Offering Puja to Lord Nataraj

Click here to read the prayers offered by these Siddha Yoga Swamis.

Introduction by Swami Vasudevananda

Early one morning during the summer of 2020, Swami Indirananda, Swami Umeshananda, and I gathered in front of the magnificent murti of Lord Shiva Nataraj at the entrance to Anugraha in Shree Muktananda Ashram. We were there to make offerings to honor Lord Shiva  Read more.

On the Siddha Yoga path, we honor Lord Shiva as our own Self; as the essence of all the mantras imparted by the Siddha Yoga Gurus; and as the Adi Guru, the primordial Master, the bestower of divine grace. In his image as Nataraj, Shiva is the Lord of Dance. Through his cosmic dance, he creates, sustains, and dissolves the universe and dispels our limited understanding to reveal the truth of divine union.

To Lord Shiva, Adi Guru, we three Siddha Yoga Swamis came to pay our homage and make offerings at the sacred fire on behalf of all living beings and creation.

When we make offerings to Shri Guru—the embodiment of supreme love, compassion, and generosity—we offer the best of ourselves and the purest of sacred substances.

Swami Umeshananda began with an offering of ghee, clarified butter, by pouring it into the sacred fire. Next, I offered sugar and black sesame seeds to the fire, and then Swami Indirananda offered a coconut. With each offering, the flames danced upward, sparks shimmering in the morning air. In this way, it seemed that Lord Shiva was joyfully accepting our offerings.

We then stepped forward to offer prayers from the ancient scriptures of India. Just as we had offered the purest of sacrificial materials, so we offered words that sanctify and uplift the world.

The first was from the Universal Prayer, which beseeches the happiness and well-being of all.

In the second prayer, which was from the Shrimad Bhagavatam Purana, a sacred text of teachings, stories, and hymns, we offered pranam, our reverential salutation, to everything in the universe.

And in the third prayer, which was from the Rig Veda, the most ancient of India’s scriptures, we asked the Lord to grant that our thoughts, words, and actions reflect the highest Truth.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    During my morning meditation on the day of Gurupurnima, I felt such a deep connection with the sacred fire and Lord Nataraj. I perceived each one of the five divine powers Shiva Nataraj grants to his devotees to be unfolding inside me: creation, sustenance, dissolution, concealment, and the bestowal of grace. And then it felt as if the flames rising before Lord Nataraja, the cosmic Dancer, were dancing around me too.
    Then, when I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and saw the video “Puja to Lord Nataraj,” I was mesmerized—because just minutes before, I had been there! The bond to Gurumayi’s grace is so tangible with this kind of alignment.
    I took the prayers offered by the Swamis into my heart, and in turn I offered them to humanity.

    Naucalpan, Mexico

    The purity and power of these actions, so beautifully conveyed, stilled me completely and brought me into my heart.

    Massachusetts, United States

    I am so grateful to watch this puja during these challenging times. As the Swamis were offering their oblations with silent prayers, I, too, offered my heartfelt prayers with folded hands, speaking to Lord Shiva from the depth of my being, and feeling the warmth of the flames. Silence enveloped me, and a blanket of peacefulness descended upon me and lingered throughout the day.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    Watching this puja has been very powerful for me! It brought me a feeling of peace, unity, and connection. It was so strong that it has stayed with me throughout the day.

    Uzes, France

    I had the good fortune to be at Shree Muktananda Ashram when this puja was performed. Now, watching it again and reading Swami Vasudevananda’s introduction, my mind becomes still, and devotion arises in me just as it did back then. 
    Whenever I participate in an invocation of Shiva, or invoke Shiva myself, I feel a profound upsurge of love. I am so grateful for our lineage, which carries the blessings of Shiva into the present moment.

    Bali, Indonesia

    As I watched the Swamis’ movements and expressions on the video, and as I read the prayers and took in the crackling sound of the fire, I felt my mind drawn into infinite, healing peace.

    Vicenza, Italy

    As the Swamis were offering their worship and blessings to Lord Nataraj, each one seemed to me like the Lord himself. But what was most amazing is that I felt Lord Nataraj was worshiping and offering his blessings to the Swamis!

    Bangalore, India

    I’m grateful to the Swamis for making these perfect offerings to Lord Nataraj on my behalf and on behalf of all of us. As the offerings dissolved in the flames, the joyous face of Shri Nataraj appeared to me to shimmer with peace and benevolence. I felt my heart swell, assured that the offerings were perfectly received and will be responded to in many ways we do not yet know.

    Ocean Shores, Australia

    What a beautiful expression of reverence to the Supreme Power that blesses this world! By observing the sacred offering and feeling part of it, I realized that the ritual in itself is a tangible form of prayer.
    Lord Shiva looked so happy to me at the end! I’m so grateful for being able to share in this powerful event and in invoking goodness for this world. 

    Mexico City, Mexico

    For me, this puja to Lord Nataraja was powerful and profound. I found the invocations amazingly fitting for our current global situation.
    With each offering, I beheld a beneficent smile light up the Lord’s face, his beautiful eyes radiating joy. I felt, without a doubt, that the Lord had received these prayers and oblations and that the fruit of the puja was assured.
    Indeed, I thought, the Lord is pleased!

    Georgia, United States

    What a beautiful and meaningful puja offered by the Swamis with sincerity and devotion. I watched it several times and almost felt like I was there. The flames of the sacred fire and the love in the air warmed my heart. I had the impression that just by observing this ceremony, I had a chance to participate in the powerful process of transformation.

    Oregon, United States

    I was strongly drawn to Shiva Nataraj’s expression as the Swamis offered puja to him. His eyes looked so soft and full of love, while his face became more and more pleased and content with each offering to the fire. The crackling sound of the flames reminded me of how electricity runs through wire as it lights things up. Similarly, I imagined the fire connecting each prayer to the universe and lighting it up with benevolent intention for the good of humanity.

    Colorado, United States

    I entered my meditation room with the intention of chanting to Gurumayi, but when I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and saw “Puja to Lord Nataraj,” I turned to this first.
    The Swamis’ offering of these prayers with such devotion, on behalf of the whole world, touched the depths of my soul. A practice so pure, so ancient and sacred, it took me to a place of peace and silence deep within—a place of being rather than doing.
    I just sat and watched as Lord Shiva "danced" as the smoke took these prayers to heaven. I am eternally grateful.

    Yeovil, United Kingdom

    Today we had just finished reciting Shri Guru Gita and doing our guru-puja at home, when we opened the Siddha Yoga path website. As soon as I saw the puja performed by the three Swamis to Lord Nataraj, I felt so connected to Shri Guru and to the sacred blessings flowing through the puja. The prayers offered by the Swamis reminded me that the Guru’s blessings and protection are always with me and my family.

    Kolkata, India

    The three Swamis share their beautiful gifts so effortlessly, releasing to the fire with open hands and open hearts all that is sweet, pure, and beneficial. 
    May I be part of this timeless cycle of giving, and play my part by giving the best of myself and sending my positive actions outward and upward. 

    St. Lazare, Canada

    As I watched the Siddha Yoga Swamis making the sacred offerings in their puja to Lord Nataraj, I became very still. I was immediately connected to my heart. My focus never strayed and I experienced that I was one with them and wholly present in making these auspicious offerings to Lord Shiva.
    I am grateful to Gurumayi for bringing me to that beautiful puja in that sacred place, and for all the prayers and blessings being offered on behalf of all of us and all creatures of the world.

    Florida, United States

    Amidst great external distractions, I feel this offering from the deepest part of my being. Going deeper inside, I feel my spirit going higher and higher and realizing that Mahadeva is not affected by the machinations of human beings but is the constant source of peace and rejuvenation.
    I thank Shri Guru for the blessing of this insight and indeed for my very existence.

    Modiin, Israel