About Condola Rashad


Condola was introduced to Gurumayi in 1987 by her mother, Phylicia—a long-time Siddha Yogi and current Trustee of the SYDA Foundation—when she was just a few months old. As a youngster, Condola visited Shree Muktananda Ashram often with her mother; she participated in many children’s activities, including the Golden Tale plays. More recently, Condola has offered seva in the SYDA Foundation as a speaker and storyteller. She has been the narrator for stories on the Siddha Yoga path website, and a speaker and host in Siddha Yoga Shaktipat Intensives.

Condola is an accomplished actor and performing artist. She is a graduate of the California Institute of the Arts, and has worked in theater (including on Broadway), film, and television.