
    Share Your Experience

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    This morning different shades of the color green flashed before my inner eye. I was surprised and asked myself, “Why green?”
    Later in the day I read this verse and I understood: Lord Shiva is “clad in green.” I felt tremendous gratitude and I now feel surrounded by the Lord’s protection. 

    Hinwil, Switzerland

    Reading this verse, I feel the protective force of the One in whose presence I can truly rest. Taking refuge in the benevolent power of God frees my mind of worry.

    New York, United States

    I am so grateful for this beautiful verse. When I read the meaning, I felt as if I was talking to Lord Shiva, and I experienced inner closeness with the Lord. I feel so much love and devotion spontaneously arise as I engage with this verse.

    Chennai, India