Shri Ramachandra Kripalu Bhajumana

A Bhajan by Tulsidas

Sung by Geeta Sharma
Ramachandra Kripalu Bhajumana
The Hazara Rama Temple—built in the fifteenth century in Hampi, Karnataka, India,
by the king of Vijayanagara—is renowned for its stone artwork depicting the epic Ramayana.

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    As I hummed along to this beautiful bhajan, I closed my eyes and savored this wonderful moment. Then, in my mind’s eye I saw thousands of pilgrims chanting the name of Ram. I was among them and we danced and sang. We moved toward the sun shining brightly over the horizon. Each of us had the form of radiant Shri Ram in our hearts. It gave me such a beautiful feeling of freedom to be a part of all these ecstatic pilgrims and feel the lightness of my heart.

    Konolfingen, Switzerland

    This exquisite bhajan elicits so much wonderful imagery in my mind! I see Lord Rama dancing slowly as he watches the play of this manifestation. He is unattached, peaceful, benevolent, and serene.
    Remembering this rendition while I go out into the world, I see that we are all participants in the play of Consciousness. There are countless galaxies, each with its own role to play. And here I am too, in my own world, on this perfect planet!

    Michigan, United States

    I was deeply engrossed and moved to tears as I listened to the soul-stirring composition of Saint Tulsidas in the melodious rendering by Geeta Sharma. 
    Recently I was inwardly inspired to recite a part of the Ramayana every day in front of Hanuman ji. Every day I would recite a passage about one phase of Lord Rama’s life, from his birth to his final victory over the demon king Ravana. So when I heard this beautiful bhajan by Tulsidas, I was spontaneously inspired to offer it as well to Hanuman ji.
    So that’s what I have done. Each day I now offer the bhajan after my daily recitation from the Ramayana. Within my heart I feel that Hanuman ji is delighted by hearing this melodious bhajan in praise of Lord Rama’s glory. 
    After I recited and sang the bhajan the first time, my heart was filled with so much happiness, and I thanked Gurumayi for providing us so many ways to deepen our sadhana.

    Hosur, India

    I am very grateful for this magnificent bhajan. This beautiful song brought the depth of Tulsidas’ devotion so completely to life for me that it transported my heart back to the experience of darshan with Baba Muktananda in the courtyard of Gurudev Siddha Peeth. Love and grace flow palpably, and my being is immersed in the sweetness and deep silence of that experience once again.

    Sydney, Australia

    What a beautiful, lilting, charming devotional hymn to Shri Rama! Its nuances and cadences wove themselves around my heart. The words and melody bring Shri Rama’s form to life for me in his colorful incarnation, offering strength and protection, vanquishing enemies, and adored by deities. Lord Rama is surely with us here and now.

    Ocean Shores, Australia

    As I listened to this deeply moving rendition of Tulsidas’ beautiful bhajan, I could feel its vibrations within me. And as the bhajan concluded, I felt that Lord Rama had been installed in my heart.

    Hazelbury Bryan, United Kingdom

    How majestic! Listening to this bhajan by Tulsidas early this morning, I felt completely engrossed by the words of the bhajan. The singing and music are amazing. Listening to the bhajan, I could imagine Bade Baba as Bhagavan Shri Ram, with his face, hands, and feet looking “as lovely as new lotus blossoms,” as Tulsidas sings.

    Aurangabad, India