Being with Gurumayi

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    I am feeling so privileged to be invited by Shri Gurumayi to walk along with her. Her company here brings me serenity, wonder, and joy. When I am with her, I am close to my heart, acutely aware of how beautifully simple life can be. I love being with my Guru.

    Valbrembo, Italy

    As I watched this beautiful video, I remembered that when I have wanted to experience solitude and peace, I have often imagined myself sitting near a stream.
    Being with Gurumayi near the stream in this video led me to realize that I was never totally alone in those moments. Gurumayi was always there beside me and my imaginary stream.

    Nashik, India

    Inspired by this video, I took a walk by a river. I made an effort to turn within, repeating the mantra, reminding myself that everything around me was an expression of the supreme Being. I felt myself become deeply silent inside, and just at that moment, there was a flash of white. A great white heron came to rest in some rippling shallows. The heron was perfectly at ease. It seemed as if the entire scene—the sweep of the river, the woods on both sides, a small rapids behind—was all centered on the graceful and elegant figure of the heron.

    It reminded me of Gurumayi—how she is both in perfect harmony with the woodland and the still center point around which it revolves. It was as if she had appeared in the heron’s form to tell me that yes, when I turned within, when I saw God in each form around me, when I took refuge in the mantra, I had indeed received her darshan.

    Ohio, United States

    For me, this video is especially sweet. Nature and Gurumayi both dwell in my heart with deep love. I associate the two as one great blessing. My husband and I take walks every day in nature. For many years since we first visited Shree Muktananda Ashram, we have delighted when a butterfly, bird, bee, or other creature spontaneously comes near us. We always say: “Thank you, Gurumayi!”

    California, United States

    Watching the images of Gurumayi in nature and hearing the soothing music, I felt I was indeed with Gurumayi enjoying nature.

    I was deeply touched by seeing Gurumayi meditating with the sounds of the waterfall. It was so serene. The images of a bud shown before the meditation and the full-blown flower shown after the meditation seemed to me like an invitation to meditate with Gurumayi so that I may blossom like that flower and fulfill the purpose of my life.

    Hosur, India

    My beloved Shri Gurumayi and nature remind me of the presence of endless grace in my life. Just like Mother Nature, always giving abundantly, our Guru keeps bestowing her blessings on us and making life so much more beautiful!

    Pune, India

    For me this video is a refreshing drink for the soul. To see Shri Gurumayi among the verdant trees and plants is a sheer delight. I am grateful to Gurumayi for sharing her state and boundless love through these images. After watching the video, I am savoring and integrating the memories of the sweet images, and I am experiencing their sacred resonance throughout the day.

    Guyra, Australia

    This beautiful video inspires me to move through God’s glorious creation with grace and love. I am reminded of how subtly and powerfully the Guru’s touch and gaze have been transforming my inner being, allowing my best qualities to blossom.

    As I watch Gurumayi interacting with the varied forms of life, I recognize that her love for me is one with her love for all Consciousness.

    Oregon, United States

    I love the images of Gurumayi interwoven with images of nature, and the sound of the gushing water against the gentle tunes of the flute. I had the insight that I can see Gurumayi in every particle of God’s creation as well as inside my own heart.

    México, Mexico

    While watching the video, I saw myself walking along with Gurumayi!
    Thank you so much, Gurumayi! I love you!

    a six-year-old Siddha Yogi from Chennai, India

    Watching this beautiful gallery of Gurumayi in nature, I feel that Gurumayi is one with nature. Everywhere in these images, I see the blissful Kundalini Shakti shimmering. After contemplating this experience, I feel that the nature which surrounds me in India is more than simply nature—I feel that Shri Gurumayi is here in the form of nature. I sense that my entire existence is surrounded by Shri Gurumayi both outside and inside.

    Ahmedabad, India

    Each time I join this exquisite walk with Gurumayi, I’m flooded with feelings of ecstasy, profound peace, and being uplifted. These darshan walks have given me an enhanced perception of the presence of God in the beings and nature around me. Since I have been taking this darshan with my beloved Guru on a daily basis, my meditations have exploded into light.

    Massachusetts, United States

    In my meditation I have seen Gurumayi in the garden of my heart, and I have sat with her there. Recently though, I have been longing so palpably to be with my Guru in her physical form. This morning, as I came upon this intimate moment with Gurumayi on the Siddha Yoga path website, I marveled at the great gift of having a living Guru who answers the prayers of my heart.

    California, United States

    As I watched the nature pictures, I felt that all of them were Shri Guru. I felt that Gurumayi is here with us, around us, in us.

    I also found that this connection brings stillness, serenity, and love! It brought me a sense of oneness with Gurumayi!

    Madrid, Spain

    The video brought forth tears of gratitude as I recognized again the gift of being with Gurumayi. I remembered how to walk my path with lightness and to delight in my oneness with nature.

    I particularly identified with the freedom of unfolding from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. I saw the inspiration that this transformation offers to the world around me, and I saw my responsibility to participate in and commit to this process.

    Brossard, Canada

    As my child and I watched, we expressed wonder and gratitude for the beauty shown in this video and around us daily. We felt we were truly there!

    St Lazare, Canada

    As I watched each frame progress, my experience of being in Gurumayi’s presence became stronger and stronger. The rhythm of my breath eased, I became present in the moment, and I felt a connection with nature.

    Thane, India

    Ahhhhh… how lovely. So uplifting!
    When I see the beautiful pictures of nature, and hear the Siddha Yoga musicians, and then see Gurumayi, my heart just swells with remembrance.
    I have a soft smile during the entire video, and love fills the whole room.

    California, United States

    As the video went on, I felt my heart melting.
    When I saw the daisy in Gurumayi’s hands, I felt Gurumayi’s love for this little flower. I imagined the awe and love the little flower had for Gurumayi. And I felt this same awe and love for all creation. It was a moment of satsang for me.

    Montréal, Canada

    Right after walking through the park overlooking Lake Geneva, where a stormy wind was raging, I watched the video of Gurumayi’s walk in nature.  
    I treasured the stillness in the video, but then, surprisingly, a new attitude arose in me, suggesting I stay nonjudgmental.
    I recognized that, whether poised or in turmoil, in shaking convulsion or in restful balance, only one Consciousness exists in everything.

    Geneva, Switzerland

    The leaves, the flowers, their colors, the majestic trees, the stream of water, the waterfall, the lake, the birds—and the Guru! In seeing all these through the beautiful photos, I experienced that all are one. I felt at ease after going on this walk with Gurumayi.
    As a child, I would often have similar experiences in Gurudev Siddha Peeth. And today I realized that I can go for a walk with Gurumayi every day by being connected with my heart, by feeling one with nature, and by experiencing God in nature.

    Virar, India

    My heart is moist, brimming with love, and filled with immense gratitude. It was so beautiful to have my Guru’s darshan!
    Gurumayi’s compassion, her love for nature, her quietude, her graceful presence and focus on every single wonder in nature, her love for the world at large, her happy way of being—all these come forth through every single image, and take me deep into a space of silence, equipoise, and gratitude.

    Mumbai, India

    Walking with Gurumayi was an enchanting experience, where I could feel the universal energy in Gurumayi as well as in nature. It made clear to me how Gurumayi perceives no difference between the Self and the natural world that surrounds her.

    Madrid, Spain

    I am so happy to have taken this magical walk with Gurumayi! It felt to me like a celebration of life, of God’s presence in each element of nature. I was so happy to see Gurumayi and to feel her love for us all in taking us with her on this walk. This has opened up my heart and filled it with longing—and with love.

    Jerez de la Frontera, Spain

    I am so grateful for this perfect satsang and beautiful darshan. Like the waterfall, my heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for “being with Gurumayi” on this amazing Siddha Yoga path. Gurumayi looks so radiant, and so completely at one with her surroundings, emanating love, care, and gentleness. Although I am far away, I feel there is no distance.

    Ludlow, United Kingdom

    As I viewed this video, my experience was that all the beings in nature—the flowers, plants, and animals—are different in their own ways and all are beautiful. Similarly, we are all different, with our different problems and different joys, but no matter what, Gurumayi is always with us!

    Midstream, South Africa

    Last night I longed to be in Gurumayi’s physical presence. In my mind, I revisited and relived all the precious moments I have experienced with Gurumayi in person. I fell asleep feeling the Guru in my own heart.
    Then the first thing I see this morning is this gallery! And Gurumayi is calling me to be with her, via these exquisite images in nature. What a blessing! Blessed am I—my Guru is always with me.

    Bangalore, India

    As I view these beautiful images, the awareness arises: I can be with Gurumayi whenever and wherever I choose. I simply need to hold her in my heart as my priority.

    North Willoughby, Australia