About Swami Anantananda

Swami Anantananda

Swami Anantananda has been following the Siddha Yoga path for nearly forty years. In 1980, he took vows of monkhood to become a Siddha Yoga Swami. Swami ji serves Gurumayi as a Siddha Yoga meditation teacher; he has taught in numerous Siddha Yoga Sadhana Retreats and Shaktipat Intensives, and he is the teacher for the Siddha Yoga home study course The Power of Recognition: Kundalini Shakti. Swami ji also offers seva in the Live Events Department of the SYDA Foundation, as a coach for speakers.

Swami ji is known for his ability to teach about the mind in an accessible manner. He is the author of What’s on My Mind? Becoming Inspired with New Perception—a book which guides readers in understanding, and shifting, the relationship they have with their mind.