Manasa Puja
Bhagavan Nityananda

A Dharana by Gurumayi Chidvilasananda

Bhagavan Nityananda's Samadhi Shrine in Ganeshpuri

Take a comfortable sitting posture.

Become aware of your breathing. . .

Breathe in deep, breathe out long. . .
Breathe in deep, breathe out long. . .
Breathe in deep, breathe out long. . .

Gently close your eyes.

Visualize yourself standing outside of Bade Baba’s Samadhi Shrine in Ganeshpuri.
In both hands you are holding a puja tray laden with fragrant flowers.
There are gardenias, roses, and jasmine.

Also on the tray are a few other ingredients for the worship—sandalwood paste,
turmeric, kum kum, and grains of rice—as well as a coconut.

The chant Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya is repeating
in your head and your heart.

Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya!

Now, slowly walk up the four marble steps to the Samadhi Shrine,
one step at a time. As you come to the landing,
slowly make your way to the threshold.

Pause there. . . Allow your gaze to reach all the way
to the sanctum sanctorum of the Samadhi Shrine,
where Bade Baba’s golden murti is seated under a silver canopy.
With Bade Baba’s blessings, reverently enter the Samadhi Shrine.

With each step you take towards Bade Baba,
feel yourself become more and more suffused with Bade Baba’s immense energy.
Notice how your heart is becoming moist with the power of devotion.

As you walk the full length of the Samadhi Shrine, one step at a time,
the words of the chant Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya
continue to sweeten your entire being.

You have now arrived in front of the silver padukas,
which rest on a tall marble stand right outside the sanctum sanctorum.
Approach these padukas with devotion and reverence.
These padukas impart the knowledge of Brahman,
the Absolute.

Remember, both your hands are holding a tray of offerings,
with which to worship Bade Baba in the sanctum sanctorum.

Gently bow your head and bring your forehead to the padukas.

Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya

As you raise your head,
a Brahmin invites you to receive Bade Baba’s darshan.
Silently and reverently, enter through the silver gate into the sanctum sanctorum.

You are right in front of Bade Baba.

Become aware of your breath.
Easy breath inside; easy breath outside.

Behold Bade Baba’s gracious glance showering its light upon you.
What a blessed moment.
Bade Baba’s gaze is tender and serene.

Now is the time for the puja in which you make your offerings to Bade Baba.

Holding the puja tray on your left palm,
with your right hand, as gently as a butterfly alighting on a flower,
apply the sandalwood paste on Bade Baba’s feet.
Now apply the turmeric.
Now apply the kum kum.
Now place the grains of rice.

Now, pick up each gardenia and place it at Bade Baba’s feet.
Now the roses, one by one.
And now the jasmine blossoms.

On the tray, you still have one more item.
Offer the coconut with the tray at Bade Baba’s feet.

The Brahmin gives you a silver arati lamp.
Light it. Enjoy the magical flame.

Wave the arati lamp to Bade Baba.

Jaya Jaya Arati Nityananda!

Place the arati lamp on a stand nearby.

With your hands folded in front of you, offer your gratitude to Bade Baba.
The puja is complete.

The prasanna mudra on Bade Baba’s face is imprinted on your heart.
Prasanna mudra, joyful contentment.

Now it’s time for pradakshina.
You will be walking around Bade Baba’s golden murti.

Begin the pradakshina.
Walk in a clockwise direction, as the vibrations of the chant,
Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya, dance in your being.

With every step you take, experience love and devotion for
Bade Baba permeating every cell of your body.
And with every step, you are more open to receive
Bade Baba’s grace and blessings.

Remember––Bade Baba’s grace, Bade Baba’s light,
Bade Baba’s wisdom are the source of protection in your life.
Focus on pradakshina.

Now you have completed a full circle around Bade Baba and
you are standing in front of Bade Baba.
Behold Bade Baba’s gracious glance.
Always return to this connection with Bade Baba in your own heart.

Listen, the Brahmin has prasad, the blessed gift from Bade Baba, to give to you.
The Brahmin is giving you the puja tray,
which is now overflowing with Bade Baba’s prasad.

Look, the tray contains flowers that you offered at Bade Baba’s feet,
pieces of fresh coconut, and sweets.
This prasad is permeated with Bade Baba’s abundant shakti.

With humility, receive and accept this prasad,
a gift from beloved Bade Baba.

Place your right hand on your chest, and
offer your salutations to Bhagavan Nityananda.

Silently walk outside of the silver gate.

Take a seat in the spacious hall,
placing the tray of prasad down beside you.

Close your eyes.

Visualize Bade Baba in your heart.


Words © 2012, 2015 SYDA Foundation. All rights reserved.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    Performing the Manasa Puja to Bade Baba as a dharana today, I remembered the day in 1999 when our seva department offered arati to Bade Baba in his Samadhi Shrine in the village of Ganeshpuri.
    As we stood in front of the murti, together holding an immense arati tray laden with rice, kumkum, turmeric, jasmine, and rose flowers, I felt a current of energy run through me from head to toe. I perceived a golden ring of light, love, and devotion emanating from Bade Baba and encircling us all. I was uplifted to a higher dimension, and my thoughts, emotions, and even the sensation of my physical body dissolved. It was truly an ecstatic experience!

    St. Laurent, Canada

    Listening to the dharana this morning, I was taken to a wonderful place inside myself where no anger, no fear or stress exists—only the love of Bade Baba.
    I feel so uplifted and grateful to have met Baba and Gurumayi, and through them I also met Bade Baba.

    Stockholm, Sweden

    On Bade Baba’s Punyatithi, I started my day with this dharana. During the dharana my heart overflowed with love. My whole being merged with Bade Baba’s form in the Temple. As I emerged from meditation, I still felt myself in Bade Baba’s Samadhi Shrine in Ganeshpuri. So I consciously rose, gently bent over to pick up the tray filled with prasad, and slowly walked towards the entrance, before turning once more, to give thanks to Bade Baba for his darshan and his love.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for making this beautiful dharana available so that I could experience Bade Baba’s darshan and love.

    Paddington, Australia

    As I sat in meditation, with Bade Baba’s prasad tray beside me on the bench, that image of the many children around him, running so close to him, was so real to me. I then saw my new granddaughter there in the group of children! She’s still too young to walk but there she was—full of the joy emanating from her heart! Tears from my overflowing heart ran down my cheeks!  
    I am full of gratitude for Gurumayi’s gift of this precious dharana. I don’t live near my granddaughter but this dharana will take me to her whenever I close my eyes. Bade Baba is indeed everywhere, in all things!

    Texas, United States

    As I performed the Manasa Puja as a dharana, I experienced Bade Baba ji’s all-pervasiveness. I felt the whole sanctum sanctorum, Bade Baba’s heart, and my own becoming one.

    Mumbai, India

    My heart was so moved by participating in the Manasa Puja for Bade Baba that after performing it, I reread the words to further extract its nectar.  And I was overcome with the feeling that herein lies the end of my search, right here in the form of Bade Baba’s pakukas, which “impart the knowledge of Brahman, the Absolute.” Every pranam to the padukas will reconnect me to the great heart of God.

    Maryland, USA

    Today is Bade Baba’s Punyatithi, and I am lucky to be able to devote most of my day to remembering Bade Baba and his teachings.  

    I feel deep gratitude for this dharana. I have just taken the inner journey to my Self, and I have had Bade Baba’s darshan at his glorious Samadhi Shrine in my beloved Ganeshpuri.  As I am sitting here in my home, listening to the birds chirping outside, it feels just like being in the Samadhi Shrine.

    Thank you to Bade Baba, Baba Muktananda, and Gurumayi for this sweet and powerful day!

    Lismore, Australia

    As I listened to the Manasa Puja dharana, I watched my mind stop and could feel the depth of my longing for the Self. My heart did indeed become “moist with the power of devotion.”
    Shortly afterward there was a tremendous storm with lots of lightning and loud thunder and a torrential downpour which quickly flooded my backyard. It felt to me like an expression of Bade Baba’s abundance of blessings, powerfully cleansing my heart. I feel deeply grateful.

    New Mexico, USA

    Recently, my husband and I have been giving our entire attention to the preparation of our new home. This morning, we had a conversation about how much we are yearning for more time to meditate. We realized that just as we schedule time for each contractor working on our home, we want to prioritize scheduling time for our meditation practice.
    This evening, we meditated by following this exquisite dharana. It is such a joy to turn our attention wholly to the breath and to the powerful, enveloping presence of Bade Babe’s Samadhi Shrine. What a blissful meditation—going straight to the heart and seeing Bade Baba enthroned therein.
    As I move about, I can feel Bhagawan Nityananda’s smile on my own face, emanating directly from my heart.
    I look forward to tomorrow, when we will once again follow the same dharana directly to the divine Self.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the grace you bestow upon our lives and the glory of the practices of the Siddha Yoga path. We are full of gratitude.

    New Mexico, USA

    The experience of Manasa Puja was so profound. I was filled with devotion and serenity. As the puja was concluding with meditation, I watched my awareness turn within very naturally, and I went into meditation without any sense of effort.
    It’s been nearly a decade since I last visited Bade Baba’s Samadhi Shrine. After this manasa puja, my heart’s thirst for Bade Baba’s darshan is completely quenched. Om Namo Bhagavate Nityanandaya!
    Thank you so much, Gurumayi, for giving us this Manasa Puja.

    Chennai, India