Gurumayi’s Teaching
Given on Gurupurnima 2014

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    Ever since I heard Gurumayi impart her command, "Be your own best friend," I have been contemplating its implications. The first thing I contemplated was whom I would consider a true friend. What came up for me is that a true friend is one who loves me and who will always want the best for me. Hence, he will be honest with me, even if that means he might sometimes say things that I don’t want to hear.

    This made one thing very clear to me. To be my own best friend, I need to love myself. Instead of expecting love and care from others and making my happiness or joy dependent on them, I need to find that joy and happiness within. I should not pamper my ego and let my weaknesses go unnoticed. I must face them and make myself stronger from within.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for making me a stronger person. Being friends with myself only brings me closer to you, for I know how much you love me.

    Mumbai, India

    Gurumayi’s command, “Be your own best friend,” reminded me of Baba’s command, “Make your mind your friend.” This command has helped me to make a conscious effort to turn my mind away from arguments and entertainment that kill time, and to turn toward uplifting music, sights, words, and company.

    One place that provides me with uplifting sounds, sights, and satsang is the Siddha Yoga path website. The beautiful photographs of sunsets and sunrises, unfolding flowers, raindrop-laden leaves and plants, Lake Nityananda reflecting the ever-changing sky, the rainbow that bridges Bade Baba’s Temple and Gurumayi’s abode—and most of all, the darshan of Gurumayi showering her grace so profusely and generously. All this makes it possible for me to befriend my mind and be my own best friend.

    Thank you, everyone who helps in bringing this place to me.

    Sydney, Australia

    After receiving Gurumayi’s command, “Be your own best friend,” I have been looking within to see what I need to do to be my best friend. I see that I have a tendency to be hard on myself when I don’t meet my own expectations. This also extends into my interactions with friends and fellow sevites.

    I understand that I can be my own best friend by cultivating self-respect, which will lead to my being more respectful of others.

    Thank you very much, Gurumayi.

    from Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    Gurumayi’s command, "Be your own best friend," reminds me of my first real experience of practicing self-inquiry. When Baba said in a Shaktipat Intensive in 1974 that an important part of the practices was "to keep good company," this was the first time I’d really contemplated how I could practice something Baba had said. It totally changed my life because Baba had made clear that it applied to both outer company and inner company. I’ve never forgotten that teaching from Baba, and it has enabled me to develop more discernment in choosing both outer and inner company.

    "Be your own best friend" is for me a reminder to continue my self-inquiry on keeping good company, both within and without.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this command.

    And thanks to everyone offering seva for the website; all the new information on Gurupurnima is amazing and enlightening.

    California, USA

    I am my own best friend when I immerse myself in Gurumayi’s teachings.
    This morning, I felt the need to review the definition of each word of Gurumayi’s Message for 2014, and to copy them once more from the website into my journal. 
    When I came to this part of the definition of flawless—"to be pure means to be free from duality"—I entered the state of flawless quietude. I understood that every cell of my body is creating itself at each moment and the whole universe is dancing in the same way. Everything in my life came to a point of stillness and balance while I accepted every aspect of it. 
    I am now able to rejoice in my own joy, free from fluctuating thoughts and emotions. Everything emerges from and subsides in love. Just love remains.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your unwavering support. 

    Paris, France

    "Be your own best friend." Thank you, Gurumayi, for this command, which has made me more aware of the sacredness of my own Self within. I have observed that when I bring this focus to my daily activities—business, seva, talking with my sons, studying—I experience joy, respect, and love for others, for the act I am doing, and for my own Self. 
    This experience is so great! Gurumayiji, thank you for your teachings and  blessings in my life.

    Nasik, India

    Gurumayi’s teaching is life-transforming. Learning to be my own best friend empowers me to be best friends with this world. The more I love myself, the more I truly love others. The more I respect myself, the more I respect others. In this way, I experience how, when I am being my own best friend, I can truly be a best friend to others. This teaching changes my inner world and my outer world. 
    Thank you, Gurumayiji. By implementing this teaching, may Siddha Yogis around the world create a paradise.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    This teaching is helping me to experience that I am my own best friend when steadily doing the Siddha Yoga practices. Because these practices are enlivened with Gurumayi’s attainment, I am experiencing ever more consistently and palpably over time a connection with the Guru Principle. When I recite Shri Guru Gita, meditate, and offer seva and dakshina, I feel as if I’m doing something absolutely essential in order to experience my birthright, the divinity within myself. In this way, I am also being a friend to this world.

    Shree Muktananda Ashram

    I have always considered Gurumayi to be my best friend, so when I heard this teaching, I was drawn deep within the space of my heart. A knot within unraveled, and I felt tears of gratitude fill my eyes. I feel as if Gurumayi is confirming her presence in this space.  She is asking me to travel within and befriend my own heart and become my own best friend. I understand that the essence of the heart and the Guru tattva are one.

    Thank you for this profound teaching, Gurumayi.

    Shubh Gurupurnima!

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    Relating with friends, whose unconditional love I trust, I deepen my self-understanding when I relax and open up to deeper truths. I grow when they honestly call my attention to parts of myself I think I’d rather not see and encourage me to be my best.

    The blessing of Gurumayi’s command to us to be our own best friend is already bearing fruits for me!  In a conversation with two fellow sevites, it was revealed that I’d not only forgotten to attend to a task I’d been assigned, but when reminded of it, I still didn’t recall that one of them had discussed the task with me just a few days before. In the past, forgetting to befriend myself, I would have immediately felt shame and worry about my "hopeless" memory. But this time, my immediate reaction was to be glad that the memory lapse was caught soon enough to cause no harm. Instead of wanting to hide my mistake, I was happy that my co-sevites were reminded of the need to check in with me at times about how things are going with my action points.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    Gurumayi says:
    “Be your own best friend.”
    A best friend
    never allows you to berate yourself
    or be down on yourself,
    always sees the highest in you,
    knows where your strengths truly lie.
    She stands by you
    and never gives up on you,
    and always reminds you
    who you truly are.

    New York, USA

    When I read, "Be your own best friend," I immediately thanked Gurumayi for giving me the awareness that, in addition to having her, I have myself. And if I have myself, I have her. I am completely supported and loved.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for always being present.

    Guadalajara, Mexico

    Be your own best friend. This teaching particularly stood out for me because I have a tendency to sometimes be quite judgmental and hard on myself, which makes it difficult for me to be my own best friend.

    As I started to contemplate this teaching, I realized that the first thing for me to do is to make my mind my best friend. This means I have to catch myself when my mind begins to go in a downward spiral toward negativity. When I do this and become more aware in my interactions with people, I see my stance changing immediately. I become more relaxed, free, happy, joyful, and loving. There is such amazing power in this teaching when I make the effort to apply it!

    Then, the next thing I need to do is to make my body my best friend.

    Recently, I have started to pay attention to how my body feels from moment to moment and what it is trying to tell me. I have begun to give my body the appropriate exercise so that it remains healthy and more supple. My body feels so good after exercising, and I feel so much love for myself. I experience a new kind of respect for my body. Even though I have just started exercising after a long time, I notice a lot more energy and happiness now. Receiving this teaching has reinforced my commitment to taking care of my body.

    When I contemplated this teaching further, I realized that just by making conscious choices to make my body and mind my best friends, I will in fact be making my Self my own best friend.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this precious teaching!

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    This is a powerful teaching given to Siddha Yogis on this most auspicious day of Gurupurnima. I offer my gratitude to my beloved Guru, who is always beside me in all circumstances, guiding and protecting me. I am never lonely. When I watch my breath, pause for a moment, become aware of her presence in nature—the beauty in plants, animals, and the ocean—I have a constant feeling of her presence in all creation.

    May I be my own best friend by always holding onto the Guru’s feet.

    Florida, USA

    When I read this teaching, I thought about what I value in my best friends—listening, love, and satsang. When I share my challenges in life, they listen and then direct me to a teaching from our Gurus. So as my own best friend, I can listen inside, be gentle and kind with myself, and return again and again to the Siddha Yoga teachings as my guide for a great life.

    Massachusetts, USA

    Yesterday, all day long, I debated with myself about a situation in my life that I didn’t know how to resolve. What should I do at this very moment? My heart knew the answer and told me to take refuge in the teachings.
    I opened my computer and, with utmost surprise, looked at this lovely image with Gurumayi’s words of wisdom on it. As soon as I read her command, my spirit lifted and I experienced a wonderful lightness all over my being. How wonderful it felt to be reassured by my Guru’s words!
    Through sadhana, I am learning that I have my own rhythm, my own inner sound. I need to listen to it no matter what’s happening on the outside. The more I learn to become my own best friend, the more I learn to trust what life wants to give me right now. 
    Fortunately, I have a great Guru who is always there to remind me to be my own best friend.
    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Montreal, Canada

    This teaching from Gurumayi touches me deeply. I see how whenever I’ve been sad or facing a difficult situation, I would always look to a friend for advice. I would never look within myself. I would make my decisions based on advice from others.
    However, after receiving Gurumayi’s teaching, I have decided that I will seek guidance through self-inquiry. And this will be beneficial for my sadhana

    Baroda, India

    I think many seekers begin seeking in the first place because we have this unfriendly relationship going on inside of us. To obtain peace and friendship with ourselves could be considered an attainment in itself.

    Iowa, USA

    This teaching helps me to imbibe the beautiful words that I have read in Gurumayi’s and Babaji’s books, which have shown me these truths: We ourselves create our own world of thoughts. Whatever is in our hearts affects how we see the world. The way we think shapes what we become. Our positive and negative actions have their respective consequences.
    I have understood that, ultimately, only I myself am responsible for my progress in sadhana. No one else is going to do it for me. By making myself my own best friend, I will find it far easier to judge my actions, to guide and improve myself, and to always look out for what is best for me and for my progress in mundane life as well as on my spiritual journey. 
    I offer my love and gratitude at your lotus feet, Gurumayiji, for this divine command.

    Mumbai, India

    "Be your own best friend."
    Who is a friend?
    A friend is one who will tell you the truth.
    A friend is one who will listen to you and accept you.
    And listening in friendship means you not only receive but also give.
    A friend is one to whom you can tell the truth.
    A friend is one to whom you can listen from your heart and whom you accept in their completeness.
    To be your own friend means that your heart and your mind are able to hear each other.
    Your mind is able to accept easefulness and the love of the Heart.
    When you become your own best friend, your life is filled with gentleness, silence, and bliss.
    To be your own best friend is to accept the friendship of God, and of the inner Guru that resides in the heart—to listen to them, to tell them the truth and to live with them joyfully and blissfully.

    Mumbai, India

    From Gurumayi’s teaching, I understand that a true best friend always guides us in the right direction, always motivates us and leads us to the ultimate goal. He removes our doubts and inspires us to do our best, as Lord Shri Krishna did with Arjuna in the Mahabharata.
    To be a true best friend to myself, I need to feed my mind and heart with the Guru’s teachings, which strengthen me on my journey along the spiritual path and guide me toward the goal. By taking responsibility, I can keep my heart full of love and my mind illumined with clear vision. 

    Khargone, India

    I’ve learned on the Siddha Yoga path to be true to myself, to see God within, to have self-respect, and to be kind and gentle to myself. These are all qualities of being my own best friend.
    Thank you, Bade Baba, Baba, and Gurumayi!

    New York, USA

    I used to think  that Shri Gurumayi is far away from me. But she is bringing me to realize that she is with me, in my heart. And when I remember that, then whatever the situation may be, the knowledge that arises from my heart helps me and teaches me what I need to do.

    Sinnar, India

    I receive this teaching as a command from our Siddha Gurus. This seemingly simple teaching has many layers. I think its meaning will keep unfolding for me as I contemplate it over and over again. It brings to my mind the most important Siddha Yoga teachings about going deep into the core of my own being, making my mind a friend, and staying connected with my heart.
    What I understand right now is that I, as my body and mind, have to make friends with my inner Self, who is my friend, philosopher, and guide. This friend is also my inner Guru, the light of pure knowledge that is guiding me every moment if I am connected with my heart. For that, I have to be in the present moment. 
    I know I can connect with my inner friend by connecting with my breath. I feel more and more content and even elated as I contemplate this teaching.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving us this gift on the day of Gurupurnima!

    Navsari, India

    Thank you for this timely and timeless command. It streamed like cool moonbeams into my heart, and my mind became still. 
    Gurumayi, may I always stay at your lotus feet.

    Sydney, Australia