Assimilating Gurumayi’s Message for 2016

A Series of Exercises Based on the Four Wheels of the Shaktipat Intensive

Assimilation through Posture

We absorb the Siddha Yoga teachings on many levels of our being. On the physical level, we assimilate the Guru’s words through our bodies. And we can prepare our bodies to receive the teachings by establishing a steady and comfortable sitting posture, or āsana.

A steady and comfortable posture is one that sustains the natural alignment of the body. When we align our body, the prāṇa, the life force within us, grows steady and the mind becomes quieter. We then recognize how the Guru’s teaching resonates in our body and more fully experience the Truth that teaching conveys.

As we assimilate the teaching more fully into our being, it becomes intrinsic to how we lead our lives, infusing our thoughts, words, and actions.

Now, we’ll practice assimilating Gurumayi’s Message for 2016 through posture.

Before we begin, take a few moments to gently stretch your body. When you are ready, come to a seated position.

Click play to practice assimilation through posture.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    For me, this was a freeing and joyful experience! I experienced the words of Gurumayi’s Message as though they were journeying through my body, carried by my breath. It felt as if the Message was dancing around within me, in a subtle inner dance.
    Thank you, Gurumayi.

    New York, USA

    As I was guided to take a steady posture and repeat Gurumayi’s Message, my awareness centered on my own Self. I’m so grateful to Gurumayi for giving her grace and teachings so generously in this form.

    Québec, Canada

    The gentle stretches that Swami ji suggested helped my body settle into a meditative posture. As I followed each instruction carefully, I could feel my body releasing into dynamic energy as I lengthened the spine. The breath that I love so much flowed easefully, leading me to the madhya.
    As I emerged out of this posture, my body was “expansive, supple and light.” This was a true experience of assimilating the teaching on posture.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this preparation for the upcoming Shaktipat Intensive. I am so looking forward to it!

    Nairobi, Kenya

    As I repeated the Message, I felt an energy rising from the base of my spine to the top of my head. I felt the word move vibrating in my belly, anchored in my heart, and joy at the top of my head. After the exercise, I was left with a subtle, yet distinct, energy vibrating in my chest and head; I was in a state of meditation even with my eyes open.
    I am thankful for this creative opportunity to imbibe the Message.

    Montreal, Canada

    I’m so grateful to receive this very specific practice for assimilating Gurumayi’s Message. I was amazed at how powerful it was to spend several minutes sitting in a steady, easeful posture, experiencing the effects of the words of Gurumayi’s Message in my body.
    As I heard the words, the experience within my body was so palpable! I could feel the aliveness of Gurumayi’s Message within my own being, and right away I experienced a deepening of my state of awareness.

    California, USA

    When I first followed the guidance in this exercise, I silently repeated the Message: Move with steadfastness toward becoming anchored in Supreme Joy.  The word Move began standing out for me, and its vibrations became stronger and stronger within me. 
    Today, I sat again. This time I made an intention to just connect and be present as I began repeating the Message. My body became utterly still, open, and tall. I kept repeating the Message and being present. The energy rose within me, and soon I became aware that the Message was repeating itself. A gentle smile appeared on my face and spread from ear to ear. As the Message continued to repeat itself, it felt as if my whole body was smiling gently.

    Stockholm, Sweden

    As I practiced the exercise on assimilation through posture, I felt my mind become calm. My body, in the sitting position in my chair, began to feel more comfortable, balanced, and aligned. I was aware of the flow of my breath throughout my being. Thus, I became ready to assimilate the Message.
    When we were given the words of the Message, in a short amount of time I felt the words pulsating within me in a kind of playful, wavy line. As the end of the session approached, the word move came to the foreground of my mind. It seemed quite bold, as it filled my entire energy field, pulsating and playing.
    Looking back upon this experience, I see that I now understand on a deeper level what move really means. I can practice this exercise again and again to help me to more deeply explore the meaning of Gurumayi’s Message.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, from the bottom of my heart, for your gift of guidance.

    Alaska, USA

    That was wonderful! I listened to Swami Anantananda’s instructions, and as I sat and concentrated on my posture and then breath, I felt myself drawn within to the deep quiet of meditation. When it was time to come back, I felt totally refreshed!

    Florida, USA

    As I practiced the first exercise, I silently repeated Gurumayi’s Message for 2016: Move with steadfastness toward becoming anchored in Supreme Joy. I gave myself time with each word as I focused on my posture. With the words steadfast and anchored, my body felt grounded, absorbing the earth’s loving energy. As I repeated the words Supreme Joy, my body began to sway with a feeling of lightness, and a smile played on my lips.
    The Message continues to unfold its power. Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Illinois, USA

    After a few repetitions of Gurumayi’s Message for 2016, energy rose up from my chest, through my face and my head—illumining my mind and my inner body. A sense of inner peace, of steady calm, arose from deep inside. I experienced the Guru’s grace so powerfully. Thank you, Gurumayi!

    Rome, Italy

    I noticed how grounded I felt as I repeated the Message silently: Move with steadfastness toward becoming anchored in Supreme Joy. As the words steadfastness and becoming anchored resonated in my body, I felt stable and powerful, fearless, and relaxed.

    New York, USA

    In the moist night air, I sat on the curb of my street to behold the moon’s beauty. I found myself naturally lengthening my spine, and a few moments later, my hands were on my thighs in chin mudra. I began to meditate.
    When I returned to my home, I immediately went to the Siddha Yoga path website. I felt surprised and validated to find this teaching on assimilating Gurumayi’s Message through focusing on posture.
    I am truly grateful for this constant support for my sadhana.

    Georgia, USA

    I had not realized the connection between posture and assimilating the Siddha Yoga teachings, so I find this post very interesting. I’m really thankful for this creative and insightful way to imbibe Gurumayi’s divine words and guidance.

    New York, USA