About Garima Borwankar

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Garima Borwankar began practicing the Siddha Yoga teachings at the age of nine with her parents in Lucknow, India. The following year, 1972, she accompanied her parents to Delhi to receive Baba Muktananda’s darshan. In 1985 Garima began offering seva as a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and later as a staff member in the SYDA Foundation. Garima currently serves on staff in the SYDA Foundation as a writer and editor.

Garima holds a bachelor of arts degree in psychology and English literature from Isabella Thoburn College in Lucknow, India, and she has previously worked as a newspaper journalist. She and her husband, Nitin, live in El Sobrante, California. Their daughter, Vanita, who is a young adult, also offers seva as a writer in the SYDA Foundation.