Janmadin kī Jay Jay! An Account of Gurumayi's Birthday Celebration, Shree Muktananda Ashram, June 23 - 30, 2016

Janmadin kī Jay Jay!

Part I

part I

Sadgurunath Maharaj ki Jay!

We have arrived at the threshold of Gurumayi’s Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Gurumayi!

In Shree Muktananda Ashram it is the morning of June 23 and in other parts of the globe, the most auspicious day—June 24—has already arrived.

Here in the early morning hours before sunrise, the dawn chorus of birds seemed especially exultant. Nature began painting the sky in brush strokes of rose, pink, and fuchsia, with touches of gold. Then streaks of soft white sunlight radiated from the horizon. The air was crisp and invigorating.

In this magical way nature heralded the beginning, the first light, of the fifty-hour global celebration of Gurumayi’s birthday.

As I walked across the bridge over Lake Nityananda, my heart was bubbling with excitement. I thought about the enthusiasm that everyone in the global Siddha Yoga sangham must be experiencing. I visualized how Siddha Yogis have been preparing offerings for this day. I pictured them making cards and sweets; placing kumkum, turmeric, and rice on arati trays; stringing garlands of fragrant flowers, and making wicks for ghee lamps. I imagined Siddha Yogis setting their intention for this glorious celebration day—an opportunity for all of us, together as a sangham, to express our love and gratitude to our beloved Gurumayi.


Click here to read Part II


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