The SIDDHA YOGA® Vision Statement

परस्पर देवो भव ॥
सर्वदुःखनिवृत्ति । परमानन्दप्राप्ति ॥

paraspara devo bhava ॥
sarva-duḥkha-nivṛtti । paramānanda-prāpti ॥

For everyone, everywhere,
to realize the presence of divinity
in themselves and creation,
the cessation of miseries and suffering,
and the attainment of supreme bliss.

The SIDDHA YOGA® Mission Statement

दानमात्मज्ञानम् ॥

dānam-ātmajñānam ॥

To constantly impart the knowledge of the Self.
Śiva Sūtras, III.28

Siddha Yoga Vision Statement: © SYDA Foundation®
Siddha Yoga Mission Statement: English translation: © SYDA Foundation®