The Song of the Cardinal

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    A family of cardinals often comes to the bird feeder outside the window of my home here in the mountains, and this morning, after going on a bird-watching stroll, I shared with people the joy I find in these brilliant friends. So it was with much delight and gratitude that I saw and heard the “Song of the Cardinal” on the Siddha Yoga path website today, and celebrated the synchronicity of the Guru’s grace, abundantly present outside my window.

    North Carolina, USA

    This beautifully pure and delightful sound has its own breath and sense of reciprocity: the outward offering of the song, and its pause in stillness… allowing for a response, an opening to receive. Beautiful!
    Thank you for this sweet reminder to live in the active offering and in the openness to receive.

    Florida, USA

    My mother loved birds, and on holidays our family would gift her with ceramic replicas. My favorite was the beautiful bright red cardinal perched on her special shelf. When I opened this page, the image of this vibrant winged being brought me such joy, and his song was a call from long ago.
    I can see that Gurumayi invites us to love and cherish nature in so many ways. Today, on the Siddha Yoga path website, in a precious and beautiful moment, my Guru’s present love has merged with a long-held family memory.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for reminding us to treasure love in all its forms.

    Michigan, USA

    These pictures of a cardinal, and the audio of its song, come as a reminder for me to appreciate real beauty and to learn to love real things, rather than running after those kinds of love that are not actually real.
    Thank you, Gurumayi!

    New Delhi, India

    What beautiful birdsong! My heart is quiet and happy as I listen. 
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving me the opportunity to regularly place nature, her lovely voice, and her many other expressions of the divine into my daily life. 

    New York, USA

    This video made me wonder: is the bird singing, "Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva, Shiva"? Very sweet sound.
    Thank you!

    Thane West, India