Share Your Experiences of the Punyatithi Satsang 2021

Share Your Experience of 'Greet The Self' Satsang

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    This share is about Gurumayi’s Guidance

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    I love these guided practices from Gurumayi. When I need to be more present, relaxed, and awake, these practices calm and center me. Practicing them is especially helpful if I am about to present something to a group, or to connect with someone about something meaningful to me. They also infuse an element of joy and creativity into my being.

    Washington, United States

    I have been doing one of Gurumayi’s Guidance practices each day. Once when I practiced “Peace of Mind,” I felt my breath reach areas that had previously seemed blocked.

    As a result of practicing “Assurance of Being,” I have begun to feel confident in situations that were previously difficult for me. For example, I used to feel fear in simple situations like talking to other people. That fear is now mostly gone. This Guidance has changed my life.  

    Erina, Australia

    I have made “Gurumayi’s Guidance” part of my morning practice. Every day, following the recitation of Shri Guru Gita, I choose one guidance to practice. Afterwards I feel energized and lighthearted.
    “Awake with Prana” is my favorite! Our small sadhana circle practiced it together, and it filled our hearts with so much laughter we were all in joyful tears by the end!

    California, United States

    I have added Gurumayi’s Guidance to my morning practices and have been so uplifted by doing so. I am experiencing a life-threatening illness, and these practices are helping me to face it all and remain calm. I can feel the Guru with me and, especially after seeing her in the Siddha Yoga Universal Hall during the satsang “Choose, Respect, Sustain,” I feel able to cope and go forward.

    Hawaii, United States

    I practiced “Fortitude of Heart.” As I focused on the mudra and the final words of Gurumayi’s Guidance, I experienced peace, stillness, and a sense of strength to take forward into my day.

    Reggio Emilia, Italy

    I experience that Gurumayi’s words are filled with her shakti; remembering them has had a transformative impact in my life.

    Gurumayi’s words “There is harmony in the atmosphere” resonate in my being. I love them so much that I repeat them as an affirmation. These days I am indeed experiencing a great harmony in and around myself.

    When I investigated the reason for this newfound harmony, I realized that practicing Gurumayi’s Guidance has taught me how to breathe out and let go. These days I am choosing peace above everything. I am able to let go of my fixed ideas and negative emotions without bringing my ego into the picture. So naturally, there is harmony in the atmosphere.

    Thane West, India

    I practiced “Gurumayi’s Guidance: Gladness of Spirit” at the ocean at sunrise. As I began to repeat the dharana a second time with the intention of memorizing the mantras, something extraordinary happened.
    As I repeated “Om jalaya namaha” to invoke the spirit of water, I watched the ocean waves. On the long vowel laya, a dolphin suddenly arced up out of the water. Every time I repeated jalaya, the dolphin would arc up out of the water again.
    As I repeated “Om vayave namaha” to invoke the spirit of the wind, a great heron with a five-foot wing span flew close over my head, circled upwards on a wind current in front of me, and then dove down into the ocean.
    As I repeated “Om akashaya namaha” to invoke the ether, I gazed at the sky above. Clouds had covered a good part of the sky, but just in front of me a blue heart-shaped space opened up. I was jumping up and down: the elements are “alive with Consciousness”! A spontaneous prayer arose in my heart, “Thank you, Gurumayi, for revealing the miracle of this life. You have turned my life into a living miracle.”

    California, United States

    Last night at bedtime I listened to Shri Mahalakshmyashtakam Stotram. Then I fell into meditation and had a vision of Lord Ganesha as a beautiful, gray, real-looking elephant. His form was so relaxing, so pleasing, that I fell asleep right away, softly, gently.

    Tonight I practiced “Assurance in Being” and was thrilled to learn the ganesha mudra. I experienced healing energy and felt as if the meditation last night prepared me to receive it.

    California, United States

    I feel so blessed to receive “Gurumayi’s Guidance.” Gurumayi’s presence is palpable in her words.
    I realized that each time I practice the guidance I am sustained both physically and emotionally. I’ve now added practicing “Soundness of Body” to my morning practices.
    I am deeply grateful for Gurumayi’s continuing guidance.

    Hawaii, United States

    Gurumayi’s Guidance has transformed my life. My heart is softer and more open, and I feel so much more connected to my Self, to nature, and to  all of life. I have taken her Guidance with me to work, to bed, on my walks, on holidays, and everywhere I go. It’s my complete guide to happiness. The gladness I feel in mind, body, and spirit enables me to begin my every day with love, hope, and simplicity.

    Gold Coast, Australia

    When I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and saw “Gurumayi’s Guidance,” my heart quickened. I was filled with anticipation and felt as if Gurumayi had stepped into the room with me. I was being invited to a very special darshan with our Guru. The experience felt so personal, as if Gurumayi ji was offering this precious gift to me in my home.
    I began to read Gurumayi’s words and followed her guidance for the practice. Physical and psychological concerns evaporated as a deep peace and spaciousness began to quietly pulse throughout my being. Gurumayi’s words “You are good to go” brought a smile to my whole being! And indeed I am—just as she says. I offer pranam with great gratitude and know that Gurumayi is as close as my next breath.

    Texas, United States

    My faith in Gurumayi’s loving help, coming in different ways and always at the right time, is the foundation of my life.

    Yesterday, late at night, while sitting in front of Gurumayi’s photo, I prayed to her, asking for help and guidance. My body and soul were aching and my mind was restless, trying unsuccessfully to resolve a physical and psychological problem. My mind felt bound by constructs that prevented me from thinking clearly. I felt powerless.

    And then early this morning, this direct and clear guidance from Gurumayi reached me. It exceeded all my expectations. I followed Gurumayi’s instructions precisely and a miracle happened! All that heavy pressure got lifted from my mind and dissolved completely. I am now confident that the issues that were bothering me will also dissolve easily. I’ve been laughing with a sense of relief and happiness all day today.

    I wanted to experience the effect of this gift I received from Gurumayi again and again, so I kept repeating this practice throughout the day. My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude. I feel connected with the Guru, with myself, and with the whole world.

    Russian Federation

    I thank Gurumayi with all my love for once again giving us the opportunity to feel the care she bestows on us. After this wonderful practice I am feeling powerful, energetic, much taller, and overall at peace.

    Colima, Mexico

    This morning I longed to connect with the Guru. As I engaged with “Gurumayi’s Guidance,” I had a profound experience of love, light, and happiness.
    An intense desire arose within me to serve the Guru. I realized that one way for me to serve is to become the happiest, most loving, most dharmic person I can be. In this way, I can carry the Guru’s love within me and offer it to the world.
    This was a wonderful practice for me. I feel so grateful to Gurumayi.

    Vancouver, Canada

    I had an assignment which I needed to complete on time, but I found myself reluctant to complete it; my mind was flickering and not firm. Then I decided to do this practice using the audio version.
    After I finished the practice, I was completely changed! I felt energetic, supple in my body and mind, and eager to complete my assignment with a positive and happy attitude. I also found that I was energetic for a long time afterwards, and didn’t need to rest in between as I often do.
    I want to thank Shri Gurumayi for providing us with such simple and effective practices to help us in sadhana as well as in our worldly activities.

    Udaipur, India

    “Gurumayi’s Guidance” has brought me a great sense of calm and well-being after a stressful day. As I sat and began listening to the practice, I quickly felt a sweet sense of bliss moving through my body. I knew I was experiencing my own inner lightness, my own inner power to uplift, empower, and steady myself. At the end of the practice I felt rejuvenated.

    Havant, United Kingdom

    I am so grateful for this healing guidance from Gurumayi. When I first followed the instructions, it reconfirmed for me that Gurumayi truly hears my heartfelt communications, as she does for each one of us. Each time I have followed the instructions, I have felt a deeper sense of ease and release in my body. My being and body feel relief, like a burden has been taken away.
    I am now looking forward to seeing how this experience will unfold in my life, as my love for Gurumayi deepens even further.

    Ubud, Indonesia

    As I did this practice with “Gurumayi’s Guidance,” my hands began to heat up immediately and then my body as well, just beneath my hands.  After some time, it felt as though my hands were no longer mine—they were Gurumayi’s hands. I felt completely loved and fully at peace.
    Gurumayi always seems to know just when I need her love and guidance, and now I am "good to go."

    Utah, United States

    I often feel pain in my body. Today, after practicing “Soundness of Body,” I feel joy. This series of guided practices from Gurumayi is deepening my inner awareness, bringing new strength, and helping me change habitual patterns of body and mind.

    Lismore Heights, Australia

    I am so grateful to receive this short, simple, yet powerful guidance from Gurumayi. When I followed her instructions, I thought I was entering the sacred land of Ganeshpuri while simultaneously entering my heart. I am at peace and my mind is quiet. I will use this practice to calm my mind before entering into meditation.

    Sarrebourg, France

    For me, this guidance from Gurumayi is a life-altering, power-packed experience wrapped in such straightforward, simple directions. The Kali Yuga static I was immersed in has been washed away and I am left free, bright, and clear—like a shiny penny! I feel my heart singing jubilantly, “Yes!” This is a short-cut out of the mire to return back home. 
    Gurumayi’s wisdom has always been a tonic for my soul to return to Truth and to live Truth. And now this new, invaluable gift of wisdom which opens the door to my Self is offered so freely right here on the Siddha Yoga path website! I find myself once again melting at my Guru’s feet, overcome with love.

    Oregon, United States

    This image for “Gurumayi’s Guidance” has brought out confidence, harmony, contentment, and peacefulness in and around me. The many M’s that I discovered in each part of the image pulsate within me as the vibration of AUM, resonating through me and out of me as the sound of AUM. The elements in nature harmonize with the elements inside me through this play of sound and light. 

    Johannesburg, South Africa

    Today my husband and I practiced “Gurumayi’s Guidance.” At first my mind was caught in some unpleasant feelings. During the practice I felt heat rising up my spine and knew a deep cleansing was taking place. It culminated in an inner vision I had of a beautiful white bird in gentle flight. I felt at peace. I became detached from the former unpleasant feelings, and was able to send love and blessings to all.
    What a gift it has been to reconnect with my true Self!

    St. Bauzille de la Sylve, France

    As I reflect on my experience of Gurumayi’s inspired guidance, I find myself in a very serene state. I feel in harmony with the strength, peace, and beauty of creation, and I know that I have my place in this mystery we call life.

    Oregon, United States

    As I followed the instructions in “Gurumayi’s Guidance” with my eyes closed, they led me into a soft, cushiony space inside of me. It was a heavenly realm—abundantly comfortable, reassuring, hopeful, and healing. It was truly, divinely wonderful!
    In these challenging times, my intention is to practice this more often.

    St. Laurent, Canada

    After a recent period of preoccupation and distraction, “Gurumayi’s Guidance” has brought me back to my awareness of my body and reminded me of the gift of free choice. I am experiencing the solidity of Gurumayi’s own stance, and this is prompting me to remember that I am not a leaf in the wind; I am able to find my own answers within.  

    I feel grounded now, as if I’ve been welcomed home!

    Connecticut, United States
