An Abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj

Sung by Lakshmi Joyce Wells

Soniyatsa divasa aji

The recording of this abhanga is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    “I know nothing other than you, my Lord.”

    This line from Jnaneshvar’s abhanga has stayed with me. Jnaneshvar’s utter surrender reminded me that I am living my life in the presence of the Lord.

    Because I was awake to this truth, my mind was quite still as I listened to people this morning. I saw light shining in their eyes that I would normally not have seen. I experienced the Lord’s blessing this morning, again and again.

    Melbourne, Australia

    Reading this abhanga, I realized that Jnaneshvar’s devotion was honest and complete, without expectations. That helped me see how honest a disciple must become before being able to truly surrender body and mind as an adornment for the Lord’s feet. Jnaneshvar’s abhanga makes me wish to celebrate with him his pure wonder and his gratitude.
    Thank you, Shri Gurumayi, for your constant reminders of the goal, and your endless grace in freeing us of the false ideas that are obstacles to such divine perception and surrender. May my heart always repeat the Name and be filled with gratitude, as I continue to learn how to truly surrender my body and mind at your feet.

    California, USA

    This was a truly golden day for me. I meditated early in the morning. I recited Shri Guru Gita and praised my beloved Guru, who is my own golden Self. I walked in the garden this morning and recognized the golden light everywhere.

    I danced in ecstasy on a wonderful, golden day, full of golden rays of love.

    Thank you with all my heart.

    Basamathnagar, India

    It is very heartwarming to contemplate that the abhanga was composed by Jnaneshvar almost 800 years ago. I find it as resonant as if it were written today. So strong are the power and inspiration of these great beings that they shine their light for all souls to follow down the golden corridor of time.

    Iowa, USA

    After I had contemplated the marvelous abhanga a few times, my mind became silent and opened to the inner golden light along with the throb of the Name.

    Sorel-Tracy, Canada