Swami Muktananda’s Divya Diksha

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    Each year at the time of Baba’s divya diksha, I feel naturally drawn into a period of contemplation. No two years are the same, yet each has a significant message for me.

    This year I am deeply experiencing the recognition that Om inside and Om outside are a continuum, a whole wherein I and all beings play. Baba’s sacred biography is a precious roadmap that guides me on my inner journey.

    California, United States

    As I read Baba’s beautiful and vivid description of his ecstatic state after receiving Bade Baba’s padukas, I recalled my own state of fulfillment when I received shaktipat from Baba.

    I first met Baba Muktananda when I was a little girl, but I was old enough to remember all the details of this meeting with him. One of the details I remember is that when Baba walked away after I met him, a strong and immense feeling of longing blossomed in my heart. In that moment, I felt within my heart that I wanted to follow him forever. I wanted to always be wherever he was. I vowed inwardly to always stay on this path.

    Every day I offer my sincere gratitude to Baba Muktananda and to my beloved Gurumayi as I continue my practices on the Siddha Yoga path.

    New York, United States

    For the last twenty years, I have been reading and rereading this excerpt from Play of Consciousness. Baba shares so vividly his sacred experiences on that memorable day when he received the most valuable gift from his Guru. Every time I read this excerpt, two remarkable concepts stand out for me—the disciple’s devotion and longing and the Master’s love and grace. It also reinforces that everything happens at the ordained time.
    From these multiple readings I have preserved many beautiful inner impressions. I believe that these have not only fortified my discipleship but also expanded my trust and unimpeachable faith in my Guru.

    Cuttack, India

    Baba’s account of his divine initiation beautifully shows the culmination of his search for God, the end of his wandering, and the beginning of his sadhana under the guidance of the Sadguru.
    I feel immense gratitude for all the wondrous experiences I have had ever since I found the Siddha Yoga path—all of which reflect the Guru’s love and compassion. This feeling of gratitude fills my heart and propels my own sadhana. I see that I have come to love my spiritual practices more and more. As a result, I carry out my duties from the heart, which fills my life with a deep sense of joy and unity.​

    Rodez, France

    I was trying to tune my tamboura and, due to dryness, two buttons kept snapping back. I got the inner image that sadhana is like tuning—tuning in to the purpose of life in harmony with God.
    So I can visualize Baba’s whole sadhana, as described in Play of Consciousness, as his tuning in to his sanctity. Then chapter 10, “Initiation,” would be a fine tuning, comparable to tuning the tamboura’s swans and threads. I imagine Bade Baba’s humming sounds as being tone and tune, with Baba resonating and tuning in—for a whole hour. And when it was complete, the joy was boundless. This is the moment when the instrument is ready to play—to reverberate to God’s pure melody. Baba’s words in “Initiation” still reverberate so tangibly in this amazing, powerful, utterly holy vibration. It moistens my eyes and heart.
    At last, I told myself: “Never give up on your sadhana; just keep going, whatever happens. And even if you feel dry and like snapping back, go on—the heart will moisten again.”

    Hindelang, Germany

    What stood out for me this year in reading Baba’s quintessential account of his shaktipat diksha was how all five of his senses were involved. The touch of Bade Baba’s body along with the touch of the blue shawl. The sight of Babe Baba looking and quieting Baba’s eyes, as well as Baba’s seeing the multicolored ray of light coming from his Guru’s eyes into his own. The sound of the mantra. The taste of the bhajiyas. The smell of the flowers.
    And the fact that Baba saw blue sparks both inside and in the outer world further reinforces for me that the ultimate goal is to experience Shiva, Consciousness, “within” and “without” all the time. 

    Washington, United States

    I am deeply moved by Baba’s account of this magnificent moment in his sadhana. So much gratitude is welling up in my heart as I sense Baba’s purity, humility, and love for his Guru. I have read and heard the description of this amazing event many times throughout my sadhana, and yet it is never too many times. Today I feel the beauty and import of Baba’s experience more than ever before. I am grateful for this opportunity to share in Baba’s experience of initiation, which has become our great blessing.

    New York, United States

    What a magical experience—looking at the image of the powerful mountain range and the rising sun silenced my mind, and I went straight into a very deep and profound meditation.

    Cologne, Germany

    As I read Baba’s words, I realized that we all are sons and daughters of this incredible day.

    Madrid, Spain

    Reading Baba’s words, I felt his awe, his reverence, and his generosity. Gradually I was drawn inward and felt energy vibrating within my body.

    California, United States

    I am forever grateful to Bade Baba for giving Baba the unexpected and incomparable gift of shaktipat and to Baba for so compassionately sharing this gift with the world. Receiving shaktipat from Baba transformed my life completely. My world became full of meaning and joy that I had not known before.

    Washington, United States

    My husband, our daughter, and I all received shaktipat initiation from Baba on the same day in 1978. Over the years, not a day has gone by without our gratitude and awareness of this greatest gift.
    Our daughter called this morning, August 15, Baba’s divya diksha day. Between sweet tears of love, she expressed her deepest appreciation for her shaktipat experience and her grace-filled life.
    Our lives have indeed been blessed! I feel gently drawn along, walking hand in hand with Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. I feel certain of our family’s destiny in the warmth of their sweet embrace.

    Busselton, Australia

    Over the years, Baba’s description of his divya diksha has become installed in my heart. Every year, as I read it again on this auspicious day, it is as if I am reading it for the first time.

    Today, Baba’s words slowed my thinking and opened the pores of my body, so that inside and outside seemed to merge into a single field of awareness.

    I am so grateful to Baba. I imagine placing my head on his feet.

    Auckland, New Zealand

    It was during the Shaktipat Intensive on the weekend of August 15 in 1976 that my husband and I received shaktipat diksha from Baba Muktananda. Baba’s words “God dwells within you as you,” have become a reality for me. The Guru in the form of the mantra Om Namah Shivaya has been with me ever since that day.

    Illinois, United States

    As I meditated this morning, I felt an incredible yearning for moksha—liberation. How many lifetimes have I been wandering about, seeking my Self in the outside world? I let out a silent cry and felt it piercing all the layers of my individuality.

    I felt a cool breeze caress my skin at that precise moment. I knew it was the Guru’s grace, for it was accompanied by the most tender, compassionate love. In a flash, I saw the descent of grace, passed on from Bade Baba, to Baba, to Gurumayi.

    When I came out of meditation, I was awed to see that today is August 15—Baba’s divya diksha day! A day that led to Baba’s liberation.

    Words cannot describe how fortunate I am to have received the priceless treasure of the Guru’s grace. I feel it transforms not only me, but generations of my ancestors, and the many generations to come. 

    New York, United States

    This beautiful presentation of Baba’s profoundly vivid description, with the stunning photographs throughout the narrative, evoked for me the magical power of that blessed day.

    New York, United States

    I offer my thanks to Baba for doing a sadhana so intense that now ours is so sweet!

    Mexico City, Mexico

    Filled with reverence and deep gratitude to Baba for sharing this rare and precious experience, I was transported back to the days of the ancients. I understand now what is meant by the fruits of Baba’s sadhana. I am forever indebted to Bade Baba and Baba. 

    Canterbury, Australia

    Each time I read in his autobiography the chapter describing Baba’s divya diksha, I feel his experience within my own self, and I feel Baba’s presence within.
    I offer my thanks to Baba!

    Jalgaon, India

    Reading Baba’s experience with Bade Baba, I was reminded of my own shaktipat experience with Gurumayi. In October 1992, on the first day of my first visit to Shree Muktananda Ashram, I saw Gurumayi. I was very near her, and she turned and looked into my eyes. I saw a ray of light coming from her eyes to my eyes. Since then, my life has been totally transformed, and I have the conviction that this is my true path.

    Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom

    What a glorious blessing—Baba’s Divya Diksha Day! The soft shower that gently fell on Baba that day has become a river of blessings that has flowed down to us in a magnificent waterfall, cascading abundantly into our hearts!
    During meditation I found myself in a circle with my Gurus—Bhagavan Nityananda, Baba Muktananda, and Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. We were sitting on the floor in a circle in lotus posture, all holding hands. In the center of the circle was a candle and Bade Baba’s padukas with a flower on them. I was expressing my gratitude to my Gurus and sharing some of my concerns for my family and the world. They listened and let me know I could always return there to be with them and share my thoughts and aspirations. I felt so supported and uplifted!

    Georgia, United States

    Baba’s Divya Diksha Day is my favorite day. I first visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth on this day in 1997. Each year, I often serve as a visiting sevite at Gurudev Siddha Peeth around this time, but this year I was not able to do so.

    I longed to be there so, in my heart, I traveled to Gurudev Siddha Peeth. I awoke early and followed the Ashram Daily Schedule in my home in Pune. I sang the Arati, imagining myself in the Bade Baba Temple. Then I meditated, visualizing myself in Baba’s Samadhi Shrine. As I meditated, I saw Bade Baba with a huge cobra. I experienced a little fear, but I remembered that Bade Baba was with me, and fearlessness arose.

    Pune, India

    This excerpt describing Baba’s initiation is a great blessing for me whenever I can read it.
    I received Baba’s grace through one of his photos, and the impact on me was unbelievable at that time. I felt one with him, and also with everything around me. I felt I understood everything as one perfect creation. Thank you so much for offering us this priceless account that connects me again with my shaktipat experience thirty-four years ago.

    Les Trois Ilets, Martinique

    For decades, I have held the account of Baba’s divya diksha in my heart as a most precious treasure.  Each time I read it, I am filled with love for Baba.  

    When I read this account, I feel transported in time and space. I remember Baba vividly, and his presence fills my heart.

    Ohio, USA

    This morning upon waking I was drawn outdoors. A breeze wafted gently, and the air was dense with the refreshing scent of a steady, generous rain. Baba’s words spontaneously arose in me: “…the most auspicious of all auspicious days.” Gratitude welled up from deep inside, and I went to my puja to offer dakshina and incense.
    As I drove to school with my daughter, she read her favorite paragraph from Play of Consciousness. I could feel Baba’s shakti and grace, his leonine strength, his unwavering delight, and his vast love. I could see my daughter’s face shining radiantly with Baba’s love.
    Today again, as if for the first time, I’m in awe reading Baba’s account of receiving shaktipat diksha from Bhagavan Nityananda. Each moment of Baba’s account is so full that I need to pause and contemplate to apprehend just a fraction of its profound meaning and its significance for my sadhana.

    Geelong West, Australia

    As I read this passage, I have a vivid image of this sacred scene. The beautiful old photographs evoke the atmosphere of the time on the small spot of earth where this wondrous event happened.
    Today I offered a special puja, and I was overflowing with gratitude to Bhagavan Nityananda for Baba’s divya diksha, because this made possible my own shaktipat diksha from Baba. I felt such warmth in my heart towards Baba for granting me the incomparable blessing of shaktipat. The initiation that Baba bestowed on me felt like the beginning of a new life, a spiritual awakening from darkness.

    Kilsby, United Kingdom

    It is always joyful to read this excerpt from Play of Consciousness. As I read, I remember and experience Baba appearing to me in my first Siddha Yoga meditation session.
    Through the years Baba’s teachings have been my solace and my support. When I read Baba’s words, I feel uplifted and blessed. His teachings fill me with a strength and confidence that enhance my every action.

    Modiin, Israel

    Very early this morning I was awakened from a half slumber by what sounded like a loud knock. I knew no one was at my door, and that the sound was significant — a call to action of some kind. I remembered the date, and the word freedom immediately sprang to mind. I felt a sense of profound gratitude to Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. I would not be who I am or where I am but for their divine grace.
    When I read Baba’s account of his divya diksha, his words evoked a powerful inner experience, and I felt so much joy.

    Beccles, United Kingdom

    I love reading Baba’s account of how he received Bade Baba’s sandals, and about his bhav of total humility and discipleship. As I read, I remembered a practice I have developed that inspires similar feelings in me.
    With deep reverence, I offer a manasa puja, a mental worship, to Baba. I imagine that I am entering Baba’s Samadhi Shrine. Then, after walking around the Samadhi Shrine repeating Baba’s name, I see myself sitting for meditation. By offering this manasa puja, I experience a lot of stillness in my heart and deep joy.
    Thank you, Gurumayi. Thank you, Baba. Thank you, Bade Baba. Thank you for awakening in me this loving expression of deep devotion for you. It is because of your grace that I have become aware and alive with these wonderful feelings.

    Pune, India

    What an amazing text, what amazing grace!
    Over the years, I’ve read this text many times, but every time feels like the first time. My heart becomes moist and full of gratitude to Baba for revealing to us this “most auspicious of all auspicious days,” with so much generosity. 
    My gratitude expands even further when I think how magnificent was Bade Baba’s gift to Baba—the gift that Baba then shared with so many. And then tears come to my eyes when I realize that it is the destiny of all of us Siddha Yoga students to receive the Guru’s grace.

    Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

    This morning I woke to a beautiful day, celebrating Baba’s divya diksha. After meditating, I went outside to sit on a swing in my front yard to recite Shri Guru Gita in honor of this day. During the recitation, a brilliant-red cardinal landed at the bird feeder nearby and stayed for a long time. I felt Baba’s presence and experienced the truth of Baba’s words: "The Guru is inside, the Guru is outside."

    Now, as I prepare to offer home seva, I am listening to Baba singing on the CD Hymns to Shiva.

    I am grateful for that day when Bhagavan bestowed shaktipat initiation on Baba. The grace that Baba received on that day has poured into my life and the lives of so many others. I am immersed in the Guru’s presence and grace. We are blessed! 

    North Carolina, USA

    Every time I read this account of Baba’s initiation, I am filled with awe and wonder. I feel shakti dancing within me, with pure joy. I reflect on that gesture of compassion with which Bhagavan Nityananda made initiation possible for the entire Siddha Yoga sangham. What a blessed day this is for all of us! How fortunate we are!

    New Jersey, USA

    I am very fortunate to have had this wonderful experience of reading about Baba ji’s divya diksha. Each single word is, for me, like a mantra.

    The pictures accompanying the excerpt support me to feel discipline, discipleship, and love in even more depth.

    Indore, India

    Each year, I read this most wondrous account of Baba’s divya diksha. And every time, I am so deeply grateful to have met Baba and to have been shown this path of devotion.

    As I read Baba’s words, I can almost taste the delicious bhajiyas that Baba relished on that most auspicious of days. Such sweetness and joy—gifts that we have all been given.

    Happy Baba’s Divya Diksha Day to all!

    New York, USA

    This morning when I woke up, I began to listen to the silence. Sounds were emerging from a vast ocean of silence. Then I visited the Siddha Yoga path website and realized why: on this day, so many years ago, Baba Muktananda received shaktipat-diksha. And because of this, I was able to receive shaktipat.

    Niteroi, Brazil

    This morning I became absorbed in reading Baba’s beautiful description of his divine initiation and in the soft and silent photographs. Then, at the end of the excerpt came the surprise of the very colorful picture of Baba smiling. I felt a surge of Baba’s ecstasy go through me, a wordless reminder from him of his constant presence, and of the miracle of my own experience of shaktipat-diksha almost twenty years ago.
    This whole understanding woke me up again to the indisputable fact of my own good fortune.
    Thank you, Baba and Gurumayi, for your generosity in transmitting a powerful and unfailing ray of divine light to me.

    London, United Kingdom

    What stood out for me in reading Baba’s words this time, in particular, is how he describes recognizing the Vedantic doctrine of Brahman, the Absolute, flashing within him.
    By this account, I am learning afresh that he was able to recognize the experience as a result of his dedicated study of the scriptures.  I have noticed this year, more than before, how often a scriptural passage that I have studied and contemplated has come to my mind in meditation and how I’ve been able to integrate this experience.
    I am so grateful for these signposts along the path.
    Thank you, Baba.

    California, USA

    Every time I read this amazing account of Baba’s experience of shaktipat, I am filled with respect and gratitude. Baba’s sharing of this event allows me to remember and honor my own shaktipat-diksha and its unique unfolding in my life.
    Baba’s story deepens my understanding of how blessed I am to walk this path of Siddha Yoga.
    Thank you, Baba!

    Virginia, USA

    Reading Baba’s description of this divine day, I realized how fortunate we are to have this amazing account of his sadhana.
    When I read Baba’s description of losing "the ordinary mind that differentiates between the inner and the outer world," it reminded me of an experience I had on the subway in Brooklyn. I had been meditating intensely at home, then I’d walked to the train. Suddenly I had an awareness that all differences between myself and the universe had disappeared. I felt that everything—from the other people to the gritty subway floors to the gorgeous sunset out the window—was a part of my own being. It was an incredibly ecstatic sensation.
    At the time, I didn’t understand that this was an experience of seeing "the One in the many." It is because of Baba’s profound generosity in describing and sharing with us the details of his own sadhana that we have been given a path to comprehend and value our own.
    Thank you, Baba!

    New York, USA

    Reading the excerpt, I am full of awe and gratitude for all that I am learning in my sadhana, as I grow within and experience my interior world expanding through a sense of oneness with the outer world.
    I hold this precious moment in my heart now.

    Taguig City, Philippines

    Thank you for these amazing photos of Baba’s early days in Ganeshpuri. While reading Baba’s words, I felt I was there, feeling the bhava and experiencing the shakti described by beloved Baba.

    Thane West, India