Nirvana Shatkam

A Hymn Attributed to Adi Shankaracharya

Recited by Viju Kulkarni in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.

Lyric sheet for Nirvanasatkam
The Nectar of Chanting, 4th edition, 2017 reprint (S. Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1984), pp. 174–76.

This book is available in the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    Listening to Nirvana Shatkam really touches and calms my soul in many ways. It helps me to feel as though God and I are one without any difference. It even allows me to focus on my studies. This hymn provides my heart with peace and love. 

    Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar, India

    This hymn has touched my heart very deeply ever since I first heard it many years ago. It always feels new, no matter how many times I listen to it. 

    Cologne, Germany

    During Pitru Paksha, I decided to sing this hymn every day—once, or three or five times—for the soul of my father, who passed away around three decades ago at age forty-five. This is one of my favorite hymns, whose meaning I love very much.
    Singing this every day was a great experience. It was like a journey of the soul. On day one I cried a lot while singing it as I loved my father very much. As the days passed, and I continued to sing it with attention to the meaning of every word, I began to experience the sweet juice in it, yes, like nectar. I found that I became able to handle the sorrow and experienced a peaceful maturity.
    Today is Sarvapitru Amavasya, “the new moon of all the ancestors,” which is the traditional day to offer prayers and gratitude to our ancestors. I feel as though my father’s soul is now free from past bondage to a great extent. My sorrow has lessened and now I am able to experience bliss and peace while singing this hymn.

    Dombivli, India

    Viju’s pure and clear voice always affects me deeply. As soon as I hear the very first tones of her singing these immortal mantras, I’m instantly transported to a centered, still, and vibrantly sweet place. This particularly holy chant evokes in me calm and strength. I feel a delicate yet expansive power gently flowing through my entire body and settling my busy mind into stillness.

    Ohio, United States

    I started reciting Nirvana Shatkam even before I began following the Siddha Yoga path many decades ago. At that time, I was delighted to find this hymn in The Nectar of Chanting book. Whenever I recited it, I felt I was able to rise above samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, which binds me. Once freed in this way, I remained in a state of bliss for some time.

    Listening to this hymn now in Viju’s sweet voice—or reciting along with the recording—I find myself deeply absorbed in a space of peace and serenity.

    I am grateful to the Guru for making this hymn so accessible, both in The Nectar of Chanting book and on the Siddha Yoga path website. This gives me the opportunity to immerse myself again and again in the experience of the bliss of the Self, by reciting Nirvana Shatkam.

    Udaipur, India

    I have always loved this hymn, which seems to consistently fill me with bliss and joy. Today, when I listened to it, it touched me in a new way. I felt a sense of great love and freedom. I experienced that I was letting go of all my limitations. I also felt as though I entered into a deep space of eternity. I recognized this as a place I have always been, floating in a vast ocean of Consciousness.

    California, United States

    I have been working on becoming fearless by putting my understanding of the Siddha Yoga teachings into practice and by connecting to the Guru’s protection.

    Ever since I heard this hymn, I have always loved it for its beauty, truth, and sweetness. Today I felt immensely calmed and enlightened by the realization that everything is Shiva and that my true identity is Shiva, not fear or fearlessness.

    Massachusetts, United States

    Reading the translation of the words as I listen to the beautiful music is very humbling. The words bring my awareness out of my head and into my heart. They make me feel both calm and full of wonder.

    Pennsylvania, United States

    Every time I hear the recording of this hymn, I am reminded of the immense devotion that lies dormant in my heart. To me, Viju perfectly brings out the pure love that is contained in this work. As I listen, I experience that her beautiful voice shines so clearly, permeating the room with divine shakti. I am immensely grateful that this recording is on the Siddha Yoga path website.

    Michigan, United States

    I love this hymn! Viju’s beautiful voice conveys its profound content in a very loving way. Singing it along with her is a gift. I sing the last verse with great enthusiasm each time!

    I am grateful that this hymn is included in The Nectar of Chanting book, which has always faithfully supported me in my sadhana.

    Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

    Nirvana Shatkam recited by Viju has always captivated me for the purity of its devotion and longing. Now I understand why that is so.

    Focusing and absorbing the meaning of the words has been transformative. As I move from verse to verse, I feel myself dropping into who I truly am, melting into the formless, and experiencing the glorious freedom of the infinite space of Consciousness. Fearlessly entering the cave of the great Heart where I meditate on my Guru brings me profound gratitude.

    Maryland, United States

    Some three and a half decades ago, when I was still new to the Siddha Yoga path and every experience was like visiting a beautiful corner of the world for the first time, I bought the tape recording of Nirvana Shatkam. I don’t remember whether the words for the hymn were packaged in the little box, or whether I understood them, even if there were words. But I do remember the sweetness I felt when I listened to it, and how I sang “shivoham shivoham” along with the refrain.

    When I listen to it now on the website, I am filled with the same sweet feeling, and reading the verses draws me into the state of knowing that “I am Consciousness and Bliss.”

    California, United States

    Each verse in Nirvana Shatkam offers me relief. It nourishes me with the power to accept and sweetly embrace pure Consciousness as it playfully manifests itself. I am both grounded and uplifted as I contemplate and meditate on these sacred words. In times of grief, this is a transformational “medicine song” for me.

    California, United States

    Many years ago during a meditation, I experienced that I no longer had a body. Instead I felt that I was ecstatic, shimmering blue consciousness that filled the universe. In this state, I noticed no desire, no thought, no awareness of mind—only absolute contentment that seemed to flood everything. Although this experience was brief, I believed that Baba had given me this amazing gift in order to guide me to the goal of my sadhana, the goal of my life.
    Shortly afterward, I heard Nirvana Shatkam for the first time. As I listened, an echo of the same joy I had felt in that meditation surged within my heart. I recognized later that everything that sage Adi Shankaracharya had written in this hymn was the Truth.

    Vancouver, Canada

    A number of years ago, I experienced a state similar to the one Adi Shankaracharya describes in this hymn. I was walking from a nearby post office back to work. With each step, I focused my mind on my breath and the space between the breaths. I felt the space between breaths expand. My pace gradually slowed down, and I walked in full awareness. I felt great longing to unite with the Beloved. Then I experienced a thoughtless, formless, colorless, blissful, light state. My awareness seemed to become subtler than my breath, and I experienced being nothing and everything at the same time. I was in total freedom. Gradually, awareness of my body and surroundings replaced that state. I was astonished that my body had continued its blissful walk from the post office back to work!

    Nice, France

    I’ve been practicing singing Nirvana Shatkam, which I’ve loved for many years. I decided I’d take time to memorize the English translation. Every day I look at Gurumayi’s photo and recite it out loud.
    In the beginning I felt some shyness when coming to “I am Shiva! I am Shiva!”  as if I were trying to embody something outside myself. Now, as I continue each day, a new intimacy grows. More and more often, a river-like column of energy, of joy, surges up my spine. My body becomes full of bliss, in the way I imagine spring filling fruit until it’s ripe. And I experience my voice differently; it’s like liquid flowing upwards, more toward the back of my body, as if traveling through a different channel. 
    I love worship of the Beloved. This practice is opening me to accept that I am the same Beloved whom I love to worship.

    New York, United States

    This hymn from Shri Shankaracharya fills my heart with love. It teaches me that I should dissolve every aspect of my life in Consciousness. This is the goal of all my spiritual practices.
    When I melt sugar in a drink, I make it sweet. In the same way, when the prana in my body melts into the manifold universe, I experience bliss, the pure form of Consciousness, and I find my true identification—shivo’ham.

    Rodez, France

    As I listened to this hymn while sitting at my desk, waves of gratitude took me over. Each emotion seemed to arise to its most vibrant manifestation, and then subside into complete stillness. My body, mind, and breath felt ever so still. I feel so grateful to Gurumayi for leading me on these pathways to my inner Self.

    Yangon, Myanmar

    I was mesmerized by this wonderful hymn and experienced an upsurge of huge waves of vibrations. As I listen to it again and again, it connects me to an immense power of love, illumines my mind, and seems to resonate in every cell of my body.

    Mersin, Turkey

    Yesterday morning, during my meditation I discovered that my identification with being a disciple has been getting in the way of my sadhana and spiritual growth. Up to this point I had not realized that I have been feeling a certain pride in identifying as a disciple.
    Today, as I read and listened to this hymn, it helped me confirm my realization. As verse 5 clearly states, “I am… neither Guru nor disciple, indeed. I am Consciousness and Bliss.”

    Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles

    Listening to this divinely beautiful hymn, my heart filled up with a blissful energy that radiated through my whole being. The melody is so unusual and evocative. I am so grateful to be able to chant it at home now via the Siddha Yoga path website. 

    Sydney, Australia

    When I heard Nirvana Shatkam the first time, I thought, “This is so beautiful!” I just love the melody. It also felt familiar in a way, as if I might have known it before. I started singing along and always feel very happy when I do so. Sometimes when I wake up during the night, I can still hear the refrain in my mind.

    Biel, Switzerland

    What a beautiful hymn! This morning I listened to it and chanted along with the words “shivo’ham shivo’ham.” The sweet melody and the meaning of the words were exactly what I needed today. I am challenged by a chronic illness, and hearing and reading these verses remind me of my true identity: I am Shiva, that which is beyond the fluctuations of my mind and body.

    North Carolina, United States

    This beautiful hymn makes me so happy. The words, their meaning, and the wonderful melody keep resonating from within me throughout the day. As I listen and chant along, I feel grateful and humble and so happy. I am at peace and content with everything in my life.
    The love in this hymn gives me wings, opens my heart, and very naturally I want to act with love. Attachment, and all that belongs to it, seem so far away.

    Duisburg, Germany

    This is such a powerful affirmation for my mind. It stills my mind when it is restless, and comforts it when it is worried. I am grateful to be able to listen to the audio on the website.

    Thane West, India

    I have been chanting this every morning before meditation and every night before I go to sleep. It has been such a breakthrough for me to experience myself as though I am in Bhagavan Nityananda’s own state. This has brought me great bliss!

    Mexico City, Mexico

    I sing this hymn on most evenings before I meditate. Its uplifting and lilting melody are a soothing balm that easily calms and directs my mind inward. As I begin to meditate, I repeat the refrain that is the answer to my perennial question in sadhana and life—Who am I?—and the answer is, I am Consciousness and Bliss! I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    New Jersey, United States

    I have always enjoyed this hymn and remember sharing the final line of the refrain with other Siddha Yogis at the local meditation center: “I am Consciousness and Bliss. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!

    I have longed to know the melody for this wonderful hymn. Thank you for publishing it. Listening to it brings me joy.

    Florida, United States

    By simply listening to this hymn tonight, my careworn mind stops, and I reconnect to my true nature.
    Listening to the words and music of the saints and Siddhas brings so much bliss to my heart. My whole body dances and my mind rests in joy and peace. The saints remind me of who I truly am: shivo’ham! They remind me that other thoughts about who I am are illusions.
    For the days to come, s hivo’ham will be my foremost thought.

    St. Bauzille de la Sylve, France

    I listened to this beautiful hymn this morning while reading along with the text. I could feel the power of the chant releasing me, dissolving my conceptions of myself. And yet I still existed as stillness.

    This was an experience of meditation. The grace of the Siddhas is unfathomable!

    Florida, United States

    I have been singing Nirvana Shatkam for the last few days, and these words in particular stand out for me: “I am neither detachment nor liberation nor anything that can be measured.”

    This has illuminated for me the extent to which I usually identify myself as my ego striving to realize the Self. The line reveals to me that I am nothing that can be measured, but am rather the divine principle, Shiva. This awareness is both radical and liberating. What a leap! What a teaching!

    Canberra, Australia

    This beautiful hymn has lightened my spirits during a particularly challenging time for me. As I joined in with the recording, singing it several times this morning, the melody, the meaning, and the sound of the Sanskrit syllables uplifted my heart and mind. I gratefully received the teaching again and again: “I am Shiva! I am Shiva!”

    London, United Kingdom

    I remember hearing this beautiful hymn when I had the good fortune to offer seva at Gurudev Siddha Peeth and Shree Muktananda Ashram. Each time I heard or sang it, I was delighted both by the beauty of the hymn and the sense of liberation I felt within me.
    I especially remember listening to Gurumayi sing a few of these verses during a satsang. I always remember this—receiving the sound of my Guru’s voice—as a divine moment of completeness. In that moment I was absorbed in absolute beauty, sweetness, and freedom.

    Richmond, Australia

    Last year, I learned this hymn during my stay in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, where we recited it every afternoon in the Shiva Temple.

    After a year, I formed the sankalpa, the intention, to recite this hymn daily. The morning after I formed this intention, the hymn appeared on the Siddha Yoga path website! I felt so connected and full of joy as I inwardly thanked my Guru for leading me in this direction, for guiding me from within to choose this practice. 

    New Delhi, India

    Yesterday I was at the dentist undergoing an unexpectedly long procedure. I started repeating the mantra mentally when, very soon, the words chidananda-rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham from this beautiful hymn came to me and stayed with me for the entire procedure. I felt saturated with love and peace. I was aware of what was happening externally, yet with a new feeling of trust and surrender.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Listening to this joyful hymn, I also realize that I am having satsang with my old self from some thirty years ago, when I started following the path of Siddha Yoga and heard this hymn for the first time. Hearing it now, I perceive and appreciate the trajectory of my own sadhana and the upward and inward journey it has taken me on.

    The invitation to live by the Truth that “I am Consciousness and Bliss. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!” is still my north star.

    California, United States

    Reading aloud, singing, and pondering these words, I feel their meaning come to life in me. A blessed insight arises within: “It is better to live a life of attainment than to pursue a life of achievement.”
    This insight refreshes and revitalizes me. Softened, humbled, I start my day.

    West Molesey, United Kingdom

    Oh, how I love this hymn! I could sing it day and night. It makes my heart resonate with happiness and lightheartedness. I see Shiva Nataraj dancing too, dancing in my heart.

    Palzing, Germany

    How happy I am to read and hear this beautiful hymn! Years ago I learned it with some other Siddha Yogis. At the time I walked around for weeks ecstatically singing to myself, “chidananda-rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham!” It truly made my heart sing.

    To hear it, and read the words again, brings back the same ecstasy! This hymn gives me the direct experience of both Shiva and satsang.

    Murrumbeena, Australia

    Since yesterday I have been listening to and singing this hymn again and again. It pulls me toward a deep silence, a calm space within. In that space, I feel I am bathing in an ocean of pure love where nothing exists but bliss.
    Throughout the day, that blissful state has continued. For me, this is satsang with my own Self.

    New Delhi, India

    Years ago, I happened upon a cassette tape of Baba singing this hymn. It was during a time I was facing great difficulty at work that lasted for months. I found the words and the melody of Nirvana Shatkam so comforting that I played the recording over and over again, sometimes all day long. The knowledge that I was not any of the events happening around me sustained me and helped me through to the other side of this challenging time.

    How wonderful to hear this hymn again now! It still has the same soothing effect on me, and takes me into a place of deep silence where the world drops away, and truly all that remains is Consciousness.

    Arizona, United States

    Nirvana Shatkam, one of my favorite hymns, reaffirms the understanding of my true nature.  As I go through the verses, Shri Adi Shankaracharya’s words take me, step-by-step, through the process of removing the delusion of duality. Very often, I find myself singing this hymn, and, almost instantaneously, my awareness lands in a space deep within myself.

    How blessed am I to be guided by these teachings and to walk the grace-filled path of our dear Siddha Yoga Gurus.

    Chennai, India

    This hymn has been one of my favorites since I learned it almost forty years ago. The words carry such powerful meaning, and the music takes me into meditation. 

    I had the good fortune to visit one of Adi Shankaracharya’s monasteries in India. I realized then how great he was, and I marveled at what he accomplished for the world.

    I’m grateful to Gurumayi for giving everyone the opportunity to celebrate his birth and learn this precious hymn here on the Siddha Yoga path website.

    New York, United States

    Early this morning, with the birds singing outside my window, I visited the Siddha Yoga path website to assist me in focusing for my day ahead. In this hymn, I found my focus.

    I remember being in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, walking in darkness to the upper garden, sitting in the early morning hours in the Shiva Temple. In those surroundings, rich with shakti, I rejoiced in “shivo’ham shivo’ham.

    Today, as I prepare to visit my husband in the hospital and support his recovery, I take refuge in the truth: “I am Shiva! I am Shiva!” I will take this understanding into my whole being and face the challenges ahead, whatever they may be. I have what it takes; my beloved Gurus have given me true understanding and sustenance. For this, and so much more, I am eternally grateful.

    Massachusetts, United States

    The refrain “I am Consciousness and Bliss. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!" has been ringing in my heart throughout the day, creating a continuous moment of satsang with my own Self. I have experienced a fresh, new, harmonious energy bubbling within me.

    Reading the translation, I gather the understanding that the whole universe, created by Shiva, ultimately dissolves back into Shiva—Bliss and Consciousness. 

    Nairobi, Kenya

    This was the perfect time for me to listen to and read this incredible hymn.
    I have just gone through a difficult change in my life and am having to come to terms with who I am in my new circumstances. The truth that I am divine, I am Shiva, has become my refuge.
    And as my external identifications fall away, I move deeper and deeper into my own being. 

    California, United States

    Before dawn this morning, I read and listened to Adi Shankaracharya’s immensely powerful hymn.
    During meditation, the words and melody of the ecstatic refrain kept repeating in my awareness. As thoughts and images drifted through my mind, I remembered that I am not these thoughts, and my attention returned again and again to chidananda-rupah shivo’ham shivo’ham. After some time, my mind became quiet, and I felt I was tasting the bliss of Shiva.

    Massachusetts, United States

    I have remembered and loved this hymn since I first heard Baba sing it. I can hear him singing it now—reminding me sweetly not to identify with all the fluctuating feelings, thoughts, and circumstances of my life, but rather to know that “I am Consciousness and Bliss. I am Shiva! I am Shiva!”
    Not long ago at work, I became aware of feeling insecure in a new setting, and I was comparing myself to my coworkers. I then decided to focus on my breathing, told myself that I was not my uncomfortable feelings, and began repeating to myself, “I am Consciousness. I am Consciousness.” I felt so happy with this awareness—and it totally dissolved my discomfort! I felt I had a secret in my heart, keeping me strong and bringing me bliss. 
    Thanks to Adi Shankaracharya, a day that started with uneasiness became a memory of clarity, of sweetness, and of joy that sustains me still.

    Kentucky, United States