Om Purnamadah Mantras

from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

Sung by the music ensemble in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.
Om Purnamadah Mantras
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad 5.1.1; trans. from The Nectar of Chanting, 4th ed., 2017 reprint (S. Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1984), p. 63.

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    What a pleasant surprise! I was trying to imagine how one could illustrate this verse visually. What came to me was an image similar to those of the stars and the galaxy that I saw in Sweet Surprise 2023. This is great prasad for me.

    Dombivli, India

    I repeat this mantra every day before I commence my work in the morning and when I wind up my work in the evening. It is a sweet reminder for me to remain aware that everything is perfect. It is my goal to embrace the inherent perfection that is present in every situation, every interaction. Although being rooted in this awareness is challenging at times, I turn to this mantra for support.

    Hosur, India

    As I recited the sacred mantra along with the recording, I felt easeful and free. On the last shanti, a strong rain suddenly began. I sat for a moment, listening to the powerful rain tapping on the roof of my house. I felt as if it were bliss pouring down.

    Ohio, United States

    I have always loved these mantras. Today as I finished reciting them, I closed my eyes, and waves of bliss began rolling through my body, and I experienced the perfection within.

    Canterbury, Australia

    I love the deep wisdom of the Om Purnamadah mantra. As an artist, I decide when my work is finished and perfect. My view may not be the same as other people’s views. Since there is no end to perfection, I have to decide at some point: Now it is finished, now it is perfect. Painting helps me to practice the vision of unity. When I look closely at the beauty of nature, all that remains is the perfection that shines through as pure, divine Consciousness in everything.

    Unterlangenegg, Switzerland