Prayers and Blessings

Jyota se Jyota Jagao

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    I feel so strongly the depth of the words to this hymn. When I listen to or sing them, I become immersed in the devotional aspect of my most sublime being. I used to sing this hymn while I was in prison, and it kept me hopeful. I am so glad that I’ve now returned to it. It jumpstarts my heart and invigorates my spirit.

    Virginia, United States

    What a blessing to sing Jyota se Jyota Jagao. I experience such an abundance of grace, blessings, kindness, love, tranquility, joy, enthusiasm, spirit, faith, gratitude, and presence.

    California, United States

    Every morning, the first thing I do is chant Jyota se Jyota Jagao along with this video. I love hearing Gurumayi’s voice and joining my voice with the sweet voices in the Temple, the melodious harmonium, and the impeccable drumming. It is such a gift to see Bhagavan Nityananda in all his glory, and arati offered with such reverence. This chant is my daily lifeline.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, from the depths of my heart.

    California, USA

    What a wondrous thing the Siddha Yoga path website is! It allows me to return to the temple so that I can perform arati and feel Bhagavan Nityananda’s constant and loving presence again and again. Although I am a world away, I feel present in the temple and feast my eyes on the murti and this timeless ritual.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this tremendous gift of peace, calm, and beauty that can uplift the world.

    Hawaii, USA

    What a wondrous gift to chant along with Gurumayi, uplifting ourselves and the world through the offering of Jyota se Jyota Jagao! I feel as if I am right there in the Temple, imbibing Bade Baba’s blessings.

    It feels so real that I find myself waving my hand over the candle at the end of the video to receive the blessings, then touching my forehead and heart. When I do so, I feel how the power of the practice of chanting purifies my heart and mind, releasing waves of joy, comfort, and gratitude.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this gift.

    Massachusetts, USA

    What a precious gift that we can all be connected by singing Jyota se Jyota Jagao together with Bade Baba in the Temple, as we pray for the upliftment of humanity.

    I am grateful that I can visit the Siddha Yoga path website again and again for inspiration and tangible ways to offer my prayers and blessings to the world. And in doing so, I feel connected to everyone.

    California, USA

    Today at lunch, a fellow sevite asked me, “How have the events in Paris, and the recent teachings on prayers and blessings, impacted your sadhana?”

    I replied, “They have given me greater understanding and appreciation for the efficacy of the Siddha Yoga practices of mantra japa, swadhyaya, and seva. I’ve gained insight on how spiritual practices impact the world—they are effective not just for now, but also for future generations.”
    I see that the Siddha Yoga practices go beyond the symptoms to the root of the problem of disharmony in the world: the perception of difference and duality, without the vision of its underlying unity.
    I am grateful for the Siddha Yoga practices.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    As I chanted this beautiful prayer, Jyota se Jyota Jagao , I remembered a time in 1995, when, after having served four blessed years as a sevite at Shree Muktananda Ashram, I would be returning to live in France. A good friend told me that people were made of light, and going back home, I would carry this light and share it with the world.
    In recent days, I’ve been feeling these words strongly. With what has happened in my country, many people are feeling fear and anger. I know that as I walk on the path of light, I can offer my blessings and share this light with all the people in sorrow and with all who are suffering, not only in my country, but all around the world.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for reminding me of the great light in my heart. Thank you for showing me how to send blessings and to share this light!

    St Bauzille de la Sylve, France

    As I enter my 42nd year of sadhana on the Siddha Yoga path, I have chanted Jyota se Jyota Jagao countless times. Each time, I remember to stay focused on the words and their meaning. It is of the utmost importance for me to keep the flame of the Guru-disciple relationship ignited and nourished—I cherish it!
    Thank you for this video.

    California, USA

    This is my second morning of singing the beautiful hymn, Jyota se Jyota Jagao, to Bade Baba in the Temple from my own home.  What prasad!
    As I focus on Bade Baba, I feel steadiness and stillness arise within myself.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this great gift.  Thank you for bringing the Temple to us.  

    Jerez de la Frontera , Spain

    Tonight in Paris, we had our first satsang after last week’s events, and through our practices, we had the opportunity to send our blessings to all the persons affected by these circumstances.
    While we were singing Jyota se Jyota Jagao, chanting the mantra, and meditating, I could feel the great focus of all the participants. And through this focus, I realized we were contributing to bringing light to wherever it is needed.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for teaching us in these challenging times how to live as true human beings and how to follow dharma.

    Paris, France

    I feel a great relief each time I visit this website. I feel protected and serene, and this is truly a miracle. Today the video of Jyota se Jyota Jagao sung in the temple gave me the strength to let go of my anger and to steep again in love. I can feel unity once again.
    I give my thanks to Gurumayi for her love, her support, and her blessings, which I experience through this website.
    Thank you to everyone in the Siddha Yoga sangham. All your words and blessings made a difference in the hearts of the French devotees.

    Marseille, France

    Just before meditating today, I decided to visit the Siddha Yoga path website to see what new source of inspiration would be there.
    Being invited to enter the Temple and chant Jyota se Jyota Jagao to Bhagavan Nityananda was beyond my expectation. 
    When I saw the radiant, golden Bade Baba sitting in his Temple, I felt he was going to every home to bestow blessings, inviting us to experience his state of peace and joy, and to send this to the world.
    May all live in this light, peace, and joy.

    Jerez de la Frontera , Spain

    When I look at this video, I feel humbled. How wonderful it is to be invited to the temple in this way and to sing this arati to Bhagavan Nityananda. I feel unity with the Siddha Yogis and new seekers across the globe, oceans apart but hearts together as we invoke the grace of the Guru with these sacred verses. May the eternal light of our hearts illumine those around us and everywhere.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    In this morning’s satsang, after we heard Gurumayi speak and the sevites from France shared their stories, we moved into the Bhagavan Nityananda Temple to offer our prayers and blessings through chanting.
    As we entered the Temple, we saw Bade Baba shining, dressed in gold and red, with vases filled with long branches of tiny red and yellow orchids all around him. A musician was chanting a bhajan by Tulsidas, "Raghuvara Tumako Meri Laaj"—a prayer for God’s protection.
    We started by chanting Pasayadan. We then chanted Om Namah Shivaya in the Darbari raga—the chant so sweet and profoundly powerful, I could feel the blessings in my heart go out into the world.
    After the chant we all stood and sang the Arati. After the Arati, five pujaris each waved an arati lamp, accompanied by the sounds of the damarus, the small two-headed drums. When it was time for the next pujari to wave the tray, the previous pujari moved to the side, so that at the end, all the pujaris were waving arati lamps to Bade Baba. The giant arati drum sounded and while everyone was still standing, we began to clap to the beat. Gurumayi came forward and took a new lamp to wave in front of Bade Baba. I could feel the flames of grace and blessings fill the Temple.
    Swami Ishwarananda read a prayer by Baba that ends with these words:  May brotherhood, love, and perfect steadiness of mind always prevail in the world.
    Gurumayi spoke about perfect steadiness of mind, which we must cultivate on a daily basis. When the world is united, there is courage. We must come forward with our goodness in the little things we do and be “a good omen” for others. I understood that it is our responsibility to be a good omen by spreading our prayers, our smiles, and our goodness into the world.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram