Shri Guru Vachan: The Teachings of Shri Guru

On July 15, 2023, a Siddha Yoga satsang via live video stream took place in honor of Gurupurnima month. Throughout the satsang, participants received Gurumayi’s vachan, her teachings. These teachings from Shri Guru are now being featured on the Siddha Yoga path website for everyone’s adhyayan and abhyās, their study and practice.

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    What wonderful teachings! Yes, I know how to be a best friend to my “best friend.” But how splendid to turn that love and generosity toward myself and bathe my heart in it.

    My heart then softens, my smile is genuine and gentle, and my forgiveness is authentic.

    Massachusetts, United States

    As I read these teachings, I felt Gurumayi’s blessings for her students and sensed how much she cares about us.

    I realized that with all the roles I play in my life, that of son, brother, husband, and father, and with my race toward a successful material life, I had forgotten myself!

    Now, with these teachings, I am learning to pause, to meditate on myself, to find inner quietude. I am so grateful.

    Munich, Germany

    I’ve been practicing this teaching: “Make time to contemplate your divinity and to take to heart that you have been blessed by the Almighty.” During the day I take some time to pause my activities and practice this contemplation. It gives me strength and zest for life; a great feeling of gratitude overflows from my heart and inspires me to offer my best to the world.

    São José do Rio Preto, Brazil

    Gurumayi’s teaching “Carve out time for meditation and find within the reservoir of wisdom—the timeless wisdom of the Self” reminded me of an experience I once had.

    I was presenting at an international conference about a successful team project I had been a part of. Since my presentation occurred at the end of the first day, I knew that many people would come to thank me on the following day. And I could not figure out how to maintain a humble attitude with this anticipated outpouring of good feelings coming toward me.

    The next morning, during meditation, I heard these words inside: Whatever love you receive should be considered as the Guru’s prasad and a healing power. Wow! That was exactly what I needed to hear. 

    Throughout the day, when participants approached me to share their gratitude, I was able to fully receive it humbly, with an open heart. The inner guidance helped me feel completely at ease; through the people’s overflowing hearts, I could easily feel Gurumayi’s unconditional love.

    Laval, Canada

    As I have focused on Gurumayi’s teaching “Schedule time to install your experiences of the Guru in the shrine of your heart,” I have begun writing down experiences and teachings that my family and I have received in our four decades of following the Siddha Yoga path. It is remarkable how many divine encounters we have had with the Guru on the physical and subtle plane. And as I continue to reflect, more and more experiences come to mind.

    The path of this journey fills me with joy and awe. It is a dynamic adventure that is always exciting. I feel so blessed, so fortunate, to have my inner horizon illuminated with the celestial light of my Guru.

    California, United States

    As I continue to contemplate and delve into Gurumayi’s teaching “Set aside time… to celebrate the splendor of your efforts and the mystical workings of grace,” I am finding my perception of myself becoming more serene. This teaching transforms my daily practices from routine to “illuminating actions.” As I see and experience more shakti in my daily activities, this moves me to see myself as more divine, more connected to my highest Self. My attention is drawn to more loving thoughts.
    As the day goes by, I stop more frequently to “celebrate the splendor of my efforts and the mystical workings of grace.” This redirection of my attention to this teaching is becoming more stable and self-perpetuating. I feel like I am constructing a new paradigm, which is gradually becoming my all-pervasive world view.

    California, United States

    As I contemplate Gurumayi’s teachings in Shri Guru Vachan, I see them in two ways. First, I see them as a dharana that I can use to contemplate and absorb my mind in, leading me inward to the awareness of the Self. Second, I see them as the ever-present state of the Self, “the mystical workings of grace,” whole and complete, not needing to be practiced, but something natural that always exists and that I only have to be aware of.
    In those moments of recognition I experience the joy and unity of the one blissful Consciousness and that it truly is all that exists. I see effort and grace, Shakti and Shiva, as ever working in tandem with each other—two sides of the same coin, showing me the unity of universal Consciousness both within and without.

    New Jersey, United States

    During my sadhana, I have often contemplated time according to the Siddha Yoga teachings on this subject. And in doing so, I have come closer, little by little, to living in the present moment.

    By participating in the Siddha Yoga Satsang in Honor of  Gurupurnima Month, I feel as if I’ve been catapulted into the present time. A longstanding tendency of mine to leave things for later has faded. My contemplations of Shri Guru Vachan have permeated my state ever since I received them. What I discover is that they lead me to be in the “now” while I contemplate them.
    My heart is full of gratitude to Gurumayi for the Siddha Yoga Satsang in Honor of Gurupúrnima Month, and for my being able to participate, as Swami ji commented, in my own home with just one click.

    Mexico City, Mexico

    I am very grateful to Shri Gurumayi for these nine utmost powerful teachings, Shri Guru Vachan. After reading them multiple times during a period with a very challenging situation at my work, these teachings are making a great impact on my mind and on my thoughts. They have connected me to the truth of my life, and have shown me where I should focus and why.
    Even if my faith may waver in challenging times, every single time Gurumayi has easefully brought me back and has showered all her love upon me. I know how invaluable these teachings are, and I feel blessed to have received these teachings in my heart.

    Pune, India

    Gurumayi’s teaching “Employ time to accomplish the things you have promised yourself to do…” has been reverberating in my mind since I first heard it. It is easy for me to keep promises I make to other people, but to fully keep those I make to myself is something I am still striving for.

    One promise to myself I have learned to keep is to remain seated in meditation until the alarm goes off, no matter what. In the past, if a phone I had forgotten to silence rang, I would get out of meditation and answer it; if an idea for something I was writing suddenly popped up, I would get up and write it. But not anymore. I know that everything will still be there after my meditation.

    I have come to trust that when Gurumayi gives a teaching, she also gives me the power to master this teaching. And so, little by little, I will practice keeping the promises I make to myself. It feels so good when I do!

    California, United States

    These nine teachings have had a daily effect on my thoughts and actions. Their influence is undeniable, taking me into deep contemplations. I have been inspired to recite Shri Guru Gita and the Arati nearly every day, as well as performing mantra repetition. Something was undeniably touched in me that has moved me to perform practices I thought were beyond my physical capability. Such an incredible blessing!

    Shri Gurumayi’s generosity continues to reach unbelievable heights. I see Gurumayi as love incarnate.

    Modiin, Israel

    In this fast-paced world, Gurumayi’s teachings are more important than ever for me. I can often feel rushed, with so many things to do that there just isn’t enough time for it all. This leads me to feel disconnected from the Self. Shri Guru Vachan brings me back to the Truth and reminds me that I do have time—and that it’s my duty to use it well. 
    Gurumayi’s words—“Create time…,” “Make time…,” “Carve out time…, “ “Prioritize your time…”—are all an invitation to me to slow down internally and to go within, where “the timeless wisdom of the Self” is always available to me.
    Shri Guru Vachan has reminded me that no matter how busy it is in the external world, I always have time to get in touch with the Self.

    Melbourne, Australia

    Shri Guru Vachan is so profound, yet so direct. I feel blessed to receive these teachings from Shri Gurumayi. They have led me to contemplate what the teaching “Be your own best friend” means. As a result, I have discovered that a best friend is someone who is reliable and trustworthy, and with whom we can be our true self. A best friend is also someone with whom we feel happy and content. To me, “being my own best friend” means my mind is in alignment and in true friendship with my own Self, and is truthful toward the purpose of my life. 

    a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth

    For several months I have kept a project on the back burner and have delayed making any progress on it. In my mind I envisioned different scenarios of how this project would turn out and was aware that I had a lot of attachment to the outcome. When I heard Gurumayi’s teaching, “Employ time… to sit back and admire the hand of destiny in your endeavors,” I took away two understandings from it.
    First, Gurumayi’s words, “Employ time to accomplish the things you have promised yourself to do,” gave me the motivation to not procrastinate any longer but to complete my project. The other lesson was an especially joyful one. Gurumayi’s word admire freed me from expectations, creating a yogic distance between my desires and the outcome. And the words to sit back meant for me not to get attached to the fruits of my endeavor.
    I am eternally grateful to Gurumayi for the way her teachings convey the importance of time and at the same time give us space to relish its unfolding.

    LaSalle, Canada

    My entire being is beaming with the simple and crystal-clear light from these teachings of Gurumayi ji. I love to read every single teaching every single day ever since they have all been posted on the Siddha Yoga path website.
    I am currently offering seva in Gurudev Siddha Peeth, where every day my fellow sevites and I are contemplating these teachings and sharing our understandings about how we could implement them. Every day as I move ahead to reread every single teaching, my mind is becoming so relaxed and I am experiencing the divinity in my surroundings and my own being.
    In my view, what has happened is the clear transformation of my complicated mind into simplicity with the intention to cultivate the right meaning of the Guru’s words in every moment. And as I inhale and exhale, I feel that the process of becoming one with my Guru is happening in the middle of each breath.

    Bhandara, India

    Reflecting on these teachings, I have started thinking of ways to put each of Gurumayi’s nine teachings into my day. One way is to daily watch them, read them, and really “take them to heart,” as Swami Ishwarananda explained. I also have been doing a contemplation on one teaching each day.
    What came to me just now in doing my daily contemplation on “How am I divine?” in response to Gurumayi’s second teaching was to create a short, specific, scheduled plan to implement each teaching. I consider the fruits of contemplation themselves to be proof of my divinity. In contemplating, I go to the thought-free state of God within to allow it to feed my mind valuable insights.  

    Washington, United States

    When I read Gurumayi’s teaching, “Be your own best friend,” I felt this sentence was intended especially for me. During times when I feel disturbed or restless, I always search for someone who can console me.
    Gurumayi’s words have made me realize that others can listen to me and they may offer me solutions, but as long as my mind and I are not friends, and as long as my mind doesn’t listen to me, I cannot reach the “mindful quietude” that Gurumayi speaks about in her first teaching.

    Pune, India

    In studying Gurumayi’s fifth teaching, I noticed that the English word atmosphere begins like the Sanskrit word for the Self: atman. And so I imagine a “sphere of atman. And since atman truly is “the scintillating consciousness of your sacred atmosphere,” in Gurumayi’s words, I understand that I am constantly breathing it in. To me, being able to “breathe in” atman is wondrous. In my eyes, extracting its true subtle essence as I inhale is alchemy. I also think that just by exhaling, I can influence the air of the planet with my karma.
    So, when Gurumayi tells me to “breathe out the good karma you’ve gained from your practices,” that seems like a divine skill which, when put into action, must imbue this planet with goodness, purity, and blessedness. As I think about this, I am really amazed at the immense significance of these words of Gurumayi.

    Hindelang, Germany

    After receiving these teachings, I wrote them out on nine pieces of paper so that I could refer to them regularly. This morning, I got up early and spent the morning in the city. This afternoon, I was feeling uncomfortable and tired, which previously would have prompted me to engage with a worldly distraction. Instead, I remembered that I didn’t want to waste “even a nanosecond.” So, I turned to the teachings. I contemplated my experience of the Guru. I did a mental review of my day and was delighted to realize that there were many experiences—from the flow of traffic to the beauty of the botanical gardens and the helpful staff in the cafés—where I had experienced the Guru’s grace. My appreciation for the abundance of Gurumayi’s grace expanded as I recognized her presence in a myriad of forms. The “shrine of my heart” glowed with love and gratitude.

    Bendigo, Australia

    It was really wonderful to receive in Shri Guru Vachan the teaching ”Be your own best friend.” I felt as though I was being washed by waves of grace and that my heart experienced great healing and peace.

    I feel that I received so much in these teachings that I must unpack this gift and crystallize everything that was in it in order to truly realize the magnitude of what has been given. I aim to do this in the coming days, weeks, and months.

    Frimley, United Kingdom

    What stood out for me most from Shri Guru Vachan was Gurumayi’s teaching: “Employ time to accomplish the things you have promised yourself to do.” 

    When I started contemplating these words, I remembered that at the beginning of my spiritual journey, when I first met Gurumayi, I had promised myself to offer my life to God. I had a deep longing to become one with God and to follow the Guru completely.
    Now, thirty-three years later, I am once again at the beginning of a new stage of my life. This teaching makes it clear to me that I want to pursue my sadhana with courage and determination. It has shown me that it is now time for me to use my energy to live a life that brings me closer to the goal I had when I was young.

    I also realized that in order to follow the teaching “Be your own best friend,” I really have to offer concrete effort to reach this goal.

    Gottmadingen, Germany

    The sublime satsang in honor of Gurupurnima was like a powerful wake-up call for me. I wanted to maintain this feeling of awakening, but I knew that simply reading Shri Guru’s teachings would not enable me to fully anchor myself in the experience they describe.

    So, I came up with the idea of printing the teachings in the format of large cards, which I laminated to protect them. For the past several days, just after my morning meditation, I’ve been selecting one of these teaching cards at random, reading it carefully several times, and putting it in a place where I’ll see it often throughout the day. This practice has allowed me to return again and again to the specific aspect revealed by my Guru’s words. In my experience, it really works.

    My heart is filled with gratitude for Shri Gurumayi’s loving compassion, which I feel is the source of these teachings, and which enables me to embrace them with gentle effort.

    Crozon, France

    The image behind the teachings looks, to me, like a sundial marking the sands of time. These beautiful teachings are, for me, ageless sutras. I feel grace is guiding me and empowering me to experience the essence of each one. They teach me that time is a precious gift and my friend.

    New York, United States

    Since the sublime Gurupurnima satsang, I have been immersed in Shri Guru Vachan and the Guru’s love. I feel suffused in a soft inner silence and a sense of being complete. I feel calm and serene.
    After the satsang, I spent the rest of the day in contemplation of the teachings I had received. I wrote the nine teachings in my journal to reflect on them one by one. My ongoing contemplation drew me into a deep meditation, where I found creative ways to apply those teachings on a daily basis. And I promised myself to apply the teaching to “be your own best friend.” As I am doing this inner work, I feel the Guru’s abundant grace.
    I intend to install these teachings in my heart and savor them forever.

    Quebec, Canada

    How beautiful it was to listen to the sound of birdsong as I sat quietly, allowing each teaching to imprint upon my heart.

    Now, when I hear the sound of birdsong—whether gentle and melodious or joyfully raucous, as it can often be in the Australian bush—I recall the teachings. It’s as if with each chirp or tweet of a bird, a divine teaching is landing even more deeply within my heart.  

    Castlemaine, Australia

    Lately I have been feeling stalled in my sadhana—a sense that I was not doing enough. Contemplating my efforts over the years since I received shaktipat initiation from Baba, I asked myself, how much time have I wasted?
    In the satsang, the first thing I noticed in Shri Guru Vachan was the repetition of the word time. I felt this word as a drumbeat in my heart. Yet, such words as “let go,” ”relaxation,” “celebrate,” “be your own best friend” turned my mind away from seeing time as wasted.
    I realize now that I can consciously choose to proactively engage with time. I can “employ time,” “schedule time,” and “set aside time” for spiritual practice. As I embrace the teaching to “be your own best friend,” I can welcome time to be my friend too.

    Colorado, United States

    I felt I was in meditation during the delivery of the teachings and afterward for most of the day. I am still drawn into meditation as I read the teachings today.
    In this deep inner state, I recognized things I had been reluctant to accept about myself. And I realized that grace is indeed mystical. How else can I explain that prolonged meditative state, which I had not intentionally sought?

    California, United State

    The teaching to “celebrate the splendor of your efforts and the mystical workings of grace” leads me into a space of infinite sweetness and profound expansion.
    As I began my meditation today by contemplating this teaching, I felt I was embarking on a journey toward the unfolding of my own divinity.

    California, United States

    I felt so much love within each of Gurumayi’s teachings! Two that stood out for me were “Be your own best friend” and “Employ time to accomplish the things you have promised yourself to do.” As I have been reflecting on these, I became a bit overwhelmed. I did not think I knew how to do these things fully.
    Then I had an “Aha!” moment. I saw that not knowing is a great starting place! I can start my study with true humility. From here, I can allow myself to become open to the boundless grace that Gurumayi bestows on me. 
    With this insight, a shift took place. My heart opened. The tension released. I became curious about how this will all unfold. I remembered how buoyed I can be when I take responsibility for myself while constantly remembering that I am surrounded by grace.
    I now am looking forward to discovering how I can fully imbibe and manifest these teachings of Gurumayi’s. 

    Michigan, United States

    I found the teachings of Shri Guru Vachan to be profound, practical, and suffused with the Guru’s grace and her loving intention. My experience in watching them appear and dissolve in the video imbued me with the joyful expectancy of implementing them in my life.
    Each word of Shri Guru Vachan seems to be crafted by the Guru as a blessing just perfect for me in the life that is unfolding in front of me right now. I have so much to contemplate and imbibe! I loved the reminder to “Be your own best friend” by choosing to use my time to do the right thing. Shri Guru Vachan was truly blessed prasad to receive in Gurupurnima month.

    Mumbai, India

    A few days prior to the satsang, I was completing my daily meditation and realized I was thinking of one of what Gurumayi would call my “presumed limitations.” I remembered that I had just meditated, and wondered why I wasn’t delighting in that. This insight changed my outlook instantly!
    How sweet it was later on to find this recent experience of mine reflected so well in the seventh teaching in Shri Guru Vachan. I thank Gurumayi for her reminder to “celebrate the splendor of your efforts.”

    Maine, United States

    I was very eager to participate in the satsang in honor of Gurupurnima month, and to listen to what my Guru had to say. One of the captivating things for me was the expression Shri Guru Vachan, because vachan means “promise” in the Marathi language. I felt that my Guru wants me to promise her that I will listen to her and obey her commands. And I felt that Gurumayi has promised to turn my eagerness to listen and obey into a longing to practice and “to fulfill my purpose in life.”
    Now I listen to Shri Guru Vachan in English, Hindi, and Marathi, and my ten-year-old daughter also listens to it. She has also written Gurumayi’s teaching “Be your own best friend" in her small notebook. And now we will practice the teachings together.

    Nasik, India

    My journey walking on the Siddha Yoga path has been quite an adventure, as I have not only received so much love and grace from Gurumayi but also learned so much from her about escaping the grip of my ego. As a result, I want to melt in gratitude to my beloved Guru.
    Gurumayi’s nine teachings from the Gurupurnima satsang via live video stream will help me to remain steady, focused, and in balance while journeying further on the Siddha Yoga path, keeping awareness in the forefront before reacting to any situation.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    I have been reflecting in a beautiful serene silence on the teachings that we received from Gurumayi during the satsang for Gurupurnima month. For me, staying with them in silent reflection is  a perfect way to receive and contemplate the teachings. Having them available on the Siddha Yoga path website really helps me to engage with them in an easeful manner so that I can gradually assimilate them, make them a complete part of myself, and allow them to live through me. I know that this will help me “be my own best friend” and also to become friends with time.

    Pune, India

    I am very grateful to Shri Gurumayi for her most compassionate teachings, filled with benevolence. When I received the first teaching, a magnetic energy enveloped my whole heart. I was drawn inwards and merged into its graceful peace. When I received the second teaching, this magnetic energy completely engulfed me; I sat in peace, yet aware of this amazing blessing. I received the rest of the teachings in this beautiful state.

    Because Swami ji asked us to take Shri Gurumayi’s teachings to heart, I did just that. As the teachings were offered one by one, I took them all into my heart. In that state of grace-filled peace, I could remember and repeat all the teachings. And then I was smiling ear to ear—to receive Shri Gurumayi’s darshan. My heart, filled with happiness, offered pranam with gratitude and love.

    I will always love, contemplate, and remember this teaching: “Make time to contemplate your divinity and to take to heart that you have been blessed by the Almighty.”

    Richmond, Australia

    Gurumayi’s teachings in this satsang started an inquiry within me into my own inner beliefs about my sadhana, about my efforts to attain Self-realization. I must admit that on one hand, I feel comfortable with the belief that I am fine because I have a Guru, while on the other hand, I realize I have been assuming that I cannot or will not reach that goal in this lifetime, since it is a goal like reaching to the stars. Both attitudes sometimes lead me to being a little bit lax and irresolute in my efforts.

    My self-inquiry delivered new motivation to increase my efforts in sadhana. My insight was this: even if time is running out to reach Self-realization in this lifetime, I can do as much as possible to progress within the time I have, since no effort is ever wasted and the good karma will forever belong to me.

    I am very grateful to Gurumayi for the wake-up call of this beautiful satsang.

    Großkarolinenfeld, Germany

    With a heart full of gratitude in celebration of Gurupurnima month, I want to thank Gurumayi for the beautiful darshan, the enlightening chant, and her words of wisdom in the form of Shri Guru Vachan with the background music of Krishna’s flute.

    These teachings poured into my heart along with Gurumayi’s love and grace. Each one of them seems to calm the longing that was there by showing me the path forward, with the theme of time flowing through all of them, and with the promise that, if practiced, these teachings will shower me with the Guru’s grace and blessings.

    Yes! I will keep these golden teachings close to my heart and learn to live by them in the here and now, every second of the day.

    Mumbai, India

    Today I felt as if this satsang was written just for me. I recently lost a dear friend—and each teaching begins with “Be your own best friend.” What a perfect teaching! 

    I am always so grateful for how the Guru completely gives me what I need in each time of my life. I need to remember this when things feel challenging. Each of my life experiences is a gift to learn and grow from. I am so grateful for this guidance to contemplate and practice in this phase of my life and sadhana. It’s inspiring.

    Washington, United States

    Some time ago I felt the longing to have helpful support at any time and in any situation. I wished for a friend who is always there for me, who wants the best for me, who thinks I am just great the way I am, and with whom I can spend a fun and interesting time. In short, I was wishing for “my own best friend.”

    I often go for what I call “walks with Gurumayi.” On these walks I repeat the mantra and enjoy the peace and silence. Many times a “conversation with Gurumayi” arises from this stillness and I can rediscover that my own highest self is identical with my Guru and God.

    These “walks with Gurumayi” help me very much to become more and more “my own best friend,” who is always there for me at any time and in any situation.

    Unterlangenegg, Switzerland

    In the Gurupurnima satsang I felt the presence of divine Shakti. I am very grateful for that.

    I was surprised to see the word nanosecond. I looked up what nano means and found that its size is like that of a grapefruit compared to planet Earth. This gave me a glimpse into how valuable time is! There is a mystery in time that I have not yet understood. But I do understand that pursuing “cravings” is a waste of time, while honoring “my divinity” and doing the practices are blessed times. So I have to watch my thoughts and desires and redirect them to God.

    I pray for the Guru’s grace to help me be with God constantly.

    Hindelang, Germany

    I have been struggling lately during my early morning meditation. I have felt agitated and unable to get comfortable for a while. When I read Gurumayi’s very first teaching from Shri Guru Vachan, the word relaxation jumped off the page for me.

    This morning, I focused on getting into a relaxed state as I sat down to meditate. It made a huge difference in how my meditation felt!

    California, United States

    At midnight here in Australia, the satsang for Gurupurnima month commenced. For me, the main teaching was “Be your own best friend.”  And then we also received Gurumayi’s guidance on to how to go about this.

    This morning, after a few hours of quiet sleep, I woke up to this thought: “Something great has happened!”

    Sydney, Australia

    I am so grateful to Gurumayi for her inspiring teachings that bring me back to what is most important in life, and for being the most uplifting presence in my life and in this world.

    West Vancouver, Canada

    I am alive today only through the grace of my Gurus—my beloved Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba. My life, in this body, is an offering to them in eternal gratitude.

    In Shri Guru Vachan today these words resonated in the core of my being: “Set aside time to let go of your presumed limitations and to instead celebrate the splendor of your efforts and the mystical workings of grace.” It is these very “presumed limitations” in my mind that sometimes allow me to feel that I have wasted much of my life by not imbibing and living the Siddha Yoga teachings well enough.

    For my life to date has been part of fulfilling my dharma in service to my Beloved. And the fruition of these efforts is right here for me to see and experience in every moment. Yet I sometimes forget to open my eyes and my heart to fully experience this. So today, I feel an immense sense of gratitude and a letting go of these presumptions.

    Euroa, Australia

    I miscalculated the time difference and missed the satsang via live video stream for Gurupurnima month. What a delight it was to see all of Gurumayi’s teachings on the website this morning! After I had read them all, I felt like I had just received a love poem—from my best friend.

    Mayfield, Australia

    As I participated in the satsang and received the guidance and teachings of Gurumayi, I was filled with amazing energy. I was also awestruck because earlier today when I was by myself, these words arose in my heart: “Invest your time in the Self. Invest your time in awareness and discipline.” Filled with wonder, I asked myself why these words arose just at this point in time.
    Today, during the satsang, when we received Shri Guru Vachan, teachings from Gurumayi, I was intrigued. And when Swami ji pointed out how the theme of time is “running through all the teachings,” I recognized the synchronicity of this fact aligning with the indication about time that I received from the Shakti earlier today.
    I am now inspired to approach time—and hence, my life—with renewed focus and enthusiasm. I am filled with gratitude for such invaluable teachings, golden nuggets which have certainly uplifted my heart.

    Pune, India

    As I delight in this satsang, gratitude billows up, expanding like smoke from a sacred fire. Sweet determination grows in me—to imbibe and practice each of these timeless teachings so that I may respect and “use time wisely,” as Swami ji said at the end of the satsang.
    The thoughtful loving kindness in posting these teachings on the Siddha Yoga path website after we first heard them in the satsang makes a huge smile come to my face as my heart becomes very moist.

    North Carolina, United States

    Last fall, I took the time to feed the soil around the beautiful red rose I have in my garden. In the spring, I saw that the bush had become stronger and more beautiful. Two weeks ago, I was stunned to see a bouquet of ten buds on the same stem. The central rose bloomed first and, when it faded, the other nine bloomed together—just one day before the Siddha Yoga Satsang in Honor of Gurupurnima Month.
    I see the central rose as Gurumayi and the other nine as the nine teachings we have just received from her. And I understand that the nourishment in these teachings will make my life flourish.

    Rodez, France

    As the Gurupurnima full moon is filled with its glory, so are the Guru’s words. After I read each teaching, I recalled both the happy and sad experiences I’ve had in recent months. Gurumayi ji answered all my inner questions, and once again guided me to stay disciplined in order to “fullfill my purpose in life.” As always, she knows exactly what I need in every moment.
    These teachings remind me of the importance of time on the path to  liberation. For me, respecting time and trusting in the Guru’s words go hand in hand, and together will support me to stay focused on my goals.
    My heart is full of gratitude and love for Gurumayi. I am so fortunate to be following the Siddha Yoga path.

    Pune, India

    Flabbergasted is a word I heard often from my elders when I was a child, and it is the word that came to mind when I attempted to characterize my experience of Shri Guru Vachan. Indeed, experiencing these nine teachings of Gurumayi left me breathless as they elucidated exactly “the mystical workings of grace” and “the hand of destiny” that I’ve sensed in my life during this Gurupurnima month.
    At the age of 89 I have been feeling reborn, newly enthusiastic, and energized. Suddenly I have been finding it effortless to let go of so many things that have been distracting me from experiencing peace. People my age often think there is nothing new under the sun, as the saying goes, but I was stunned to hear that I can “breathe out” my “good karma”!

    California, United States

    This was the most amazing satsang for Gurupurnima! I give thanks to Shri Gurumayi for these exquisite teachings. And I also am immensely grateful to my Guru for allowing us the opportunity to come together as a global sangham to share in this enlightened consciousness.
    It was just what I needed for this month of July, which has been very challenging for me in maintaining my inner calm and heart-centered balance. Now I feel more grounded after chanting with Gurumayi ji and listening to her words of wisdom.

    North Side, Anguilla

    I am deeply grateful to receive these most important and timely teachings. I had been searching in this post-pandemic period for what I am to do. I have been asking myself, “What is most important? Where is my responsibility?”
    With this gift of the Guru, I now remember: I don’t need to search outside myself. I can “be my own best friend” by listening to my Self, and by taking the time right now to do so. And I can start by remembering my purpose, breathing into it, honoring my self-effort, and giving my gratitude at the feet of the Guru. 

    New York, United States

    I am very grateful to Gurumayi for her profound teachings. I felt each one being inscribed in my heart. I feel so honored to be receiving these teachings in the Guru’s  month of Gurupurnima.

    Mumbai, India