Verses from Shri Shiva Mahimnah Stotram

Recited by the music ensemble in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram Verse 37

Click here to read more about Shri Shiva Mahimnah Stotram.

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    The sound of this verse transports me to Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I feel the peace, protection, and power of the sacred syllables.

    Mumbai, India

    As I recite this verse, I feel contentment wash over me. I feel that I’m settling into my natural state of being.
    What good fortune to experience the beautiful words of this text in a tangible way!

    New York, USA

    While listening to the sublime sounds of Verse 37 of the Shiva Mahimna Stotram, I went deeper and deeper into myself. I felt I was diving into an ocean of love, tenderly cradled by the sweet melody. I became aware that my true nature is love and that the world around me too is a boundless ocean of love.
    This glimpse into the infinite compassion and benevolence of Lord Shiva, of my own Heart, filled me with gratitude and reverence.

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

    Reading, listening, and practicing along with this recording gave me a beautiful moment of satsang. I truly enjoyed my own company during and after singing this verse.
    I’m so grateful to have these practices available to refresh, engage, and inspire me.

    Melbourne, Australia