Kṛpā kā Jharanā
The Waterfall of Grace

Part VI

translations available   hindi |  English

An Account of the Gurupurnima Celebration Satsang
with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Shree Muktananda Ashram and Gurudev Siddha Peeth
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Living and Serving
Gurumayi Chidvilasananda’s Tribute to Shri Devendra Paliwal

Click here to read Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V

During the Gurupurnima satsang Gurumayi spoke with great love about
Shri Devendra Paliwal, one of the managers of Gurudev Siddha Peeth, who passed away on June 28.

Gurumayi said:

Just yesterday evening I decided that I would celebrate this auspicious occasion of Gurupurnima with all of you. The joy I felt in my heart was indescribable!

When I decided to talk with you and listen to you, first and foremost I remembered Devendra Paliwal ji. I came to know about Paliwal ji’s passing by chance; no one specifically told me that Paliwal ji had passed away. But there is always someone who knows—Bade Baba knows, Baba ji knows.

Before his passing, when I had first learned that Paliwal ji’s condition had worsened, right away I asked a sevite to call Mrs. Paliwal ji, Manish, and Hansita and Manav, to let them know that Gurumayi ji remembers them a lot. And after Paliwal ji passed away, I asked the sevite to call them again and share that Paliwal ji was a great soul and will always remain so for us.

Many amongst you know him because you offered seva with him. And many of you may not know him; so Ami, after this satsang please let everyone know about him and what an extraordinary sevite he was. Paliwal ji was a great center leader in Udaipur in the 1980s. He loved Baba very much.

We will miss him a lot. In 1987 when I was traveling in India, holding satsangs and Shaktipat Intensives, Paliwal ji oversaw the teachings visit in Udaipur. I will always remember his incredible dedication to ensuring that as many new seekers as possible could receive the Siddha Yoga teachings.

When I heard that he had passed away on June 28, I felt that he was being so considerate—he waited until my birthday celebration had concluded before leaving this world. For me, that is true anukampā in action. His timing reminded me of how he never wished to create any kind of obstacle for the work of Siddha Yoga. His only focus was getting the work done. He offered his mind, his heart, and his life completely to Siddha Yoga. This will always be true for Paliwal ji.

He was about to become a grandfather in a few weeks. He was about to receive so much happiness from this occasion. However, since now Paliwal ji will not be physically present for this celebration, I would like to request that you all share amongst yourselves the happiness he would have felt. And may your heart's wish, the call of your heart, reach this new life that is about to take birth, this soul soon to be born. Make sure to send this soul the blessings from Bade Baba, Baba ji, and all the Siddhas.

I also heard that although Mrs. Paliwal ji, Manav, Hansita, Manish, and all his family members and friends are mourning Paliwal ji’s passing, they have accepted it with grace and dignity—which were two of Paliwal ji’s most memorable qualities. They shared that not long before he became ill, Paliwal ji had distributed copies of Baba ji’s book Does Death Really Exist? to family members and friends. He told them, “When someone dies, you should not cry; it is their time to go. Remember them with love and live your life well.” His loved ones felt that Paliwal ji knew that soon he would reach Baba ji.

But it is all right to still be a little annoyed with him about his leaving all of us. What was the great hurry, Paliwal ji? There is so much seva to be done in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and you excelled in offering seva—so why this hurry?

My mandate to all of you is that you wish to live a long and healthy life, and that every plan you make in your life support the fulfillment of this wish. And may you wish the same for others. There is no reason to run hurriedly anywhere. The experience of merging with Baba ji is available to you now, while you are still living and serving on this planet.



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Shri Devendra Paliwal
Devendra Paliwal ji
Bio of Paliwal ji in Hindi