Santa Kuḷītsā Rāzā

An Abhanga by Jnaneshvar Maharaj

Click “Play” to listen to the abhanga, Santa Kuḷītsā Rāzā, sung by Viju Kulkarni

Abhanga Santa Kuḷītsā Rāzā

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    Jnaneshvar Maharaj’s abhanga Santa Kulitsa Raza is so invigorating for me! Viju’s melodious voice pierces my heart to the core and anchors me in the teachings of our beloved gurus.

    This abhanga and all the other devotional songs of the poet saints are the life force that energizes me in my daily life. 

    Florida, United States

    As I listened to this exquisite abhanga, my heart softened and my mind rested in peaceful delight. I felt the inner presence of the Guru showing me that her love is always supporting me, reassuring me that there’s nothing to fear.

    California, United States

    After listening to the divinely melodious voice in this audio recording and reading the translation, I went to sleep. In my dreams, I saw many saints going on pilgrimage together. Among them, exactly in the center, was our beloved Baba Muktananda, chanting and playing the cymbals. All the faces were glowing with ecstasy, and Baba was filled with joy. After a short sleep, I felt rested and refreshed!

    Dombivli, India

    This line stands out for me: “In the Guru, my life force finds rest.” As I read it, I see myself gently enveloped in joy and grace—safely and comfortably resting in that space, protected by the Guru. I feel quiet, and at peace. I can rest there at any time that my perception gently guides me there.

    Texas, USA

    Each sentence here is like a river of grace and happiness flowing into my heart. Each line brings me more profound appreciation for all the support and gifts I receive from my compassionate Guru. I am full of gratitude for the Guru`s presence here and everywhere.

    Sorel-Tracy, Canada

    As I listen to this timeless abhanga, I feel love and dancing pervading my being. I am grateful for its presence on the website—filling my mind and heart with great company.

    Connecticut, USA

    Last weekend, I participated in a meeting of Siddha Yogis in France. I saw so much love and joy in the eyes of others. We shared so many beautiful experiences and new understandings. We experienced so much shakti. I was deeply conscious that it was the result of the Guru’s grace in everyone’s heart. To me, this meeting was like a celebration of the Guru’s grace!
    Jnaneshvar Maharaj says, "The Guru gives untiring help to a seeker. The Guru is the mother for a devotee." I experience this truth every day.
    Gurumayi, I want to express my love and my gratitude for so many gifts.

    Font Romeu, France

    Two lines of this abhanga touch me deeply: "In the Guru, my life force finds rest.” And, “My mind is in meditation." With these words my mind sinks into rest and gratitude, and then into the sweetest space of meditation. 

    What greater gift can we ever receive than to be given back to our own Self, to be led back to our true resting place, to share this space of meditation with our beloved Guru, who is both means and end?  What greater use of our time and our life is there besides satsang?

    Washington, USA

    The feeling of this abhanga is very sweet and brings my heart awake. It also states many answers to the question "Who is the Guru?" I am drawn to listen to it and enjoy it again.

    New York, USA

    As I listened to this abhanga, I could perceive Jnaneshvar’s love for his Guru. I experienced its essence in my own breath as I went into meditation. My Guru’s being was in my consciousness, my Guru’s teachings were in my consciousness, my Guru’s grace and infinite love were in my consciousness. I was filled by my Guru!

    Khargone, India

    As I listened to this abhanga, the words of verse 4 resonated with me most deeply. They reminded me how very fortunate I am to have Gurumayi in my life and to be guided by her wisdom. I recognize that this connection helps me face challenging situations with courage and conviction.

    Bangalore, India

    I had just been describing to a fellow Siddha Yogi my love for Jnaneshvar Maharaj, his inspirational poetry, and Jnaneshvari—his commentary on Shri Bhagavad Gita—when I was drawn to check the Siddha Yoga path website and found this wonderful abhanga.
    The multifaceted gems here describing how fortunate I am to have my Guru, Gurumayi, in my life, guiding me in so many ways towards liberation, remind me how eternally grateful I am to Jnaneshvar and to Gurumayi.

    Yeovil, United Kingdom

    I was especially touched by this line in Jnaneshvar’s abhanga: “The Guru is the mountain of courage which never shakes.”
    In many, many challenging situations in my life, I’ve felt the support of the Guru, “the mountain of courage.” In these moments, I remember Shri Guru and imagine her breathing my breath. As I do this, I feel the divine presence in my body looking out through my eyes. Anxiety dissolves, and I feel as steady as a mountain.
    Salutations to Shri Guru, who makes me aware of my own inner courage.

    Massachusetts, USA