A Verse from
Shri Bhagavad Gita

In verse 9.34 from Śrī Bhagavad Gītā, Lord Krishna shares with us how a seeker may use the mind to attain oneness with the Lord, saying man–manah, “absorb your mind in Me.” Understanding the meaning of the words “Me” and “mind” in this commentary provides essential clues to unlocking the powerful message we are being given. When Lord Krishna uses the word “Me,” he is referring to himself as an embodiment of supreme Consciousness. In this way, he is indicating a way to absorb the mind in the highest Truth. Similarly, in her Message for 2019, Gurumayi encourages us to guide the mind back to its source, to this place of inner brilliance. What happens when we absorb the mind in the Lord, in supreme Consciousness? The mind becomes that on which it meditates.

When Lord Krishna instructs us to “absorb your mind in Me,” he is pointing us toward absorbing our awareness and self–identity in the radiant divinity within ourselves and the world—toward having an exalted perception of our true Self and the Self within everything that is around us. The Lord is pointing us toward the true Me that we ourselves are: the pure I am, the great Self, the Lord within. This deeper understanding reflects the core teachings of Siddha Yoga—that God dwells within us as us.

The Siddha Yoga teachings and practices give us the means to absorb our minds in the foundational “I am.” Through actively engaging in Gurumayi’s teachings in our daily lives and our spiritual practices, our conscious and subconscious mind become refined and lightened, and our hearts turn more and more toward our divine nature.

Gurumayi’s Message for 2019 gives us clear guidance on exactly how to accomplish this transformation of our awareness, this absorption in supreme Consciousness:

Draw the mind to its essence.
Allow the mind to experience its luminescence.
Repeat this practice.
Enjoy its blessing.

By practicing Gurumayi’s Message repeatedly with focus and devotion, we become absorbed in the bliss and radiance of the Self. One way we can do this is by absorbing our mind in the mantra So‘ham, or “I Am That.” By allowing the mind to become absorbed in So’ham, and pairing it with the breath going in and out, we are absorbing ourselves in our own inner divinity. In this way, we gradually shift our awareness and identity from our everyday, ordinary “me” to the radiant and ever-present “I am” of the Self.

Bhagavad Gita 9.34

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    What a deep dive into awareness of the One comes to me from this verse! I am so grateful to read it, as it conveys so much meaning and experience for me.
    For me, the beautiful explanation of man-manah connects to the way I have been working with Gurumayi’s Message for 2019. Because I know that my mind is Consciousness, every time I bring my awareness to that understanding, I affirm my oneness with Consciousness. And now I can recall the phrase man-manah to make that connection instantly.

    California, United States

    The rays of the sun, piercing the clouds as I began to read this verse from Shri Bhagavad Gita, evoked the presence of God in my heart and immediately revealed the depth of this verse.
    Like the gopis pouring their love for Krishna into their daily tasks, I am inspired to use all that God has given me—my mind, my senses, my bodily organs—as instruments to honor God and to make my heart sing and dance within his creation.

    Rodez, France