Eight Stanzas to Lord Surya

Melody Composed by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Recited by Geeta Sharma.


Introduction by Elizabeth Grimbergen

The sun and its seeming journey across the sky overhead is one of humankind’s most primordial and powerful symbols of new beginnings. The sun provides the light that supports all life. In the spiritual traditions of India, the sun is revered as a god, Lord Surya, first described in the Rig Veda, one of the oldest scriptures on earth.

Lord Surya is said to be magnificent. In the Suryashtakam, a song of praise to him, Lord Surya is depicted holding a lotus, a symbol of purity, and riding in a gleaming golden chariot pulled by seven horses. He is surrounded by brilliant, blazing rays of sunlight.  Read more

The Suryashtakam, featured on this page, is from the Samba Purana. This sacred text tells the story of Samba, a son of Lord Krishna, who suffered from a debilitating disease. Following the guidance of celestial sage Narada, Samba worshipped Lord Surya by the banks of the Chenab River. After twelve years of this supplication, Lord Surya appeared before Samba and cured him of his illness.

The eight verses (ashtakam) of this hymn celebrate the divine qualities of Lord Surya and his power of nourishing and healing light, both outer and inner. As we sing the verses of the Suryashtakam, we too invoke the blessings of Lord Surya—vibrant health, radiant abundance, steadfast courage, vigorous strength, and penetrating intelligence—as well as wisdom and spiritual liberation.

When I contemplate Lord Surya, what strikes me is that the same sunlight that sustains life on this planet is also the light by which human beings are able to see and perceive. It is light that connects the seer and the seen, the knower and the known. In Sanskrit, one of the words for “light” is prakasha. It is prakasha that reveals the trees that I see when looking out my window. Inextricably connected with prakasha is vimarsha, the power of awareness. It is vimarsha that enables me to know that the forms I see are trees.

According to the Indian spiritual traditions, prakasha and vimarsha are aspects of universal Consciousness. It is the conscious Self that witnesses and illuminates all our mental states as well as all our perceptions and sensations.

For me, the sun is a metaphor for this supreme light of Consciousness, which pervades the inner sky of my mind and makes it possible for me to recognize the objects I see. When this same power of awareness is turned inward through chanting or meditation, it is the power by which I perceive my innermost Self. So the image of Lord Surya also represents the light of spiritual knowledge that overcomes the darkness of ignorance and limitation.

Each of the verses of the Suryashtakam is a golden nugget for contemplation. One of the phrases that stands out is the description of Lord Surya as the “remover of faults,” a phrase that echoes the story of Samba’s cure from illness by the Lord. The sun is a healing agent of both the body and the mind. With the removal of our faults, papas, we are made whole and radiant. Our limitations are dissolved, and we are able to perceive our own resplendent nature.

Like the sun, which is always shining somewhere, the supreme light of Consciousness, the Self, is always present, illuminating our hearts and minds.

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    I was pulled outside today to lie in a sun-filled garden. I felt the sun’s warmth and benevolent energy all over my body and the gratitude of the grass in the fragrance it released. Together with every blade of grass, I reveled in the sun’s kindness. For some time now I have not felt so fulfilled just to be alive. 

    I came inside, opened my computer, and my heart leapt up as I read the Suryashtakam. Amazing are the ways of the all-knowing Lord!

    California, United States

    Early this morning I was embraced by the luminous, breathtaking, warm light of Lord Surya. As I stood speechless on my balcony, I was gazing at his magnificent power, which illumined my whole being and showered me with its golden energy. I could not take my eyes away from the sun. As its magnificent hues changed from dark orange to purple and into yellow, I was mesmerized and entered into a state of complete stillness, savoring this darshan.

    Mersin, Turkey

    The meaning of the third verse of Suryashtakam touched my heart as it describes Lord Surya Devata as “the grandfather of all worlds.” Whenever I make an offering to Surya Devata, I always feel Baba’s presence. I always feel he is watching over us and giving blessings to each one of us.
    This morning I talked with Baba, not in a dream but with open eyes. I could see Baba sitting near the lake on a bench and telling me, “Look! This is God, there is God. Everyone and everywhere is God.” As he talked to me, I could experience the truth of what he said. Baba seemed like an embodiment of love. I felt full of divinity, full of light.
    As I read the introduction to Suryashtakam, which makes the point that supreme Consciousness is always present, illuminating our hearts, it reminded me of my experience that Baba too is always present among us, just like Lord Surya Devata.

    Allahabad, India

    Thank you for posting this beautiful hymn!
    The sun brings me warmth and a soft golden light as I start my day. Today, I sang this hymn for the first time as the morning light was coming through my window.
    As I chanted, I felt my body become warmer and brighter, as if the sun were rising inside, too. I felt fear and worries soften and melt away. My spine lengthened, my chest opened, my belly released. As the mantras moved through my being, I felt such warmth and light, and all around me there was the same golden light.

    California, United States