A Verse from
Shri Bhagavad Gita

Verse from Shri Bhagavad Git

English rendering from “You Must Trust Yourself: A Talk by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda,” Darshan magazine no. 52, Path of the Siddhas, p. 45.

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    Pitru Paksha is always a special time in my sadhana. It is the time when I consciously reflect on how the lives of my ancestors have been and what great efforts they made to make life easier for the next generation.
    Verse 2.20 from the Bhagavad Gita helps me broaden my vision and experience. As I contemplated the verse, I felt in my heart that my ancestors live on in me and through me and that ultimately we are one. The fruits of my sadhana then become my loving gift to my ancestors, which I offer to them with deep gratitude.

    Konolfingen, Switzerland

    This verse from Shri Bhagavad Gita, which states that the Self never dies, has been timely for me.

    Today, on the last day of Pitru Paksha, my ninety-four-year-old mother passed away. I have been praying to Gurumayi to grant my mother a tranquil and easy passing, and my prayers have been answered. 

    I am so grateful!

    Marval, France