
The Gift of Divine Grace

Sung by the music ensemble in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.


This painting of Jnaneshvar Maharaj’s samadhi shrine, in Alandi, Maharashtra, India, was created by Ashesha Conroy.

Pasayadan, which means “gift of divine grace,” is the title given to the last nine verses of the commentary on Shri Bhagavad Gita written by the thirteenth-century poet-saint Jnaneshvar Maharaj, one of the most revered saints in India.

Pasayadan is a heartfelt prayer in which Jnaneshvar Maharaj invokes his Guru’s blessings for the upliftment of all people. He prays for the sun of righteousness to shine brightly, bringing peace and harmony to the world, and for everyone to be filled with joy and to keep the company of saints.

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    I was first introduced to this moving hymn by Siddha Yogis who were offering monthly Siddha Yoga meditation workshops at a state prison in California. These monthly workshops helped to instill in me more deeply the teachings of the Prison Project lessons. Thirty years later, this hymn still brings tears to my eyes.

    The Prison Project also continues to awaken seekers and impact me. Along with my fellow Prison Project students at the time, I was especially affected by verse 2 of this hymn. It became our prayer: “May the sinners no longer commit evil deeds, may their desire to do good increase, and may all beings live in harmony with one another.” These words and this hymn—combined with my work with the Prison Project—have guided my life for the past thirty years. Trying to embody the words of this hymn has transformed my life.

    Oklahoma, United States

    I awoke this morning feeling unsettled and isolated by the renewed lockdown here in Sydney. I turned to the Siddha Yoga path website for support and found “Pasayadan, the Gift of Divine Grace.”
    As I listened to the hymn and read the translation, my heart softened, and gentle tears came to my eyes. Poet-saint Jnaneshwar Maharaj’s compassion and benevolence touched me deeply. His prayer that “everyone keep the company of saints devoted to God, who will shower their blessings on them,” particularly moved me.
    His words reminded me of my good fortune to have the company of a saint, my Guru. I remembered that she constantly showers me with blessings. My restlessness and ennui have gone; I feel peace and gratitude in my heart.

    Sydney, Australia

    Pasayadan is a healing balm that my heart turns to whenever world events challenge my mind and senses. I love singing this hymn as an offering for the upliftment of the world.  

    Washington, United States

    Seeing Pasayadan today on the Siddha Yoga path website, I remember with love the times I first heard it sung at Shree Muktananda Ashram. At the end of each evening satsang with Gurumayi, the music ensemble would sing this prayer at the beginning of darshan. As soon as they would begin to sing, I would feel my spirit filled with lightheartedness, sweetness, and a feeling of openness in my heart.
    The first verse, which says "May the Self of the universe be pleased with this sacrifice of words and bestow his grace on me," suggested to me that, during each of those satsangs, Gurumayi had been offering all the words she had just said to God. This is a practice that stayed with me for a long time. It has helped me to be more disciplined in speech, to instill love into my words, and to cultivate an attitude of offering that makes room for divine grace both within and around me.
    Today, when I listen to this prayer and read its meaning, I experience full confidence in the divine power of grace.

    Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France

    This sublime prayer makes my soul weep with devotion and love. This divine prayer represents Gurumayi in my heart, and all that she continually gives me: her love, her compassion, her sacred presence in my life. I thank Gurumayi with all my soul.

    Fort de France, Martinique

    At the end of every Intensive I have participated in, I have sung Pasayadan during darshan, with my being filled with abundant gratitude and love for my Guru.
    Today as I chanted again from the Siddha Yoga path website, the same feeling engulfed me. With moist eyes I read its translation slowly, resonating deep within my being with its meaning. The last verse with Nivrittinath’s assurance brought about peacefulness within.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    This prayer is so beautiful, so pure. It felt nectarean to receive this wonderful prasad as I opened my computer to begin my day. It filled me with peace, reassurance, contentment. It assured me that there is hope, that we are already stepping into this angelic world as I see the increasingly clear skies in my city, and as I listen to the sweet sounds of the birds.

    New Delhi, India

    This has been a favorite hymn of mine for some time. I feel an indescribable upsurge of devotion when singing along to this hymn. It is a prayer to the great Self of all, and helps me set an intention for my own self too.  

    May the fruit of devotion that emerges from singing this hymn spread throughout the world.

    New York, United States

    I feel tremendously comforted by this hymn, by the sound of the pure voices and by Jnaneshvar’s intention.

    When I read this phrase, "may all beings live in harmony with one another," I sense the possibility within the womb of the words: that all creatures, people, animals, the elements, and the earth itself, live in a poetic and musical harmony. I dedicate my life to this possibility. 

    Hurlstone Park, Australia

    This prayer reminds me to love others as divine and to do all I can to uplift humanity and protect this sacred earth.

    Georgia, United States

    One of the most treasured memories from my time offering seva at Shree Muktananda Ashram in the late 1980s was listening to this hymn. In the quiet early mornings before the recitation of Sri Guru Gita, the Siddha Yoga musicians would sing Pasayadan in the open-air Shakti Mandap hall. We were surrounded by lush nature, the soothing sounds of songbirds and the nearby creek. As I listened to Pasayadan in silent reverence, I experienced the most palpable serenity engulfing the entire atmosphere, making it feel like heaven on earth. I was transported into a state of timelessness and tender devotion. Hearing it now brings again the feeling of sublime blessing.

    New Mexico, United States

    I love listening to and also singing along to this beautiful hymn. I find myself drawn into a calming and magical experience.

    Auckland, New Zealand

    Jnaneshvar’s  commentary, Jnaneshvari, which ends with this prayer, has always been a great source of inspiration for my sadhana and my life as a whole. Listening to the Pasayadan recording, I felt deep peace in my heart, and I will continue coming back to listen to it and sing it over and over again.

    California, United States

    Pasayadan is one of the most touching prayers I have ever heard. Its sacredness, goodness, and blessings are transformative.

    Hawaii, United States

    My heart and my whole being are uplifted by the beauty of this ancient prayer. When I envision fellow sadhakas reciting this prayer for the benefit of our exquisite world, I am moved and heartened. I am grateful that the prayer and the translation are available on the Siddha Yoga path website.

    New York, USA