritual power, called kundalini. Shaktipat is described by the yogic texts as an initiation that activates an inner unfolding of awareness that leads to progressively higher states of consciousness.

Over time, through grace and our efforts in spiritual practice, the sense of separation from divinity drops away. We come to recognize the presence of God in ourselves and in the world around us. We experience the world as a play of God’s energy. As spiritual seekers, we celebrate the day of initiation as the greatest gift.

We invite you to experience this for yourself. Shaktipat is made available in the Siddha Yoga Intensives, held in locations all around the world.