Siddha Yogis Sharing about Their Creative Expressions
of Gurumayi’s Message for 2018

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A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Starnberg, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Hindelang, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from New Hampshire, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Connecticut, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Heidelberg, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Leichhardt, Australia
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Querétaro, Mexico
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Maryland, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Montreal, Canada
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from North Carolina, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from New York, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a Siddha Yogi from Deggendorf, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Starnberg, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Hindelang, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from New Hampshire, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Connecticut, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Heidelberg, Germany
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Leichhardt, Australia
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Querétaro, Mexico
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Maryland, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Montreal, Canada
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from North Carolina, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from New York, USA
A Creative Expression on Gurumayi’s Message by a  Siddha Yogi from Deggendorf, Germany
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    These images never fail to expand my heart. As I looked at those posted most recently, I felt myself going deep within, flowing into the Truth of the Self, and watching my heart fill with peace and love.
    I feel so grateful to Gurumayi, and to all the artists, for this gallery.

    Massachusetts, USA

    These inspired creative expressions captured my imagination. Tenderness welled up in me as I enjoyed the artwork and read the descriptive commentaries. I am delighted by and honor the many ways of expressing satsang.

    Oregon, USA

    When I looked at this image of a “sculpture” enhanced by the radiance of Savitri’s sunlight, my mind rested in silence and deep and abiding peace.  No words, no feelings, just pure awareness. 
    I was surprised and awed by the depth of experience that occurred so immediately and completely.
    I had to gently pull myself away to read the comments from the photographer about how the image revealed the Self in this natural setting.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for inviting us to engage so deeply and intimately in satsang with the divinity in nature through the creative expressions of our fellow seekers.

    Maryland, USA