
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Bhūpālī Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Yaman Kalyāṇ Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Māṇḍ Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Madhyamād Sāraṅg Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Śivabhairav Rāga
Śivāya Namaḥ Oṁ
Kāfī Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Bhīmpalāsī Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Bhairavī Rāga
Sāmba Sadāśiva
Kāfī Rāga
Oṁ Śiva
Oṁ Śiva
Yaman Rāga
Namaḥ Śivāy Oṁ
Alhaiyyā Bilāval Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Revatī Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Darbārī Kānaḍā Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Des Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Megh Malhār Rāga
Śiva Śaṅkara
Śivabhairav Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Śuddha Bilāval Rāga
Oṁ Namaḥ Śivāya
Yaman Kalyāṇ Rāga
Alhaiyyā Bilāval Rāga
Jay Jay Viṭṭhale
Jay Jay Viṭṭhale
Bhairavī Rāga
Oṁ Namo Bhagavate
Bhīmpalāsī Rāga
Bhairavī Rāga
Oṁ Namo Bhagavate
Bhakti Rāga
Des Rāga
Kṛṣṇa Govinda
Bhairavī Rāga
Govinda Jaya Jaya
Śuddha Bilāval Rāga
Hare Rāma
Hare Kṛṣṇa
Dhānī Rāga
Oṁ Namo Bhagavate
Sūhā Rāga
Kāli Durge
Māṇḍ Rāga
Śrīkṛṣṇa Govinda
Yaman Rāga
Jaya Jaya
Śiva Śambho
Darbārī Kānaḍā Rāga

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    Whenever I hear, sing, or play a namasankirtana on my harmonium, I feel like there is a hidden shakti around me. I feel that Shri Gurumayi is singing with me. I love each and every raga and the words of every namasankirtana. When I first heard Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhairavi raga , joy welled up in my heart. 

    A thirteen-year-old from Gandhinagar, India

    Each time I listen to these chants, it soothes me. It makes me relaxed and absorbed in my meditation. It makes my love for the Guru stronger. It makes me want to not open my eyes while I am meditating.

    a ten-year-old from Mumbai, India

    Each time I listen to these chants, it soothes me. It makes me relaxed and absorbed in my meditation. It makes my love for the Guru stronger. It makes me want to not open my eyes while I am meditating.

    a ten-year-old from Mumbai, India

    Chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya daily in the week preceding and the week following Mahashivaratri was a wonderful way to mark this occasion. 
    I am always so grateful for the wonderful namasankirtanas schedule and for the many ways we may honor Lord Shiva!

    Rhode Island, United States

    Recently, I have been playing the day’s namasankirtana once on my cell phone before I sit to meditate. This morning, as I was about to enter the Siddha Yoga path website to play the chant, I saw a text message with news from a friend that saddened me.

    It was still early in the morning, dark outside, and very quiet. When I opened the namasankirtana page and saw that today’s chant was Om Namah Shivaya in the Shuddha Bilaval raga , I began to feel comforted. It was the mantra, in this raga, that I chanted in the very first Siddha Yoga satsang I participated in decades ago.

    As the mantra began to quietly fill the space around me, my sadness started to dissipate. Once the chant ended, I was drawn into meditation. I offered the fruits of my practice to my friend. Afterward I sent her a text, sharing my feelings of empathy and love with her. I continued to play the mantra in this raga all day. I trust its power.

    California, United States

    Whenever and wherever I have chanted the golden namasankirtana Rama Krishna Hari in the Bhupali raga, I have experienced that my heart has become filled with the honeyed balm of love and contentment. For me, it is like flying into the very heart of God.

    St. Laurent, Canada

    I am so grateful for this calendar of namasankirtanas. I start each day with one of these chants. As I do so, I usually feel a sense of easefulness and a greater connection with my Self. This daily practice helps me to remain focused and start my day off with enthusiasm. Sometimes I experience that chanting works like a form of therapy for me.

    Pune, India

    I love having the chance to experience a new chant each day. It is an opportunity for me to dip into the sweetness of life for a few moments and then carry it through my day.

    Florida, United States

    I am so thankful for this calendar of chants, which I use as a study tool. I have found that continuously listening to the chant of the day helps me to stay in touch with my divine Self. This, in turn, allows me to be poised and calm. I feel that it enables me to do my duties feeling grace in every moment, and being in tune with the melody of the chant.

    New Delhi, India

    I am so grateful for the calendar of namasankirtanas. It is a great support to see it on the opening page of the Siddha Yoga path website. I’m finding times for chanting namasankirtanas throughout my day. It is like being in heaven.

    Utah, United States

    I am so grateful for the constancy of these namasankirtanas. I look forward to seeing the chant of the day and chanting it. Through chanting, my mind is calmed, and gratitude fills my heart for the immeasurable grace that chanting the Lord’s name brings to my life.

    Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

    What a blessed gift these chants are. When I tune into the chant in the morning, the mood of the chant sets the mood for my day. The energy of the chant carries me gently through the wild waters of my everyday life.

    Konolfingen, Switzerland

    I love to listen to and chant these namasankirtanas at night before retiring to bed. This practice fills me with joy, calmness, and serenity and washes away any sense of discomfort that might have accumulated during the day. 

    As I chant some of these namasankirtanas, memories of special experiences associated with them come back to me. I also learn to chant new namasankirtanas and familiar namasankirtanas in new ragas. I enjoy them and pay attention to the feelings they evoke.

    I am grateful for these namasankirtanas, which attune me each day to the experience of the Self.

    Udaipur, India

    When I listen to these namasankirtanas, I feel calm. I feel one step closer to the Guru. If I am in a tight situation and I think about the Guru, that helps me solve my problems.

    a ten-year-old from Mumbai, India

    My favorite practice is chanting. I love having the different chants available to me every day on the Siddha Yoga path website. After I chant, I am easily drawn into a deep state of meditation.
    Calling to God by different ragas and mantras evokes different feelings in me. For example, when I chant Om Gurudev in the Darbari Kanada raga, I recall my Shri Guru, and my eyes become moist with tears of compassion. When I chant the mantra Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhimpalasi raga and then meditate, I am drawn inward into ultimate peace.
    Chanting the Name brings such deep meaning to my life.

    Ahmedabad, India

    I am thankful for this ongoing daily connection to the Siddha Yoga teachings via these chants. The purity and devotion in the voices of the ensemble soothe and nourish each cell of my being. And the joy and peace I feel each day as I listen and chant propel me contentedly into the day’s unfolding.

    Melbourne, Australia

    I so love having these namasankirtanas available to us! Every day I listen to the namasankirtana of the day. Sometimes I sit quietly for a few minutes just listening; other times I play it while doing household chores like arranging paperwork, placing flowers in a vase, or sweeping the floors. Some days I play it only once before sitting for meditation.

    Many of the namasankirtanas remind me of earlier times in my life when I chanted them. They are like a magic thread bringing a sense of continuity to my life. I recognize the changes in myself and in the world that have occurred since I started following the Siddha Yoga path nearly forty years ago. I also think of the Siddha Yogis around the planet who might be listening to the very same namasankirtana at exactly the same moment and may be contemplating similar insights and memories.

    California, United States

    When I listened to today’s namasankirtana, my mind took me to Gurudev Siddha Peeth, where I have not yet been in person. Listening to Jay Jay Muktananda takes me into the silence that I adore and connects me to the sacred place that the Siddha Masters have walked and loved.

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    Whenever I listen to or sing these namasankirtanas, I feel the Guru in me. It’s like the flame of the Guru has suddenly started to burst in me. When I listen to these namasankirtanas I feel very calm, I feel like I am immortal, I feel like I am God. I feel like the Guru is chanting with me.

    A nine-year-old from Mumbai, India

    Since 2019 my daughter, my husband, and I have been regularly reciting the Shiva Arati and chanting the daily namasankirtana together at home in the evenings. I am very happy to be able to so easily participate in the practice of chanting in this way, because of the availability of this calendar of namasankirtanas on the Siddha Yoga path website. It gives me the opportunity to regularly engage with the Siddha Yoga practices and connect with Shri Guru.

    Thane, India

    When I opened the Siddha Yoga path website this morning and saw the namasankirtana for the day was Bolo Hare Rama, I gasped with joy.

    My summer stay at Shree Muktananda Ashram immediately came to mind. In a large hall, women and men formed several circles and began to dance a delightful saptah. Gurumayi was watching.

    As the chant progressed, we followed its accelerating rhythm. We looked at each other; we were in a circle of love. I remember at one point saying out loud: This is happiness! I’m living it, and it’s right now.

    Even now I can feel the beauty and perfection of those moments. It is so delicious!

    Naples, Italy

    From the first moment I heard Siddha Yoga music, I just loved it!­

    I began to perceive the uniqueness of the Siddha Yoga chants. I understood them on a deep level, and each one has touched my heart. When the chant is about protection, I can believe in it. When it is about yearning for God, I feel it.

    When I read that Gurumayi composed many of these chants, I felt it is her infinite empathy that has entered the music. This recognition has turned my loving appreciation of Siddha Yoga music to awe.

    During this month dedicated to Shiva, I want to chant with the thankful awareness that the Guru—with her unique expression and familiar voice—will be conveying enchanting love into my heart.

    Hindelang, Germany

    I am grateful for the daily namasankirtanas that are posted on the Siddha Yoga path website and for the sound clips that accompany each chant.
    This morning, Om Namah Shivaya in the Mand raga captivated me. I felt that the mantra, enlivened by Gurumayi’s grace, reveals love, wisdom, and Truth.

    New Jersey, United States

    When I opened the namasankirtanas calendar for the month of October, I felt a leap of joy! Seeing that most of the chants are dedicated to Baba Muktananda made me feel enveloped in his endless embrace.

    I felt how much I love Baba, and for a moment I wished I had met him in person. But right away I realized that’s not essential because I always carry him in my heart.

    Often when I hear Gurumayi talk about Baba with great devotion, I realize that if I want to be in his presence, all I have to do is connect to my heart, and Baba is there!

    Naples, Italy

    As I listened to today’s namasankirtanaOm Namah Shivaya in the Bhairavi raga—I recalled the first time I met Gurumayi in Rome in 1989. I didn’t know anything about her. I traveled to participate in the retreat by myself and settled into a nearby hotel room that was small, dark, and not at all comforting.

    In the large hall of the hotel that housed the retreat, as soon as we began to chant Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhairavi raga , an inner peace enveloped me. It was a balm that reconciled me with life.

    On returning to my hotel, I was sad to be in that dark, unfriendly room. But as soon as I went to bed, Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhairavi raga spontaneously arose in me and accompanied me all night.

    Since then, this chant in this raga has been the mantra of rebirth for me.

    Naples, Italy

    Even though I may get distracted at times, still I always find my Guru by my side guiding me in various ways and forms. The daily namasankirtana keeps me connected to the love, care, and grace of Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba.

    Bangalore, India

    While I chant the daily namasankirtana, I like to visualize other Siddha Yogis around the world chanting at the same time. As I do this, it seems as if I can actually feel their presence and blessings. It is a wonderful experience. 

    Texas, United States

    For a few years now, I have been listening to and chanting along with the recording of each day’s namasankirtana on the Siddha Yoga path website. I experience that these sacred mantras and ragas open my body and mind to stillness, remembrance, and relaxation into the Self. 

    North Carolina, United States

    I start my daily routine by listening to that day’s namasankirtana. This gives me a good start, and then the words of the chant remain in my mind and heart for a long time afterward. Doing this every day gives me an opportunity to listen to many different chants, some of which I am hearing for the very first time. This section of the Siddha Yoga path website is such a helpful tool for my sadhana.

    Surat, India

    I am grateful for these recordings of namasankirtanas. They are like daily connections to the heart, which are so sweet and joyful! They are like an anchor bringing me back, time and again, to my Guru. These namasankirtanas act as a reminder for me of the infinite blessings of the Siddha Yoga path.

    London, United Kingdom

    I am very grateful to Gurumayi for the years of making the daily namasankirtanas available on the Siddha Yoga path website, and especially for the audio clips that are now attached to each daily chant.
    This month, I have found great refuge, resilience, and rejuvenation in chanting the daily namasankirtanas. This is because in the satsang called “Choose, Respect, Sustain,” Gurumayi instructed us to chant Om Namah Shivaya at least five minutes a day leading up to Mahashivaratri. As I immersed myself in the many different ragas of Om Namah Shivaya, with their haunting, mysterious, and powerful melodies composed by Gurumayi, I felt the goddess Shakti moving and spiraling throughout my entire being. So I found these namasankirtanas to be a glorious way to honor Lord Shiva as Mahashivaratri approaches.

    New Jersey, United States

    What a wonderful path Gurumayi has shown us for starting each day! After waking up, I always play the day’s namasankirtana on loop mode until I am ready for my morning svadhyaya. I am so grateful that this webpage makes it possible for me, and so many others, to listen and chant anywhere anytime.

    Noida, India

    Every night before I go to bed, I chant the namasankirtana of the day. No matter what is going on in my life, this practice aligns me with my inner Self and fills my heart with ecstasy, bliss, and lightness. It gives me a glimpse of heaven on earth, for which I am so grateful! 

    Florida, United States

    I recently started taking a Sanskrit class, and it occurred to me that studying and listening to the namasankirtanas would help me practice reading the Devanagari script and pronouncing the syllables! It’s been wonderful to bring the namasankirtanas into my language study.

    Washington, United States

    The namasankirtana Niranjani Annapurneshvari invokes peacefulness, stillness, gratitude, and humility within me.

    Maryland, United States

    What a joy to discover the extraordinary range of ragas for Om Namo Bhagavate Muktanandaya. This gives me so many ways to celebrate Baba’s presence this month.
    As I joined in the chant this morning, my state shifted in seconds. I moved from feeling stiff, sore, and out of sorts from yesterday’s gardening to feeling fluid and joyful. I am now ready for the day ahead to unfold.

    Camberwell, Australia

    During challenging times, I take refuge in listening to the names of God. I listen to the namasankirtana of the day in my office, and I enter into deep peace—a peace well known to me in my meditation space in my home and those in the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Mexico City. Sometimes my activities allow me to hum it, whisper it, or sing it softly.

    When listening to the ensemble, my mind whispers, “I hear God.”

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Last night I dreamed of my parents, who are no longer alive, and I felt a huge nostalgia; I live alone in what was their home. 
    Then I opened the calendar of namasankirtanas and discovered that today’s chant was Mere Baba Muktananda—my favorite of all those dedicated to Baba. With a loud voice I began to sing “O my Baba, O my Baba, O my Baba Muktananda,” and I felt my state change immediately—I no longer felt the absence, but the presence of my parents.
    Just like Baba, who is always alive in my heart, I strongly felt the protection of my parents, because I carry and I will carry them in my soul.

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    Niranjani   Annapurneshvari is such a sublime chant. How blessed we are to be able to access these namasankirtanas each day.

    Melbourne, Australia

    What a delight it has been to take part in this practice of namasankirtana during this month of August! It’s been a journey of its own to draw me inwards. It is such a joy as each chant is revealed, each in a glorious rendition. I revel in, and look forward to, this practice daily as it centers me and steadies my state.

    Melbourne, Australia

    It’s wonderful to end the month of July with a sublime namasankirtana dedicated to Baba: Jay Jay Muktananda. It feels to me as if Baba’s hands and Gurumayi’s voice are gently leading us to enter into the next month, and to say hello all together to the blessed month of August.

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    Recently, I have been chanting Hari Hari Bol while preparing food or evening tea. As I chant, very naturally I become filled with a sweet energy, a gathering inner silence, and a feeling of profound love. I feel Gurumayi’s presence in the words, music, and each particle of this namasankirtana. Chanting brings me an experience of Gurumayi’s tenderness toward me and toward everything in this world of animate beings and inanimate objects.
    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for making this namasankirtana treasure available on the Siddha Yoga path website. To me this website is an abode of shakti.

    Bhandara, India

    For me, Om Namah Shivaya in the Megh Malhar raga is fluid love.

    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Chanting is one of my favorite practices, and I had been missing chanting with other Siddha Yogis since satsang at the local Siddha Yoga Center was suspended because of the pandemic.
    Then I discovered the daily namasankirtanas on the Siddha Yoga path website. I have been chanting them every day. And I have discovered the bliss of listening to the chant along with my regular tai chi practice after meditation. This helps me bring inner silence into my everyday movement.
    I love the way chanting fills my home, heart, and life with gratitude for the love and grace of the Guru.

    North Carolina, United States

    I feel so fortunate to have the daily namasankirtanas on the Siddha Yoga path website so I can see what the chant of the day is. Sometimes I’ll uncover my harmonium and practice that chant. Sometimes when I am unclear about what direction I should take during part of my day, I’ll play the chant of the day, and afterwards I always feel centered, uplifted, and know exactly what to do next.

    Florida, United States

    The namasankirtana for today was Kali Durge. As I chanted it, I was reminded of an unforgettable experience I had—chanting just that namasankirtana—in the summer of 1992.
    That year was my first visit to Shree Muktananda Ashram. I was full of joy, enthusiasm, expectations, and also some strong emotions, but the desire to chant with Gurumayi overcame all other sensations. One evening I was sitting in the hall, waiting for Gurumayi to enter and for the satsang to begin. Suddenly, a hall monitor invited me to get up and he brought me forward to a place that was almost in front of Gurumayi. I was scared and excited at the same time. The chant that evening was Kali Durge, which for me is a chant that evokes strength and courage. My dream was coming true!
    I will never forget the grace I received—I was singing with and for Gurumayi.

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    What joy I am experiencing today as we begin the month of Birthday Bliss! As I looked at the calendar of namasankirtanas, I thought about how Siddha Yogis everywhere will also be looking at this calendar and how we will be connecting our hearts and voices together as we chant!

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    I start my day with the chant of the day and feel so blessed.

    Thornbury, Australia

    I love the new chant that is posted for today: Shrikrishna Devadeva in the Jog raga. I feel that it both empowers me to realize my own strength and encourages surrender to the Lord’s will.
    I am grateful to Gurumayi for composing this sublime chant.

    Sydney, Australia

    When I opened the calendar of namasankirtanas for the month of April and saw Mere Baba Muktananda listed for the first day of the month, I literally jumped for joy. It’s my favorite namasankirtana!
    As I began to chant, I felt as if Gurumayi, a group of devotees, and I were standing with open arms in front of a puja to Baba Muktananda. It seemed to me that as we chanted, we were invoking grace and peace. This made my heart fill with even more joy. I felt so lucky to have God in my life.

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    The namasankirtana for today is Om Namah Shivaya in the Mand raga, with a melody composed by Gurumayi. As I chanted, I felt as if I were an instrument being tuned to God’s music. While I listened to the mantra, it seemed to come from the very Heart of the universe; when I was responding, it seemed the same Heart in me was expressing love and devotion in return.
    During that ecstatic call-and-response chant, the understanding arose within me that I was born on this planet just to experience God’s melody playing in the core of my being, because everything is given to us by means of the mantra. Through the practice of chanting the name of God, I learn how to receive God’s love and make an offering to that love in return. Through the repetition of the divine name, I experience the all-pervasive presence of Shiva dwelling in me as me.

    Rennes, France

    Yesterday morning I chanted Om Namah Shivaya in the Bhupali raga. Today I discovered in the calendar of namasankirtanas that for the month of March the chant is Om Namah Shivaya almost every day—in many different ragas. I feel I am surrounded by Lord Shiva inside and outside in an endless hug. I will read, chant, smile, breathe, and meditate all month with Lord Shiva. What a wonderful month awaits us!

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    I am a housewife. My everyday household routine starts with reciting either Shri Rudram or Shri Guru Gita (I recite them on alternate days). Then I choose one namasankirtana to chant.   In the past, I used to get confused and then impatient about which chant to choose. Now, since the daily namasankirtana is given on the Siddha Yoga path website, I am so excited to chant with the chant given on the calendar. The reason I get excited is because when I start the chant, sometimes I feel I am in Gurudev Siddha Peeth; at other times I feel as if Gurudev Siddha Peeth had spread itself into the universe so that the whole world is now Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and we are all chanting as we go about our daily activities. 

    Every day the daily namasankirtana fills me with new enthusiasm and nourishes my practice of chanting.

    Vadodara, India

    On the first of every month, I open up the calendar of namasankirtanas to see what the month holds for me. What will I chant on my son’s birthday? What about my parents’s anniversary, or my birthday the day after? What will I chant on the first day of spring? And as a harmonium player, I look for those chants I don’t know how to play. I get to learn something new! My heart swells, and I can’t help but smile as I am filled with anticipation and gratitude.

    This calendar has become a wonderful tool, encouraging me to chant more at home and play more too! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Pennsylvania, United States

    During the month of Birthday Bliss, I have so enjoyed chanting each day’s namasankirtana, while holding the virtue of the day in my awareness. I love to see how the virtue of the day connects with the rasa of the raga and with the meaning of the words in the namasankirtana.

    I am deeply grateful to Gurumayi for the myriad creative ways in which she teaches us and guides us in exploring and engaging with the Siddha Yoga teachings.

    A sevite in Shree Muktananda Ashram

    Every morning, I visit the Siddha Yoga path website. This morning, after viewing the daily virtue, I discovered that the chant of the day is Niranjani Annapurneshvari, dedicated to the goddess of nourishment and abundance. Ever since I heard it many years ago in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, this chant has been very dear to me. Today, I had the pleasure of listening to and chanting along with it, which filled my heart with joy and gratitude.

    Singapore, Singapore

    Every day I chant or listen to a CD of the chant of the day, which is announced in the calendar of namasankirtanas. This has given me great bliss and the sense of being connected to the global sangham. Today I did not know the melody of the chant, Niranjani Annapurneshvari. How amazing it was to then discover that the melody is right there on the website for everyone to hear! I am so grateful for all the love and care manifesting in every little detail of the website.

    Großkarolinenfeld, Germany