Prayers and Blessings

song sheet
Artistic depictions of Lord Rama with his ardent devotee, Shri Hanuman.

The recording of this bhajan is available on the CD Sounds of the Heart
in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    This bhajan by Tulsidas is exactly what I needed to hear. For me, it purifies the mind and brings me back to a space of love and trust. And hearing Gurumayi sing this bhajan is rejuvenating, exhilarating, and life-affirming!

    New Jersey, United States

    After I read the words, "Please grant me the gift of devotion today," my breath pulsed, my heart quickened, and tears of love and devotion immediately welled up in my eyes. I feel gratitude because this prayer was answered for me as I soon as I read it. In mind, speech, and deed, I take refuge in the Guru.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your constant love and protection.

    Georgia, USA

    These past few days this bhajan has been playing on my heartstrings late at night. During the satsang held with Gurumayi here in Shree Muktananda Ashram on November 14, 2015 when this bhajan’stranslation was read aloud, the last verse caught my attention – the verse where Tulsidas asks for the gift of devotion.Why was he asking for devotion? And how was this pertinent to the world today? I asked myself.

    As the satsang continued, so did this contemplation. As I gazed at Gurumayi during the Arati, the answer became crystal clear: devotion is pertinent at times like these because it allows us to be faithful in times of crisis, and allows us to share this faith with others. I had never seen the virtue of devotion in this way.

    So when Tulsidas implores the Lord for this gift, my heart joins in song and says, "Yes, please grant this gift to us all!

    Shree Muktananda Ashram