Mahashakti Gayatri Mantra

Recited by the music ensemble in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
Maha Shakti Gayatri Mantra

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    This morning I had an experience that was an answer to this prayer to “know … the absolute Consciousness.”
    As I was waking, I felt myself as a point of Consciousness traveling up and down giant, clear waves that were coursing across what I became aware of as a larger field. I saw that the waves were all the circumstances of my life, yet I remained the point of Consciousness. The larger field was the divine Shakti, which is present everywhere. I experienced myself as particle, wave, and field, all of which are the Self. The experience was precise, blissful, and expansive.
    I am so grateful for the path of the Siddhas, through whose shakti I am able to glimpse who I am and what this world is.

    Connecticut, United States

    When I found this beautiful prayer, I felt such awe and gratitude, for it describes just what I’ve been experiencing recently in the simple activities of my daily life. I first noticed this when I was walking along the beach on a beautiful, crisp day. In the past, I would have admired the beauty of the sky and the sea. I would have listened attentively to all of nature’s lovely sounds. But on this day, I became aware of myself as one with the beauty. The forms of the clouds, the colors in the sand, and the sounds of the waves were all washing through my being. There was no separation. It was a music my heart recognized and quietly celebrated.
    Reflecting on this prayer, I realize that this shift has occurred in many areas of my life. I often feel that I am meditating “on Mahashakti, the all-pervading supreme power,” who is manifesting as me and the forms all around me. And I know this has occurred through the teachings and practices and grace of Shri Guru.
    How blessed we are to be on a path illumined by the radiant Goddess!

    Adelaide, Australia

    This morning before meditation, I read this powerful mantra and the translation three times, and then I closed my eyes. I began to feel shakti spiraling through my body, filling me with sweet joy and vitality.

    Later in the day, as I walked on a forest path, I repeated to myself, “Mahashakti, the all-pervading, supreme Power.” As I did this, I became very aware of my surroundings. I felt the shakti in myself and in everything around me: in the trees, the flowing stream, the sounds of birds, an airplane flying overhead. I began to feel an immense gratitude and love for all these forms of the Goddess.

    Salutations to Shri Gurumayi! Salutations to Mahashakti! 

    Massachusetts, United States