Darshan of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork II

November 8, 2015

Dear all,


At the beginning of the year, on January 1, Gurumayi gave her Message for 2015 in A Sweet Surprise satsang. Since then the global Siddha Yoga sangham has been given a myriad of ways to further our study and practice of Gurumayi’s teaching.

Today, I am happy to announce that we have another wonderful surprise from Gurumayi—a new means by which to explore the year’s focus of study. It is Gurumayi’s Message Artwork II.

Gurumayi’s Message Artwork is a visual expression of Gurumayi’s Message and its themes. By having darshan of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork, and by studying the Artwork closely, we find fresh insights and further our understanding of Gurumayi’s Message.

The first Artwork to accompany Gurumayi’s Message for 2015 was published on the Siddha Yoga path website in March. We are incredibly fortunate that this year, for the first time, we are receiving another Message Artwork: a brand-new lens through which we can experience Gurumayi’s Message and contemplate its meaning.

I invite you to have darshan of Gurumayi’s Message Artwork II.
Message Artwork II

Warm regards,

Swami Ishwarananda

Swami Ishwarananda
Siddha Yoga Meditation Teacher


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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    When I beheld the Message Artwork, I immediately noticed its beauty and enjoyed studying the intricate details of the image. Then I found my attention turning toward the hub of the wheel, and I became fully absorbed in the timeless center. I experienced a deep and subtly throbbing stillness, the continuous sounding of AUM. I felt as though I had entered a timeless space.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for ceaselessly guiding us in beautiful and countless ways to the Heart of all. 

    Berlin, Germany

    When I looked at Gurumayi’s Message Artwork, I experienced strong vibrations of Kundalini Shakti in my heart and head. 
    As I studied the Artwork, I was drawn to the center of the wheel and my mind spontaneously settled at the center of my heart. I became indrawn and experienced a resting place for my mind. It was a very calm and quiet moment. I was experiencing a meditative state with my eyes open!
    What I learned is that I can turn to the center, the space of my own heart, and experience the Self in any moment of time.
    I am so grateful for all the understanding and transformations that I am experiencing. Thank you, Gurumayi, for your love and grace in my life.

    Pune, India

    When I first saw this ancient image, I felt a stirring in my being. I didn’t know exactly what the image represented, and yet there was an instant intuitive recognition. The sensation of courage, wisdom, and strength arose in my heart. I felt a reassurance deep within that all is well.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the unexpected blessing of this Message Artwork, which so powerfully carries me deeper into this timeless and ancient space within. 

    New York, USA

    When I saw the divine wheel of time, I felt I was in the presence of eternity.

    Milan, Italy

    Time is ancient. I am ancient. 
    Time is ever new. I am ever new.
    Time is God’s gift to me.
    It is His canvas I paint my life upon.
    I paint the lines, I paint the colors,
    And pray for His will to be mine.

    California, USA

    I’m seeing this thought-provoking artwork as a tapestry, as a metaphor for time. It reminds me that time contains so much. If I honor all that time brings me, the tapestry that emerges—like this artwork—is rich, varied, beautiful, and graceful. This process of contemplation turns my attention inward and encourages me to hold the myriad elements of my life in a gentle embrace.
    Thank you, Gurumayi!

    Kentucky, USA

    I see a wheel in the middle of the artwork. For me, it reminds me that I am at the helm, steering the course—setting my intention, exercising discipline with my mind and actions, making the effort to align myself with dharma, making the best possible use of time.

    Minnesota, USA

    My experience of the art was the sense that all time and knowledge have been transformed to gold with the grace of Gurumayi.

    California, USA

    For me, each symbol in Gurumayi’s Artwork leads me toward the knowledge of the Truth, like an instruction given by Krishna to Arjuna.

    At this point in my sadhana, Gurumayi’s Artwork encourages me to use every second of time in the best way. Time is precious. This means doing my daily activities with discipline and care, and taking time to contemplate the scriptures, meditate, and repeat the mantra with the constant awareness that Shiva, the supreme Reality, is present everywhere.

    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Rodez, France

    As I viewed this Artwork, I sensed my heartbeat becoming stronger. I felt as if something sleeping deep in my heart had begun to awake.

    Thank you so much for this marvelous Artwork.

    Yokohama, Japan

    As soon as I saw the letter of invitation, I couldn’t wait to see the new Artwork. Then, when I saw it, my heart leaped for joy.

    I have no recollection of ever seeing anything like this before, yet I felt as though I recognized it. My heart kept saying, "Home." After briefly looking at the details of the image, I found myself drawn to the center. I immediately went into meditation with tears flowing.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this profound image.

    Oregon, USA