The Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019

Register for The Workbook on Gurumayi's Message for 2019

I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi for Sweet Surprise 2019 and for the thirty-six questions in the Workbook. Taking the time to study and practice, using the different modalities offered in the Workbook, was a delicious endeavor, filled with grace.

It was like receiving thirty-six individually wrapped, exquisitely made chocolates. Unwrapping each question unveiled an array of flavors; some were very pleasing, some were surprising, and some were challenging for me.  But unlike my approach to a box of chocolates, I made the effort to spend time with each question, whether or not I especially savored it. Allowing time for each question to flow throughout my daily activities revealed subtle nuances of understanding of how the mind functions, while illuminating the value of treating my mind well.
Since taking the time to make friends with my mind this year, I have been experiencing a deep healing, and freedom from anxiety and fear. I am really enjoying my sadhana!  

California, United States

Participating in the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message 2019 has generated an unexpected breakthrough. As a musician and composer, my hearing is vital. However, multiple surgeries have caused severe ringing in my ears for which there is no cure at this time. The ringing has been difficult to live with as I never experience quiet, and I hear everything through the filter of this ringing.

My only option to get relief was to work with my mind. I realized that if I could change my thoughts about the ringing, maybe I could change my experience of it, and ultimately my state.  So I began communicating with the ringing saying, “I hear you, my friend. What do you want to communicate to me?” Approaching the situation this way has radically shifted my state from one of despair to one of empowerment, strength, and peace; I no longer struggle against the sounds.  

If a treatment for ringing is developed, I will be first in line. In the meantime, by virtue of participating in the Workbook, grace has enabled me to discover and employ a strategy not only to cope with this situation, but to thrive.

In deep gratitude, I bow to the compassion of Gurumayi.

West Vancouver, Canada

I loved and treasured these workbook lessons. Their multimodal process helped me unfold my understanding through a gentle and creative examination of language, movement, and conceptual contemplation.
Throughout each lesson, my devotion and curiosity were met with Gurumayi’s tender love. In each lesson, I experienced a profound connection to the inner Guru, and breathtaking, ecstatic revelations of the Self. All was woven together with practical applications for living in that Self-awareness. Each step of the way, I learned how to be more gentle with myself, enjoying sadhana as a river of love guiding me on a divine journey.
This year’s extended practice of Gurumayi’s Message felt like an absolute flood of grace— showering me with light, love, bliss, insight, and down-to-earth techniques each time I participated. My heart swells in gratitude for Gurumayi’s infinite generosity, sweet love, and compassionate grace.

Illinois, United States

Over the past 36 weeks, I have looked forward every evening to engaging with the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. What a treasure this has been for me—coming home after a long, full day and immersing myself in this grace-filled practice.
This has given me such a deep connection with Gurumayi and her teachings. After many years on the Siddha Yoga path, Gurumayi has become even more alive in my heart and my day-to-day activities. I feel I now understand the teachings about the mind in a deeper way and feel that my sadhana has taken a huge leap forward.
I am deeply grateful for the workbook and full of gratitude to my beloved Gurumayi for her compassionate way of touching and uplifting my heart so profoundly and practically.

Cologne, Germany

The Workbook has been invaluable for me. As I engaged with the amazing activities, I have been able to connect my body, mind, and spirit by creating loving and kind thoughts and actions. I now realize more than ever that my mind is not a separate entity; it is part of my whole being. I realize that it is up to me to observe my thoughts and reset when those thoughts work against me. These processes have really changed my life as I am no longer so quick to dwell in negativity, self-judgement, and fear. And, should those thoughts creep in, I am so much more aware of them and of the effect they have on my entire being. I am so grateful for this incredible gift; I am truly blessed.

Pennsylvania, United States

In gratitude for the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message for 2019, I want to express my deepest golden thoughts in acknowledgment of this gift. At the end of my workbook study, there is recognition: my mind and my heart are one. I see how the steadfast creativity and selfless dedication contributed by the writers of this workbook have fully guided me throughout the year to reach this recognition. It has been such a gift!

Montreal, Canada

The anticipation and excitement in receiving the workbook each week reminded me of the joy I used to feel for my weekly teenage publication! I have been amazed at the power of the exercises and the insights I received from doing them. And it has been a lot of fun! I appreciated the simplicity of the format and enjoyed my efforts. I am so grateful for this study tool and for Gurumayi’s teachings each week. It has been a wonderful experience.

Kingston, United Kingdom

I have just completed my 36th lesson in this amazing workbook and am so grateful to Gurumayi for making the workbook available to us. Each Saturday I set aside time to work on the lesson of the week.  It is like being back in school in a joyful way. 

I can see the progress I am making in learning to befriend my mind. Indeed, I am so encouraged to continue on this path of making my mind my most precious companion. 

New York, United States

My mind is my prized possession, since I have learned to value the journey I’m on. Cultivating discipline, trust, and love, I feel happier than I have ever felt before.
I’m grateful for the Workbook, which has helped me explore my mind as Shiva and see it as divine in all its emotional states. I often used to feel sad, but now I sense that my sadness has delivered me to the door of happiness.   

New York, United States

The cumulative effect of these weekly workbooks has been a gift with benefits across all aspects of my life.
During moments when I find myself thinking thoughts that do not serve me, I return to the mantra, breath, and mind, using that same mind to dissolve the thoughts and reunite with love and inner peace.
Each week I have been captivated and inspired by the variety of ways to relate to the topic at hand. Whether through physical, creative, or imaginative exercises, I have become increasingly aware of being with my own mind, and cultivating a relationship with my Self.
I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi, whose support and perspective infuse me with grace.

Washington, United States

Implementing Week 31 of the workbook has been very beneficial for me. As I’ve been following Gurumayi’s teaching, my posture has improved to the point where I have less back pain and can finally stand up straight. Practicing Gurumayi’s teaching also lightened my mind and filled my being with so much light.

I am very grateful for this teaching and experience.

San Felipe, Mexico

Studying with the workbook and reflecting on the weekly questions and exercises has deepened my understanding of Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. I am more able to find contentment and greater meaning in what I do, to find techniques to refine what I do, and to have a serene mind.

My meditation practice has also changed significantly as a result. I meditate for longer periods of time, and I am better able to focus my mind on the breath and the mantra hamsa while resting in a state of expanded awareness.

I am most grateful to Gurumayi for making available this study tool that enables me to experience the richness of the Siddha Yoga teachings.

Nottingham, United Kingdom

My every encounter with the Workbook is like having a personal conversation with Gurumayi. Each week as I open the Workbook on Gurumayi’s Message, I feel myself stepping into a shrine of wisdom, sacred and serene. After pausing for a few quiet breaths, I read her question for the week and begin my study by recording her words in my journal.

Sometimes I feel an immediate connection: "Of course!" At other times, complete puzzlement. Yet within moments, insights begin to arise, one after another. I question. My Guru listens. She prompts me. Inspiration comes to life. Holding my awareness with total focus, I record each word that comes to me, comes through me. When the flow stops, I bow my head in reverence and in wonder.

In this intimate darshan, with my heart open and trusting, I receive Shri Guru’s responses to my deepest questions, while at the same time understanding that this is my own wisdom arising from within. Wisdom to practice, to live by, and to share.

California, United States

Studying with this workbook, I am bringing into focus my relationship with my own mind. How significant this is, because this relationship shapes how I experience my life every day! Here is an example of how my focus is becoming refined.
I began meditation this morning by thinking of Gurumayi, speaking with her inwardly, recalling all her qualities that I love and value so much, and thanking her. I imagined Gurumayi’s radiant smile and strong, joyful voice. In this way my mind began to meditate on love and to fill with light. 
Then I noticed that I was watching this conversation  as if it were taking place far away from me—in a different land. Like a lens refocusing, my mind then brought the conversation in close—as close as my breath and my heart. I became aware of Gurumayi’s love, my love, our love, the great love at the heart of all things. These words arose: “Heart of my heart, my own Self.”

Castlemaine, Australia

Receiving Gurumayi’s questions every week is a great boon for me. When my own questions meet Gurumayi’s questions, I experience a great light within. Sometimes this light expresses itself in the form of concrete ideas and, at other times, as a deep understanding that guides me and elicits strength and joy.
I am practicing contemplation regularly. I find that when I let Gurumayi’s questions permeate my consciousness, they bolster my stamina and commitment to establish a link with the Heart, instant by instant.

Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France

The workbook has added a spark to my spiritual awakening as I connect my intentions with my daily activities. I read the weekly question and develop the assigned task with effort, growing understanding, and great joy. I am grateful for this opportunity to deepen my sadhana on the spiritual path!

Ohio, United States

I recently began using this workbook, and I find it a supportive and fruitful method for studying Gurumayi’s Message. The activities are accessible, fun, and a creative way to explore Gurumayi’s teachings with my body, mind, and heart.
As I do the exercises in the workbook, each teaching comes alive for me in a deeper, fuller way, and I am able to connect to it in the context of my own life.
I am so grateful to have this concrete, step-by-step way to study and uncover the gems for me in Gurumayi’s Message.

California, United States