Ganesha Gayatri Mantra

Ganesh Gayatri lyrics

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    When I read this mantra and its meaning, I was naturally drawn into chanting the words. My heart then guided me to understand every word fully before moving on to the next section of the verse.
    I repeated this mantra several times while waving an incense stick at my puja, where I have placed a small statue of Ganesha for the ten days of the Ganesh Utsava festival. Every time I chant Shri Ganesh Gayatri, I experience a beautiful and auspicious feeling.

    Mumbai, India

    I’m very happy to see the Shri Ganesh Gayatri mantra posted on the Siddha Yoga path website. During this Ganesh Utsava, as I read the actual meaning of the mantra, I understand the deeper meaning of the festival. I feel inspired, and I do honor Lord Ganesh with my full heart.

    Navsari, India

    I have always understood Ganesh to be the remover of obstacles, but until I read this, I had forgotten his role as the destroyer of duality. After contemplating this translation, I see how both of these roles are important and how they go hand in hand together in supporting my life.
    When I perceive obstacles on the spiritual path, I can realize that I am seeing things through a lens of duality and that I’ve forgotten the bigger picture—the picture that includes an ever-present grace extending far beyond what I can see or feel in the moment. So now, whenever I see an obstacle, I will think of Lord Ganesh aiding me to move beyond a sense of duality, expanding my perspective and my faith.

    New York, United States

    Amazing grace!
    I was amazed to see this post on the website. When I read the meaning of the mantras I was overwhelmed. I’ve been forwarding this to my friends and relatives. All day this mantra has been resounding inside myself, and each time I remembered it, my eyes would close and I became filled with contentment and peace.
    Words come up short to express my gratitude for Guru’s grace, which is constantly showering on us, guiding us, showing us the right direction, and creating so many opportunities for us to be engaged with the teachings.

    Kolkata, India