Janmadin ki Jay Jay! An Account of Gurumayi's Birthday Celebration, Shree Muktananda Ashram, June 23 - 30, 2016

Janmadin ki Jay Jay! – Part IX


Shri Gurumayi gave profound teachings during Janmadin ki Jay Jay, the celebration of her birthday in 2016. In these eight days of celebration, Gurumayi taught in so many ways: through the guidance she gave about the sanctity of food and the inestimable value of cultivating the divine virtues; through her interactions with disciples, including children and young people; through the worship she led us in, of Lord Shiva and Annapurna Devi; and, truly, through every one of her words, expressions, and actions.

In the six months since Gurumayi’s Birthday 2016, Siddha Yoga students throughout the world have been discovering the transformative effect of studying, practicing, assimilating, and implementing Gurumayi’s teachings from the celebration. They have come to new insights about their sadhana, their spiritual journey. They have also discovered new ways to respond to situations in their lives and new understandings about their relationships with others and their environment.

As we stand poised to enter a new year, it is useful to reflect on how our application of Gurumayi’s teachings has prompted us to make real and beneficial change in our lives. And as we engage in this reflection, we can look forward to how our study and practice will continue to bear fruit into the future.

Below, a number of Siddha Yogis share their experiences of following Gurumayi’s guidance from Janmadin ki Jay Jay. You, too, can share your experience by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.

As I participated in Gurumayi’s Birthday Bliss celebration, these words from Gurumayi’s talk Infinite Birthday Thanks stood out for me in particular: “On the Siddha Yoga path you learn that you must have a position within yourself.”

I realized that to have a position within myself means to accept and honor the Self. As I practiced looking at my emotions, thoughts, and actions through the lens, I am the Self, my mind naturally calmed. I began speaking and acting in a way that felt authentic to me and also seemed beneficial to others. Over time, I found that this position within myself became stronger and stronger. So, Gurumayi’s teaching led me to recognize how much strength and conviction I have within me and also helped me contribute to creating a more positive environment for others.

a Siddha Yogi from Burgwedel, Germany


During Birthday Bliss 2016, while participating in one of the satsangs with Gurumayi, these words arose for me: bliss is ever-present within me, and it is an attainable state of being. Since then, I have been practicing connecting with this inner bliss and allowing this state to permeate my life. I experience the state of bliss when I engage with the Siddha Yoga practices. Throughout my day, I take moments to pause and return to my experiences of the practices. In this way, I can experience the state of bliss regardless of what is happening around me.

a Siddha Yogi from New York, USA


After reading Gurumayi’s talk Infinite Birthday Thanks, I made the effort to cultivate the virtue of zeal, specifically in relation to my practice of meditation. I focused on finding delight in my practice, and one way I did this was by committing to further explore what came up for me in meditation. I contemplated my meditation experiences and journaled about them.

The more I engaged in this kind of reflection, the more enthusiastic I felt about sitting for meditation the next day. I wanted to know what new insights would arise, what new understandings I would come to that could support me in making progress in sadhana.

a Siddha Yogi from Aurangabad, India


I was very moved and motivated by Gurumayi’s talk Food Is God.

Gurumayi made the request of us to “collectively form a prayer for the world to be united, for each child to receive their rightful portion of food, for each person to feel completely nourished and know the happiness scintillating in their own heart.”

I repeat this prayer every day, at the end of my meditation practice, when I am very settled in my heart. Having practiced this for six months now, I feel I am giving my goodness to the world. I feel connected to a vast reservoir of love within myself. In my interactions, I experience a potent connection with others. I am aware of both transmitting and receiving Shri Guru’s love, and I feel that my heart is expanding exponentially.

a Siddha Yogi from London, UK


When I read about Gurumayi and the children running down the silent path together, I saw that Gurumayi ji is so playful and loving, and this filled me with the same feeling. I am a college student, and I have been very tough on myself about my study habits, so I decided to infuse this lighthearted, fun-loving attitude into my schoolwork.

I’ve learned to approach my schoolwork not only with my head but with my heart. Now, even when I spend long hours studying, I try to make it fun. I repeat positive affirmations, and I pray to Gurumayi to infuse my studies with a fresh spirit. As a result, I have noticed that the quality of my essays and homework has improved—one of my teachers complimented me on my creative, yet analytical, thesis.

a Siddha Yogi from Texas, USA


I was inspired by Gurumayi’s talk “Food Is God” to find an organization that supports sustainable projects to alleviate world hunger, to which I now donate regularly. Through doing this, I feel my heart is opening, and I experience a more generous connection with my fellow humans.

a sevite in Shree Muktananada Ashram


After participating in Gurumayi’s Birthday celebrations, I decided to focus on the virtue of unity. At home, for example, my family and I strengthened our practice of meditating together. I began to see how meditating as a family brings us all closer. I found myself concentrating more on the ways we are similar than on the ways we are different. This experience inspired me to look for that which unifies me with whomever I encounter, be they family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, or new acquaintances.

a Siddha Yogi from Bangalore, India



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    I was very touched by Gurumayi ji’s talk, Food is God. I really wanted to practice the teachings Gurumayi gave.
    I began offering a prayer before every meal. As Gurumayi guided us in her talk, I prayed "for the world to be united, for each child to receive their rightful portion of food, for each person to feel completely nourished, and know the happiness scintillating in their own heart.”
    Since I have been offering this prayer, as I have my meals, I feel respect for food, and I experience that God is listening to my prayer. I have been experiencing great gratitude for the food I am provided with.
    I now understand that it is my dharma, as a human being, to pray for everyone to receive food and nourishment. Donating to the charitable trust in Ganeshpuri which was initiated by Bade Baba so that the children in the nearby villages would be fed is one way I have found to give a tangible form to my prayer.

    Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    My wife and I have been reciting Gurumayi’s prayer from her talk Food is God each night before we eat dinner. It has been a beautiful way to remember that Gurumayi’s teachings embrace the entire world and everyone in it.

    California, USA