Siddha Yoga Satsang in Honor of Gurupurnima Month
Live Video Stream in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall

Saturday, July 15, 2023

July 4, 2023

Dear reader,

Shubh Gurupurnima month!

On the Siddha Yoga path, each month is abundant with opportunities to fortify our efforts in sadhana—to recommit to the practices that lead us to the center of our own being and give us confidence in our inherent divinity. As we’ve entered July, waves of bliss have drawn us toward the glorious full moon of Gurupurnima—the full moon dedicated to worship of Shri Guru.

Since Gurupurnima is a lunar holiday, it takes place on a different date each year. This year Gurupurnima was on July 3. In keeping with our tradition on the Siddha Yoga path, we will continue our focused worship, our offerings of gratitude, and our observance of this sacred occasion throughout this entire month.

We honor holidays on the Siddha Yoga path by participating in satsang. Siddha Yoga satsang is precious. In this spirit, I invite you to participate in a Siddha Yoga satsang in honor of Gurupurnima month. The satsang will be held via live video stream on Saturday, July 15, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. New York time.

Also this month, on July 14, we will be observing another holiday: the lunar anniversary of Bhagavan Nityananda’s punyatithi. We are, therefore, receiving immense grace from our Gurus as we do the Siddha Yoga practices and honor these auspicious occasions throughout July.

Warm regards,


Meera Laube Szapiro
Director of Satsang in Honor of Gurupurnima Month

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