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    Share Your Experience

    This share is about The Eternal, Perpetual Self

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    I am so grateful for this teaching. When I was about six years old, it occurred to me that one day I would die. I was filled with an intense existential angst—wondering, “What is the point of my life when I will die some day and no longer exist?” I didn’t tell anyone about these thoughts because I didn’t think anyone would understand.
    Imagine my enormous relief and gratitude when I found the Siddha Yoga path at age 19 and began to learn and experience that I will continue to exist, even when the body dies.
    Now as a middle-aged person, I am more and more aware of the passing of time, especially as beloved elders pass away and I see my own body beginning to age. I continue to contemplate this profound teaching, and it takes on ever-new meaning and reveals new levels of understanding. 
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for bringing us all into this deep, collective contemplation of time and eternity.


    There is something in these words so powerful that it stills my mind and turns it within.
    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Pune, India