Invoking the Divine

Leading the Senses toward the Self

An Exposition by Maitreya Larios

For more than three decades, Gurumayi has been teaching Siddha Yogis how to engage with the sacred practices of the Siddha Yoga tradition and culture. One of these practices is the recitation of gāyatrī mantras.

In the Vedic tradition of India, gāyatrī mantras are regarded as powerful means to fully invoke the presence of a particular deity. These mantras are said to condense the complete power of that deity in sound-form and are thus infused with transformative potential. They are not only charged with the deity’s power, but because they are formulated as prayers, they are also full of intention. Through the practice of repeating these mantras, we pray to be inspired, to be empowered, and to be able to recognize the divine qualities of a particular deity in us. On the Siddha Yoga path, these deities are understood to be aspects of the one divine Consciousness that pervades the entire creation.

In traditional Vedic texts, the Sanskrit word gāyatrī has been defined as follows:

गायन्तं त्रायते इति गायत्री ।

gāyantaṁ trāyate iti gāyatrī

That which protects the one who chants it is gāyatrī.

The Sanskrit word trāyate means “protects oneself,” and it also indicates that which “grants liberation.” To chant such a mantra thus protects the practitioner from their own limited understanding of the mind’s nature by directing it to its source, which is pure Consciousness.
Gāyatrī mantras share several distinguishing characteristics. AUM, the primordial sound, traditionally precedes each repetition of a gāyatrī mantra. These mantras also use three main words, each appearing in one of its respective metric lines:

vidmahe—“may we know and understand”
dhīmahi—“may we place inside”
pracodayāt—“may that one inspire and encourage us”

The principal gāyatrī mantra is an invocation that first appears in the ancient scripture the Ṛg-veda, and the gāyatrī mantras dedicated to the other deities are said to derive or be inspired from this particular one:

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

oṁ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṁ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt

Om. O Earth, Sky, and Heaven!
May we place within ourselves the radiance of the divine Savitri, the Sun God,
who shall then awaken our insight.

Ṛg-veda (3.62.10)

Known as the śrī ādi gāyatrī mantra—and sometimes also as the sūrya gāyatrī mantra—this mantra is considered the oldest and most powerful among Vedic mantras. It is revered within this tradition as vedamātā, “the mother of all Vedic mantras” or the “mother of all knowledge.” It is also the mantra of initiation that a young Brahmin boy receives at the onset of his Vedic studies, in the traditional ceremony known as upanayana. After receiving this mantra, the student is said to be “twice-born”; his spiritual initiation into the study of the Vedas is his second birth.
Recognizing the importance and potency of this gāyatrī mantra, sages have composed gāyatrī mantras for most gods and goddesses worshipped in India. These mantras often were revealed to these sages in deep states of meditation.
Gāyatrī” is also the name of a poetical meter called the “gāyatrī meter.” This is one of the principal meters found in the Vedic canon and contains three lines of eight syllables each. In the ancient Vedic tradition, the meter (chanda) was considered to be very important, and the Vedic mantras are composed in particular meters, which are said to have certain effects on the listener. The etymology of the word chandas derives from the verbal root chad which can mean both “to cover and protect” as well as “to please and to delight in.” Therefore, it is said that the meters both protect the listener as well as produce delight. Of the gāyatrī meter it is said: “An eight-syllabic is a gāyatrī-verse; gāyatrī is strength and brahman-splendor; one obtains strength and brahman-splendor thereby.” 1
The gāyatrī mantra and the meter in itself are also personified as a goddess—Gāyatrī Devī—who embodies the creative force of the Divine. Thus, in some Purāṇas she is represented as the śakti (the power) and wife of Lord Brahmā, the deity who is creator of the universe. This particular meter is, therefore, said to infuse each of these mantras with the śakti or the creative effulgence of Consciousness, thus rendering them particularly potent.
The śrī ādi gāyatrī mantra is traditionally sung or used for mantra repetition during daily prayers, particularly during saṃdhyāvandana, the twilight rituals performed by Brahmins at each dawn and dusk. In India it is also common for Brahmins to sing gāyatrī mantras as part of a Vedic fire ritual and for individuals to sing them in groups in temples or homes.
On the Siddha Yoga path, Gurumayi has introduced the repetition of gāyatrī mantras during celebrations and holidays in which participants engage in the recitation of these mantras. These gāyatrī mantras can also be practiced on our own as silent mantra japa particularly before we enter into meditation. They can also be the point of our focus during meditation while we attentively listen to their recitation.
When repeating a gāyatrī mantra, we invoke its deity as a form of God, and we praise the divine qualities and aspects of that deity within us. We pray that we may know and attain this divine presence by meditating upon it, and that we may always be inspired and guided by its śakti.


 1  Tāṇḍya Mahābrāhmaṇa XV. 1.8

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    I am so grateful for this exposition. It has given me a deeper understanding and awareness of the effects of recitation of the gayatri mantras. After reciting a gayatri mantra, I meditated and had an incredible experience of the shakti. Now I can understand the tradition from which this experience arose.

    Palana, Australia

    I am so grateful for this inspiring exposition about the gayatri mantras! I read and studied it again and again! I especially appreciated learning the meaning and significance of the three main words in the gayatri mantras. I feel deeply connected to Gurumayi in my heart and through the Siddha Yoga path website.

    Palzing, Germany

    A few years ago I was in a hospital for several days to recover after an appendectomy. As I lay in my hospital bed, I covered myself from head to toe with my meditation shawl. I was in my own little temple and listened for hours on end to the Surya Gayatri mantra through my ear plugs. I was in heaven, absolutely blissful, at peace, and filled with gratitude. I could have stayed there forever.

    I recovered very quickly from the operation. And that experience will always remind me of one of the happiest, most contented, and blissful times of my life. Every time I hear the Surya Gayatri mantra, I am brought back to that experience.

    Having just read this beautiful exposition on the power of this mantra to “both protect the listener as well as produce delight,” I now have a deeper understanding of my experience. I shall forever be grateful to Gurumayi for guiding me with such loving care. 

    Windsor, United Kingdom

    While I was reading through “Invoking the Divine: An Exposition on the Gayatri Mantra,” I began reciting the Surya Gayatri mantra itself. After a little while of doing so, I found that my mind let go of the explanation of the meaning of the words, and dissolved into the sounds of the mantra. In turn, the sounds drew me into a fine, still point inside myself.
    For a while I did not want to stop reciting it. The beauty of the meter and the sounds felt like they were dissolving all the pains of existence. A sense of many lives arose within and then was washed away in turn by the mantra itself. Then it was just simply the mantra, repeating itself.

    London, United Kingdom

    I have enjoyed chanting the Surya Gayatri mantra for a number of years, and this exposition has given me a deeper understanding of its meaning and purpose. I see more clearly how and why I feel rejuvenated and delighted as I recite it!

    St. Laurent, Canada

    When I recite the Surya Gayatri mantra with care while remembering its meaning, I feel that I am entering into the luminous space of Consciousness. This feels like a sacred practice of worship, recitation, and meditation. I have the sense that it supports me in gleaning the wonders of the universe and extracting the knowledge of the Self.

    Rodez, France

    Reading this exposition led me to observe and reflect on what I feel when I sing an invocation, whether before meditating or just to begin the day.
    Whenever I sing an invocation, I feel a subtle alchemy within my being. I feel the energy of the mind and body coming together to a point of stillness and clarity within me. Chanting an invocation to the divine power is also a way for me to access witness consciousness and be fully present.
    Singing an invocation infuses my spiritual practices with divine love and sweetness toward my body. It allows my body to participate in a beautiful way. It gives me an experience of freedom and quietude, for invoking the divine frees me from the conditioning of the mind. In that way, I feel that my “insight is awakened” and I can apply the wisdom of spiritual teachings to my daily life.

    Ramonville-Saint-Agne, France

    I slowly read each line of this exposition and was uplifted and enchanted as the deeper meanings and understandings became more apparent to me.

    Just when I was reading about the significance of the meter, I became aware of a small bird outside, singing, calling out. I focused on the sound of the bird. It was calling out happily and powerfully, seeming to express delight in this very moment. The sound was repeating in a regular meter, and I sensed a deep feeling of connection between us. I relaxed into the moment, into the sweet sound, and received its vibrations. I felt my heart throb and expand. I was sitting in this expanded state for a little while, feeling great joy. After some time, my attention again focused on the text in front of me, and the little bird soon finished its song.

    I am grateful to Gurumayi for this sublime and potent exposition and for the grace that she bestows upon us to receive its deepest meaning and experience.

    Oslo, Norway

    I have been chanting the Shri Adi Gayatri mantra since childhood, as my late grandfather encouraged every member of my family to do so on a daily basis.
    When I was in school, the vibrations of this mantra guided me throughout my study and exams. Now, repeating it daily, I feel it unfolding within me in a mystical way: my mind becomes calm and focused during work, and the mantra offers me protection, helping me say the right words at the right time.
    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for introducing the gayatri mantras, infusing them with the Siddha Guru’s shakti.

    Bedford Gardens-Gauteng, South Africa

    I appreciate this exposition on the gayatri mantras—well researched, conveying a depth of knowledge, and written in a way that was easy for me to understand. Reading this kind of exposition makes it possible for me to take refuge in the scriptures.

    New York, United States

    I was grateful to receive this thorough exposition on the gayatri mantras; reading it supports my intention to recite it regularly.
    This morning, as I was chanting a gayatri mantra, I felt the sounds of each word vibrating musically in my body, and I thought that the mantra was simultaneously nourishing and purifying my mind. The image of Brahmin priests around a yajna came into my mind, and I understood that this practice is revealing the sacredness of my life.

    Rodez, France

    Every morning, I recite the gayatri mantras that I know for each deity on my puja. These mantras are a vehicle for my relationship with each deva and devi. As I focus on expressing my love for them, I can also feel the blessing of their shakti inside me while I recite.
    I am very grateful to have this way of honoring and expressing my love for each deity.

    California, United States

    I awoke this morning from a dream which I quickly recognized as reflecting my own feeling of being “not good enough” at work. As I read this exposition, I felt a strong urge to chant the Shri Adi Gayatri mantra aloud. 
    Immediately, I was drawn into meditation. All my negative feelings were washed away. The verses of “Five Stanzas on the Sandals of Shri Guru” played in my mind. As I imagine myself sitting at the Guru’s feet, I feel at one with the earth, the sky, and heaven, and I am ready to start my day with a fresh and positive perspective.
    I am grateful to Gurumayi for leading me on this path to liberation.

    Oregon, United States

    How wonderful it’s been to read and digest such profound teachings and beautiful insights! Each and every word reverberated inside me. I am sure that I will read the exposition many, many times.

    New Mexico, United States

    As I awake to the beauty of dawn, the fresh potential of a new day is unveiled, with the Surya Gayatri mantra repeating silently in my mind. The weather becomes irrelevant as I am reminded that the sun is always there. I am most grateful for this exposition. I know it will expand my experience of this practice.

    St. Lazare, Canada

    It has become a beloved practice to repeat the Surya Gayatri mantra every morning. As I repeat it with my eyes closed, a golden light appears within, strong and brilliant. This experience empowers and inspires me throughout my day and turns it into a glorious one!

    Montreal, Canada

    I was so inspired to read this exposition on the significance and power of the gayatri mantras. As I delve deeply into the rich source of these ancient invocations, I feel like I’m receiving sweet prasad. I am immensely grateful to be able to recite these and further understand the profundity of this practice.

    New York, United States

    For the last two weeks, I have been inspired to recite the Surya Gayatri mantra. Each morning, sitting in the living room of our home, I recite this mantra as the sun’s warm embrace washes over me and the shakti within dances in delight. I experience the power of the gayatri mantra to unite my awareness with the Self and settle my being in the ecstasy of oneness.

    New Jersey, United States