A Prayer for Unity

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Let Us Be United, A Prayer for the World Community is available in the Siddha Yoga bookstore.

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    Day after day, my spiritual practices bring me into the depths of my soul where Shri Guru teaches me and gives me the experience that God is the very essence of everything and everyone, animate and inanimate beings. Thus, my spiritual quest is a wonderful walk towards my own inner freedom and understanding of our oneness. The Siddha Yoga path is a jewel on earth because it leads us all toward this precious unity within ourselves, around ourselves, and with all that is—by taking the most beautiful path: the path of love. Today, I pray that everyone may find peace, unity, and harmony through the path of love.

    Quebec, Canada

    This is my Christmas wish: May this season be a special time. May a new era begin.
    May all ignorant minds be transformed by recognition of God’s love and light. May disparaging be replaced by kind and honest empathy. May all words be blooming roses.
    May weapons become antiques to be recycled into pots brimming with food for children and hungry people.
    May the virtues triumph. May brotherhood, friendship, and unity be the new lifestyle.
    May there be peace and nothing but peace. May all people be happy.
    May Planet Earth be renewed to be a paradise. May Mother Earth be refreshed and rejoice.

    Hindelang, Germany

    I pray that darkness may give way to light with ease, just as night gives way to day when the sun rises above the horizon.
    I pray that we all wake up to the awareness of the divine in everything, like a caterpillar that discovers it has become a butterfly.
    I pray that we stop judging, condemning, and fighting the illusion and instead understand, accept, and receive the Truth.

    Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

    I pray that love surrounds and enters the aggressors’ hearts so entirely that they put down their weapons. I pray that all countries unite in peace and work together for a better world for all.

    California, United States

    I pray that all may awaken to unity-consciousness and that we share our understanding with love and respect.

    Washington, United States

    When I hear the beautiful recording of this prayer, I recall the first time I heard it in 2001 and notice how the melody and lyrics have stayed with me over the years. Sometimes in the midst of a simple situation, I find it arises in my mind and I sing it aloud or hum it softly to myself. When I sing it with the intention of offering a prayer, I feel more open and connected to the world around me, and I become conscious of the goodness in others’ hearts.

    Berlin, Germany

    I’m grateful for this beautiful and simple prayer. Its simplicity makes it easy to recall. Its meaning inspires me to understand that humanity has long been in pursuit of peace. When I read this, I take comfort in the knowledge that billions of souls, past and present, have lived in the pursuit of peace and the hope that peace is possible. With gratitude to Gurumayi, I have memorized this prayer so as to redirect my thoughts and efforts to support the creation of a better world.

    New York, USA

    I felt fortunate to be at Shree Muktananda Ashram when this song was first performed. It was—and is—so moving and uplifting! 

    Just a few weeks ago I felt I wanted to offer a song to the world to help unite it, and then I remembered I had the recording of this song.  I love listening to it in the car and singing along as I envision a world singing in harmony, joining together, realizing that we are one heart, one spirit.

    Massachusetts, USA